Devil Town


“So this is the boyfriend you were talking about the last time I was in town?” Tyra questioned Becky over a plate of short ribs at Applebee’s at a quarter to noon. Becky nodded her head, swallowing a bite of food. “It’s been a rocky road,” Becky admitted after she had swallowed and started to sip on a glass of sweet ice tea.

“We’ve had a lot of obstacles to overcome…” Luke admitted in a soft voice, sitting there beside Becky and across from Tyra. Luke, being a typical man, he was already finished with his plate of lunch. These two ladies: they talked more than they chewed or at least it seemed that way to Luke.

“Are you the one who….” Tyra’s voice trailed off and Luke nodded. He knew where she was going with that. The abortion… that had been his baby. Luke and Becky, even now, both ultimately knew they were in no position at that point to have a baby together. They weren’t even in a stable situation right now for Becky to get pregnant.

It had taken a lot for Luke Cafferty to forgive Becky Sproles over the abortion. Over time, he had come around to understanding it was for the best. It didn’t mean they couldn’t ever have kids in the future if the opportunity arose… It just meant that right then: it hadn’t been the right time.

“Well you two remind me a lot of Tim and me… except he and I were a lot younger.” Tyra went on, licking her fingers of the tasty barbecue sauce that adorned the ribs upon her plate. “Although I got to admit. You two are probably keeping it a lot more PG-13 than Tim and I did.” She laughed, thinking back on the days when they were just lost teenagers at Dillon High.

Tyra had been extremely lost, that was until Tami Taylor came into her life. Tyra thought she was destined to be her big sister, Mindy Collette-Riggins. Work at the landing strip, marry a Riggins, Dillon…Dillon…Dillon. Everything her Mother or her sister did revolved around Dillon, Texas. There was going to be no getting out for her—or at least that’s what she had told herself every single day, because no one had ever told her differently until Mrs. Taylor came along.

“Tim seems so docile now compared to what he was like…” Becky admitted and Tyra nodded. “If you’d have gone to jail for ten months, I’m sure you’d be more docile, too afterwards.” That wasn’t it though, Becky thought to herself. Tim was different even before he went to jail, to the Tim that Tyra referred to in her old stories. Becky wasn’t quite sure when the change happened since she hadn’t known Tim Riggins for all the years Tyra Collette had…but the change happened somewhere. It had happened.

“So. Luke, you’ve graduated?” Tyra asked the male sitting across from her and he nodded. “I’ve joined the National Guards,” he admitted and she gasped a bit. “A military man! Becks, you didn’t tell me,” Tyra fake whined with excitement.

Becky laughed softly and rolled her shoulders a little. “It really only recently happened and became official… we still don’t even know when he leaves for basic training.” The seventeen year old admitted. She hoped it would be later rather than sooner. “Well I think it’s very respectable you joined the Guards. It’ll definitely whip your ass into shape, that’s for sure.” Tyra commented.

Luke cackled and agreed. “That’s exactly what my parents are saying. I’m this farm boy from Dillon, Texas, who also learned to love football. They say the military or at least the Guards are exactly what I need to take the country out of the boy and make me a man.” Those had been his Mother’s near exact words.

Becky, however, didn’t quite see it that way. It hurt her to know that Luke was going off to…what was in her mind: war. Even though he reassured her time and time again that basic training was nothing like that, it still frightened the hell out of the young girl. She respected Luke for joining the Guards, yes. He was turning into such an amazing young man and Becky was so honored to be his girlfriend…but she still felt like it wasn’t right.

Becky believed Luke was already a wonderful young man for being a farmer, for being a football player. He was already amazing, he didn’t have to join the National Guard to be that way to her… so he didn’t know why Luke’s parents were saying those things when they simply weren’t true, at least not for her.
“Wow. I’ve met Dallas Walker a few times. He’s definitely a tough coach…” Landry’s voice trailed off. He was pleasantly stunned at what Vince had shared with him, about where Jess was and what she was doing. Landry had been off to college and had no idea that Jess and her family had moved to Dallas, Texas, several hours away from Dillon. He was happy for her family and the opportunity to make Ray’s BBQ into a great food chain. Landry was even more surprised, though, when Vince told him that Jess was now under the tutelage of Dallas Walker.

Landry could remember a few times, especially when playing for the Dillon Panthers, when Coach would call in Dallas Walker for advice. Landry had met him a few different times, although to be frank they weren’t on a first name basis or anything. Then again, Coach Taylor was famous for referring to Landry as ‘Lance.’

“Coach Taylor put in a real good word for Jess. She did a great job being our equipment manager…” Vince’s voice began to trail off. Just when he had gotten used to having Jess on “the team,” it was then that she had to leave him. It was just as Vince was getting happy, settled…he didn’t feel lost anymore, that now he felt more lost than ever. Vince missed Jess more than words could even begin to describe…

“Well, I’m sorry to hear she moved away, but I’m glad she’s got out of here to make a name for herself. Believe me, it’s easier said than done,” Landry admitted as he finished up his two barbecue sandwiches with potato salad and baked beans. “I guess some of us are lucky enough to get out of Dillon completely, while others… well, my family is still here. I’ll never leave for good,” Landry sighed just a bit at that notion. It seemed Matt had gotten away completely…and maybe Jess, too.

“I’m glad to hear that though, man. I don’t want to lose any more friends.” It meant a lot to Landry to hear Vince call them friends. Their friendship had started off so rocky that honestly Landry never thought they’d come this far. Especially when they had been fighting over Jess for the longest of time… It actually pepped up Landry’s attitude for the afternoon.

“What about everybody else?” Landry asked and Vince slowly started to fill him in on Cafferty joining the National Guards. Tinker was still…Tinker. Landry and Vince talked about Julie and Matt as well, even though Vince didn’t know them as well as Landry did. He missed his best friend Matt, who was up in Chicago… He missed him on holidays, hell; he missed him every morning when he woke up. For almost three years Landry had driven Matt to school nearly every day… he missed that the very most.

Vince and Landry talked about a lot of things outside of Ray’s BBQ that afternoon. Football, school in general, Vince’s Mother and how she was doing… a lot of things. Somehow all their conversations ended up going back to Jess…Vince kind of liked that, to be honest. It was almost like she wasn’t gone at all.
“It’s beautiful, Tim,” Lyla’s soft voice stirred Tim Riggins out of his own thoughts. They’d been standing here for about ten minutes now, just taking in the beauty of the land that surrounded them for what seemed like miles. Tim absolutely had to show Lyla this before she disappeared back to college for the next year. After all, it was her that he imagined living on this land with. It was memories of her and of Street that had urged Tim within his mind to go through with buying the land in the first place.

“Billy and I have been working real hard on the house. I know it barely looks done… but, we’ve been working for a few months on it now.” Tim admitted. “It’s all paid off now… it’s all mine. Everyone seems so proud. Like this land has… made me a man.” Tim went on, rather astounded at the way people treated him now that he owned ‘big time Texas land,’ and was building a house. It was almost like they’d forgotten the sleazy, worthless, drunk man he used to be.

“It kind of does, Tim. You’re almost twenty years old; you’ve got a house being built on land that you own. Not a lot of people here can say that. Hell, not even my Dad.” Lyla said softly in a tone of almost defeat. She sighed in content as she felt Tim wrap his arms around her from behind, the two of them looking out at the land together.

“He can always have a piece for his own house…” Tim whispered into Lyla’s ear, holding her tightly to him. “Anyone you want to have a piece… I’d give it to them. Because this land is yours, too… There’s only one other person I’d ever truly share this land with aside from you…” Tim’s voice trailed off. Lyla didn’t even have to hear him say it.

“Jason would be so happy for you. Have you called him and told him?” Lyla asked and Tim nodded his head slowly. “I have, since I got out of jail. He was here in town during football season at the end of last year but I was still in jail…he didn’t have time to come see me. He was here really as a favor to the Panthers,” Tim explained.

“He should really come and see it. Texas Forever has never been so close to being reality.” Lyla admitted and turned in Tim’s arms, gazing up into his eyes. So many times she’d looked up into his eyes…and even into Street’s. She’d been in this situation so many times, but it had never felt more right than right now.

For years, Lyla Garrity beat herself up over the fact she had fallen in love with her ex-boyfriend Jason Street’s best friend. But right now at twenty years old… she knew she was home with Timmy Riggins. Tim completed her in ways that Jason never did. No boyfriend ever could.

“I am going to say the summer,” Lyla finally admitted, pushing some loose strands of hair out of Tim’s face. “I wanna watch you and Billy build on the house,” she grinned rather widely, ear to ear almost. Tim felt himself go somewhat weak at the knees. But a piece of him…he questioned: would she really stay for the summer?

They walked around the land for the longest time. Lyla told Tim about what she envisioned the house looking like… she envisioned an in-ground pool but also agreed with Tim that part of it should be a farm. The land shouldn’t go to waste and not be used as a natural habitat to some animals. Part of her did envision her Dad having a small place on the other side of the land… she felt so bad for him right now. Even though Buddy was running a very successful bar…it still wasn’t what he wanted out of life and Lyla knew that. Lyla knew her Father would never be completely happy without notoriety and the fortune that came with it.

Lyla felt more at home here in Dillon, right here with Tim, than she had ever felt. Honestly…she was starting to get the notion of never leaving again… she’d keep that to herself for now. The two of them watched a beautiful sunset together that evening on Tim’s piece of land. It warmed Lyla’s heart and soul to spend this time with Tim and honestly? It did the same for him.

Tim loved and adored Tyra Collette, and he felt bad that he was here, sharing a moment so perfect with Lyla Garrity after spending quite a few moments with Tyra here…but he wasn’t IN love with Tyra like he was with Lyla. Lyla would always be Tim’s ‘end all girl.’ There was nothing that was going to change that.
“Tim, is that you?” Billy called from the bedroom. He had been tending to Mindy who was having some small cramps along with a few contractions. The doctor had said that contractions could start a few days prior to Mindy’s water breaking. Birthing twins was going to be a lot different than Stevie’s birth…the doctor had forewarned.

“No, it’s Tyra. Tim isn’t here?” Tyra called out from the kitchen, putting her car keys and purse down on the bar and walking to the sound of Billy’s voice. She found her brother-n-law and sister in the bedroom. Mindy looked as if she had a fever, but soon Tyra realized it was only from some pain.

“How long has she been like this?” Tyra asked in a quiet voice as to not disturb her sister who looked like she was concentrating on anything else but the pain at that moment. “About twenty minutes. The doctor said she could have pretty bad contractions for days before her actual water breaks… twins are going to be the death of us,” Billy admitted in just as quiet of a voice.

“I went down to Tim’s land this morning when I first got into town thinking he’d be there working on the house… didn’t find him, but I did find somebody else.” Tyra started and Billy chuckled a bit, only imagining what she could have found.

“I found Becky and Luke naked in the back of his truck,” with Tyra admitting that, Mindy howled out in half pain and half laughter. Both Tyra and Billy looked at Mindy like she was crazy, but after a few moments the pain had subsided thanks to her laughter.

“I think the babies like laughing,” Mindy pointed out and re-situated herself somewhat in the bed now that the pain had eased. Then Tyra realized there was a little tenseness in the room so the dark haired female with blond roots showing quirked a brow. “What are you two keeping from me?”

“Lyla’s in town for the summer,” Billy said in a very soft voice. He really didn’t have to say anything more… Tyra’s heart had already fell out of her chest and tumbled to the cold wooden floor. She remembered one of the last times she and Tim spent together about a month ago, she had optimistically started thinking maybe Lyla Garrity would never come back to Dillon. Apparently those thoughts were thought a little too soon.

“I know she and Tim spent a lot of last night talking. I don’t think they slept together,” he admitted, knowing maybe that would ease Tyra’s suspicious mind. “They left earlier today. I don’t know where they were going. I know Tim has the day off so I don’t think he’d go to the bar on his day off,” Billy went on. “Why didn’t you stop by here sooner to see if he was home?” He asked his sister-n-law.

“Well after I found Becky and her man in the back of the truck, we all went to Applebee’s for some lunch. I never thought I would miss Tim cavorting with Lyla.” There was an edge of ice to Tyra’s voice. Billy didn’t exactly hear it but Mindy could, loud and clear.

“Ty-bear don’t go off getting really upset. It’s not going to help you or me… Maybe they just need some time together. This was the first I’ve seen her in two years… I don’t think Tim is out to break your heart this time,” Mindy said of her brother-n-law. Tim had changed a lot since jail and even Tyra knew that… but had he changed so much that he really loved her, Tyra, and not Lyla anymore?
“Who the hell could be calling this early in the damn morning?” Eric grumbled as he rolled around the bed he shared with his wife, Tami. Tami was slightly more subtle even when being woke up in what she would call the middle of the night. She glanced at the clock beside the bed and it read 4:15 in the morning on Wednesday, June 8th, 2011.

She picked up the cordless house phone and answered it with a simple and soft spoken ‘hello.’ “Tami? It’s Tyra; I’m so sorry to wake you and Eric up…” the girls voice trailed off until Tami replied. “Oh, Tyra, no, it’s okay sweetheart. Is something wrong?” Tami had heard a slight undertone of distress in the younger girls’ voice.

“Billy wanted me to call you and Coach. My sister’s in labor. We just now got to the hospital; he’s gone back with her while I get a hold of you and try getting a hold of Tim.” Tyra explained. Of course, the excitement in Tami’s own stomach began to churn. “I’ll be up there as soon as I can get up there. You keep calling to get a hold of Tim.”

Tami hung up abruptly and shook Eric back awake. He grumbled something incoherent, and then looked up at her in the dim light of the bedroom like she was a devil in the night. “It is not football season yet. I refuse to wake up this early,” he mumbled and rolled over to his other side.

“Eric, Mindy’s in labor.” There were a lot of thoughts going through Eric’s head right then. A sliver of him wanted to tell his wife to go to hell, and then the other part of him remembered promising Billy Riggins that he and Tami would be there.

Eric sighed some as he rolled out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom as a typical man would. Tami knew this was going to be a very long morning for them and God knows for who else.
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Word Count: 3,036