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Metro Lights

Metro Lights

It was a long day already. The two of them had just come from a Nats game. It was Netty’s first game, apparently that was really strange according to Zack.

‘You’re sixteen! Were you that sheltered?!’ he had said.

It wasn’t her fault though, she never really thought about it because the games were always on the television.

Going to the game though, had turned out to be really fun. Especially with Zack there. He got her to yell and chant and join in on waves. He clarified the things the stupid umps declared. He kissed her on the home team’s runs, mixing their sweaty grossness. She could put up with sweat if it was always followed up by Zack.

The thought made Netty smile – not that she wasn’t smiling before. God dammit she just loved that boy to death.

Zack was right next to her, on her left, keeping a tight hold onto her hand.

This days is great, fantastic, she thought, squeezing his hand and looking up at his face. That Goddamn perfect face. Every expression – fuckin’ perfect.
Zack put his eyes on hers and released the ends of his mouth to turn upwards. Netty pressed her lips together to cage the even bigger grin that was almost impossible to suppress.

Zack squeezed her hand back, and Netty’s heart skipped a beat. That was all it took. Just him noticing her was making her act jittery with butterflies in her stomach.

How can this be real? Netty questioned her reality. They were taking their time strolling through the United State’s capital’s night life.

The two of them came across a club called Intensity. If the dubstep they heard from the inside was wind, then a hurricane evacuation would be needed.

“C’mon, let’s go!” urged Zack.

Netty shrugged in response and let him take her anywhere he wanted again.

The inside was electric blue and black darkness in alternating light patterns. Fog clouded over the heads of those on the dance floor, tossing a chemical-smelling scent everywhere. The floor, Netty noticed as she looked down, was all glass, that flashed colors and pictures onto people’s feet. A strong, bass, thump-thump came from under the floor and Netty noticed her bass-playing Zack was nodding his head to the music.

The place actually, seemed more like a rave, but definitely intense, and Zack was pulling her towards the mass of ravers – a pile of people looking like they got shellshock.

“I feel like dancing tonight!” he shouted, barely heard by Netty over the electronic screaming.

Soon they were camouflaged in the mass of ravers, pushed into each other tightly – plus like five other people each.

Netty couldn’t keep herself from owning an ear-to-ear smile the entire time. She didn’t mind this sweat either.

They were in the middle of grinding when two people on their right who were dancing on top of each other started getting louder than the beat with their shouts of fun.

Oh wait… Netty’s mind realized.

Embarrassed by what she saw, Netty fixed her gaze in the complete opposite direction and focused on Zack behind her.

“Uh –!”

– Who now had taken a hold of her hips. She giggled and blushed some more.

She loved Zack so much she almost hated him.

Suddenly, the color of the room changed to gold and black, and the chemical clouds started raining gold glitter from above that coated everything. Some really high idiots tried to catch the gold ‘snow’ with their tongues.

Netty and Zack took a moment from the intense dancing to look in each other’s eyes and laugh at the giant inflated rubber duckie slowly falling from the sky-mirroring ceiling.

When the first finger touched the creepy, inflated rubber duckie, the inside of the yellow, glittered monstrosity glowed a rainbow and then put on its own light show.

After a while, the colors then became red and black and gold glitter. The red was the red that vampires preferred, and it almost matched the shade of Zack’s Nationals shirt.

The red on the glitter pounced off a cool effect in the fog above Netty’s head (Which she was sure now, that was composed of some illegal drug, probably crack, because this amount of fun and happiness probably never happened under full commitment to the law.). It was beautiful. It was like one of those new age chefs who used science dissected only the first parts of a sunset.

With how close Netty and Zack were over the time inside the club Intensity, she felt like they melted together a long time ago. His cologne – weak after their entire day – was all over her, and she was surely glued to him.

Netty almost wished that they were doing the same dance that the couple next to them (They left right before the red lights) were doing ages ago.
“Hey Zack!” Netty leaned in to his ear, putting her hand over his bare shoulder (Since the sexiest man alive never liked wearing shirts, he peeled it off like 90% so that it hung from his neck like a scarf.).

“Yeah?!” he yelled back.

“I think we should go back home!”

“What time is it?!” he questioned, screaming in the red gleam.

Netty peered down to her left wrist then right, spotting no watch.

“Late!” she called even louder.

“Alright!” Zack grinned tenderly through the jostling around them.

Zack formed the way out of the place, gripping her hand with extreme force. Netty liked to think that was because he didn’t want to lose her (In all those weird interpreted ways).

At the exit, Netty looked back to see the giant, inflated rubber duckie deflating mysteriously. She laughed at how stupid fun things could be.

“Whoo! That was a bust,” raised Zack’s voice, unaware of the decibel level change.

“Really?” asked Netty. “I thought it was pretty awesome!”

When she spoke, her mouth let out its own fog.

Zack rolled his eyes playfully at her.

“You’ve got some glitter on your face,” she told him.

“Where?” the tall man questioned genuinely, and in the cutest way.

Netty put her face teasingly close to Zack’s perfectly sculpted one, drawing out a long “Riggghhhht…” And instead of saying “there” like normal people, Netty pushed her lips onto Zack’s – glittered thoroughly.

And then there they were, making out in front of Intensity. A strong fire burned in her body despite the crappy, humid, immensely sticky cold.

After they finally pulled away, Netty felt like she was a human radiator. She also noticed the rainbow of neon lights of the street reflected in his beautiful irises. The colors were so brilliant, that Netty’s subconscious told her to paint flowers those specific colors.

Finally getting the strength to break away from their embrace, the two of them started down to the nearest metro station to get home. They continued hand-in-hand.

Luckily for them, it was one in the morning and no one was there to see what they were doing on the blue line.

Netty had climbed on Zack and again they were passionately French kissing the hell out of each other, feeling each other up at the same time.

When the train started slowing, they furiously tried to button, zip, and straighten all their clothes before anyone saw.

The two were smirking to themselves and ignoring the annoying, flickering, pale, dulled, yellow overhead light on the other side of the car. It was their stop to get off to an adjacent color-named train line.

Holding hands, Netty and Zack made their way over and around the station maze with lots of yellow flickering and/or dead, dull, yellow, pale lights over to their next platform. They did as the signs told, not stepping over the weird bumpy caution/warning strip stone tiles.

“Did you see that couple next to us?” he asked her laughing.

“Oh my God, you noticed them too?” Netty asked.

“It was really hard not to, I mean, they were having sex. And being really ‘oral' about it.”

“Ew, Zack! That’s gross!” (And they actually did both kinds of sex in front of everybody.) Netty shivered.

He laughed at her kindly, and followed up with, “You know, we could’ve done those things too,” with the screeching of a train in the background.

Netty blushed furiously as he finished whispering it (Well, she felt like he was whispering, they didn’t come from a quiet place.) into her ear.

Zack continued with, “Actuallly, we still can, just stay at m–”

The train came by and swept Zack in front. It looked like he was pulled by a vortex. His limbs dragged while he flew backwards with his back leading. Netty saw the slow motion shock on his face as her heart skipped a beat from the words he never finished. His last touch with her was their fingers, trying to stay together. A cloud of gold glitter had sprayed.

Then time returned to normal, and the few people that were in the metro and especially the fewer that witnessed the event shrilled their voices.

A man appeared suddenly in front of Netty, arms outstretched like he was pushing a box. When she looked into his eyes, they were familiar.

When he turned and ran, Netty recognized his tattoos and cried out a feeble yell of “Adam!...”

She then fell to her knees, forehead almost touching the cold, stone tiles, but the tears wouldn’t come.

Her life just changed. He would never…He would miss…She would miss…They would never...touch again…He would never…

…smile again.

And pain filled Netty’s eyes and throat. One became dry and one overflowing with stingy saltwater.

At the other end, on the front of the blood splattered train, mixed with a crazed golden glitter.


Her hands laid useless on the ground, one on the bumpy tiles filled with flickering, dead, and alive; dull, pale, yellow lights; the other on smooth tiles.

Her subconscious paralyzed her entire body.

Why…Why didn’t he hold on to her harder?

He could’ve taken her with him…

But now…she’s all alone.

She would never see his smile.

What if she forgot his smile?

Why didn’t she hold on to him harder?