Status: if you ever had to deal with abuse you better NOT read this bcs it may be triggering

my diary 03-04-13

friday 05-07-13

friday 05-07-13
dear diary,
don't you think it's funny when people get mad at you when you only care about them and ask them what's wrong when you think they're acting weird?!
it makes me wanna cry, she doesn't trust me and thinks i don't understand self harm, well it's for sure i do. i have cuts all over my body, but no, no i don't understand self harm. well i obvious do!!
and it makes me mad and i feel like i can breakdown every moment.
i trust her with everything tell her everything what's going on, and when they're acting weird, and tweeting things like 'go. away. leave. me. alone.' i know there's something wrong, and it hurts she doesn't trust me enough to tell me, she only tells me that there's nothing wrong and that i need to shut the fuck up. well i'm not gonna do that i promised her i would be here for her whenever she needs me and i'm not letting her down.
xox Alexander