Status: if you ever had to deal with abuse you better NOT read this bcs it may be triggering

my diary 03-04-13

tuesday 28-05-13

tuesday 28-05-13
dear diary,
this is the first time in a few weeks i'm actually on my computer.
i still feel weak but the doctor says that will be fine soon enough
so if you wanna know why i was in hospital:
i tried to comitted suicide a few weeks ago and nobody was home so it was the perfect timing to try,
but when i took the pills i heard the someone opened the front door and yelled 'I'M HOME!!!' i immediately knew it was my dad but i already took the pills and they knocked me out i didn't know my dad would be coming home that day he didn't tell me. anyway the pills knocked me out when i was in de bathroom and i locked the door so my dad needed to force the door before he could come and help me i only heard he yelled my name a few times then is was dad came in and called 199 i was in coma for 2 weeks and had to learn some things again like : writing, reading, spelling things right and all that stuff so that why it took so long before i could write again like i already said i still feel very weak and need to sleep a lot bye guys xox
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i'm sorry i was in the hospital for a few weeks bcs i tried to comitted suicide so i couldn't write! i'm sorry ya'll