‹ Prequel: Picking Up the Pieces
Status: peanut butter and jelly

Don't Expect Me to Understand


It’s an off day before we played Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s also raining, so we can’t really do anything fun outside. For the first time the entire tour, we had everyone inside the bus for the whole day. It’s a bit crowded to say the least.

Nevertheless, we’re managing to entertain ourselves. Tony and I are in the front lounge, him on the first step in front of the door, and me one step above him. I’m getting ready to cut his hair, so this arrangement makes it easier to clean up: just sweep the hair out the door.

“Will you redo my Jedi braid, please?” he asks sweetly, looking up at me with those big brown eyes.

“Sure, hun,” I reply. “Now don’t move your head.” I flip on the clippers and get to work trimming the left side of his head down to a buzzcut. It barely takes five minutes until I’m on to the fun part: trimming the long half.

I don’t think he knows it, but I really love touching Tony’s hair. It’s just so soft and adorable and the shaved side feels funny. When we cuddle, he usually falls asleep before me, and I take that chance to pet his head and stroke his hair. It calms me down and puts a smile on my face.

“Not too short, just at my neck,” he advises.

“Yeah yeah,” I nod as I trim the first little bit of black locks that lay a little past his collar bones, being careful as to not cut my finger with the sharp scissors and remembering to leave one small long part for the braid.

I start from the back, on the floor of the front lounge, then work my way clockwise until I’m directly in front of him, and he’s hugging my waist with his knees while I fix his bangs. I cut them so they aren’t short enough to look like a thirteen year old girl, but not long enough to not be qualified as bangs. They reflect him as a person: cute but badass.

I fluff them a little, kiss his cheek and then I’m done. Except for the Jedi braid. I pull a hairtie off my wrist and, much to his dismay, pull his hair into a short ponytail on the top of his head. Mike, who’s watching TV on the couch, snickers.

“You’re next, Fuentes,” I advise, taking apart the braid and combing the little bit of wavy hair before putting it back into a tight braid that reaches his armpit. “Okay, babe, stand up,” I command once I’m done.

Tony does as he’s told and runs into the bathroom to see how it turned out. When he returns, he picks me up in a hug and twirls me around. “It’s great.” He gives me a quick peck on the lips, then scampers off to his bunk, probably to nap or call his mom.

“NEXT!” I call.


After Mike’s hair is cut and Adam’s head is blindingly shiny, Vic takes a seat on the chair in front of me in the bathroom, where I’d just finished shaving Adam’s alien-like head. “Do my hair,” he instructs me. After I glare at him, he adds “please.”

I squeal in childish excitement. Secretly, I’ve always wanted to do Vic’s hair. Like, style it. Maybe curl it, tease it, give it a little pouf and a bow.

Speaking of bows, I have just the idea.

“Hold still, sweetie,” I tell him as I pull most of his hair up into a half-ponytail sort of thing on the top of his head. Then I split the semi-bun into two, secure either side to his head with bobby pins, then wrap the loose tail part around the middle and pin that down too. I then spray either of the two sections with hairspray and puff them up a bit so they’re not totally flat. I part the remaining hair on the side and curl it cutely.

Holy fucking hell. He looks like a girl ready to go on a date.

“Okay, you can look now,” I announce. “Everyone, come see the masterpiece I’ve created that is Victor’s hair!”

It’s a small, perky hair bow on the top of his head. It’s pretty, and cute. Kind of like him. Not at the moment though. He looks ready to stab me.

Meanwhile, the rest of the band and crew is either smiling hugely or laughing hysterically. Save for Shane, who awwwwwwwes and squishes Vic’s face.

Adam arrives and pushes through the small crowd that has formed in front of the bathroom, camera in hand. “Smile, you too!”

I pose with Vic, grinning like crazy, while he looks undeniably miserable, with that look of what the fuck am I doing with my life on his face.

It’s the happiest our bus has been in a while, and even though he’s frowning, I know Vic’s enjoying it as much as everyone else is.

We’re finally one big happy family again. It’s like I’m the mom, and my husband, kids, and friends are all gathered around to see my adorable little baby, who I’m super proud of. We have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we all love each other and we all go to bed smiling.

It’s weird, but I think I like it like that.
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this is a filler, but i figured you guys needed some happy stuff after all the shit this plot has gone through

also i did a bow like the one in the story this weekend for my friends prom it was super easy and cute

just fyi