‹ Prequel: Picking Up the Pieces
Status: peanut butter and jelly

Don't Expect Me to Understand

Right Back At It Again

On June 13, my alarm went off at five o’clock. I groaned loudly and untangled myself from Tony so I could turn the alarm off and start the day, which would definitely be a long and exhausting one...

5:30 AM- leave house, head to LAX
6:30 AM- arrive at LAX, pick up Adam Elmakias (who we’d be sharing a bus with)
7:30 AM- return to the Fuentes' house to load up
9:00 PM- leave for Phoenix
2:30 PM- arrive at Phoenix, check in, sound check
4:00 PM- photoshoot with Adam Elmakias
5:00 PM- interview with Fuse
6:00 PM- dinner
6:30 PM- leave for Salt Lake City
5:00 AM (Saturday)- Arrive at Salt Lake City
11:00 AM- First Warped Date begins

Needless to say, I was going to be very very tired tomorrow morning, but I couldn’t imagine how the boys were going to feel. Their first show was at noon, and temperatures were expected to reach at least a hundred degrees.

I finished my shower in record time, and when I returned to our bedroom, Tony was still sleeping. Since we had some time, I decided to be annoying. I jumped on his bed and hit him with a pillow until he started to stir and bat at my legs.

“Good morning Turtle!” I cooed, pinching his cheek. “Look alive, sunshine. We have to leave in twenty minutes.”

He groaned something along the lines of rgufrtwopighhgthfetrugh and ran a hand down his face.

"Once we get on the bus we can make out and watch Star Wars," I persuaded. He shot out of bed and I laughed at his childishness.


When we arrived at the airport, there was a tall, lanky bald guy waiting outside for us with enough suitcases to fill a house.

Tony ran to him with open arms and they hugged while I stood there awkwardly.

He pulled away from the bald guy and introduced me. "Zoe, this is Adam, concert photographer and good friend to the band." The bald guy– Adam– waved at me. "Adam, this is Zoe, my lovely girlfriend and our tour manager." Now it was my turn to wave.

"You two can get acquainted in the car," Tony continued. "We need to haul ass back to San Diego."

Adam and I nodded and, after loading all of his luggage into the car, we were on our merry way.


When I left the car at the Fuentes' house, the first person to greet me was an LOL (little old lady), who looked to be in her early-mid 50s (so maybe she wasn't old). She took both of my hands in hers as she looked me up and down.

"So thees ees who my leetle Antonee ended up wit....der's one good choice he made," she mused. "Mi nena Zoe...sabes que I saw dees coming."

And then it hit me. I knew she looked familiar! Tony's mom! I hadn't seen her since graduation, and probably hadn't talked to her since my mom's funeral.

"Madrina Perry! It's been so long!" I leaned in and gave her a huge bear hug. After all, she was my godmother and practically a second mom.

"Too long, cariña, too long," she replied. "I was waiting for you to recognize me! How's your dad?"

"He's good, I hope Tony Senior is doing well too."

"He certenlee ees, my deer." She smiled and took my hand in hers again. "You are taking good care of my Tony, sí? And he ees good to you?"

Before I could answer, a hand found its way around my waist and its owner kissed my temple. Tony.

"Don't scare her away, Ma," he scolded. "I need her." He turned to me. "And the band does, too. You have forms to fill out and inventory to check."

I nodded before hugging Mrs. Perry one more time. "I'll be sure to say goodbye to you, yeah?" She replied with a smiling nod and I went to help the boys.

I had barely walked two steps when a small body collided with mine and clung to my waist, almost making me fall backwards.

"ZOE BEAR!!!" That voice could only belong to one person– Shane.

"Hello Shaney bear!" I squealed. "I missed you!"

He let me go and I could finally breathe, but not for long– I soon felt a pair of arms pick me up bridal style and spin me around. I'd recognize that smell anywhere: weed, sweat and axe– it belonged to none other than Michael Christopher Fuentes. He smacked my ass as he set me down.

"Miss Zoe Green! It's been a while since I saw that fine ass of yours," he said. Which was a total lie of course, I'd seen him four days ago when ABC Family had a Harry Potter weekend.

"Yeah, sure, Mike. Where's my favorite fruit loop?"

"Vic? He's over there." He pointed to his left. "Be gentle, he's cranky because his favorite flowery shirt is dirty."

I nodded in understanding and placed a hand on his chest. "My condolences."

I followed the general direction of Mike's thumb only to be confronted with no sight of Vic. I was about to turn away when I heard a small whimpering coming from a box...

A box that should've contained an amp, but after further investigation by yours truly, was found to contain a small Mexican curled into the fetal position.

Yes, inside the box was Vic, whimpering quietly and rocking himself back and forth, listening and singing along pathetically to Everybody Hurts.

I threw the lid of the box back fully. "What the fuck, Vic?" I yelled.

The music came to an abrupt stop as Vic scrambled what was left of his manliness and dignity. He stuttered and I filled in the blanks for him.

"What is going– are you crying?! Vic what is wrong with you? Is this because of the shirt because I can get you another one."

He cut me off. "Cupcake is dEAD!"

"Who the fuck is Cupcake?"

"My favorite squishy-faced Internet cat of all time had a terrible asthma attack half an hour ago and died!" He yelled, breaking down into tears again.

I crawled into the box beside him and pulled his tiny body onto my lap. "Awww sweetie...." I cooed.

"Isn't she precious?" He choked out, shoving his phone into my face and crying into my boobs.

I took it from him and flipped through a couple of pictures of this Persian cat with pink fur and bows posed in various places and outfits...and I'll admit, I got a bit choked up at the thought of not being able to see her previously scheduled appearance on the front cover of Cat Fancy magazine.

I set his phone down and pulled him closer to my chest and rocking him like a baby.

"Vic, sweetheart, I know you're sad, but it's almost nine o'clock and we have to go," I said.

"Can we cuddle on my bunk?" He sniffled.

"Maybe, but I don't think Tony would be very happy," I advised. "You could cuddle with Jaime."

He nodded and we stood up together. "Jaime's a better cuddler than you," he mumbled.

"Okay, delusion is obviously setting in." I put an arm around his shoulders and guided him to the bus.

At the door, I was met by Tony, who gave me a confused look. Some Internet cat died, I whispered. He nodded in understanding.

After hugging Mrs. Perry again, Tony and I followed the rest of the stampede onto the bus.

"Come on ladies, let's get a move on," I ordered. "Choose bunks once we get to Phoenix, we're running late! And for the love of god, Mike, stop making fun of your brother!"

Ah, I missed being Tour Mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Welcome back lovelies (✿◠‿◠) enjoy xx

Also, who do you guys want the new band member to be?
*Austin Carlile
*Oli Sykes
*Kyle Pavone

I'm kind of leaning toward Austin, but let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!