Status: I will update as often as possible as long as people keep reading.

Perfectly Imperfect

Everyone lives their life in two very different ways. Some walk a straight and steady path, while others may walk a curvy mountain like path. The ones that walk the straight and steady path are the ones whom never miss a day of school, always get straight A’s, they do everything their parents tell them, they date only the ones their parents approve of, they go to college, become a well-known something or other, they Marry the one they have been with for what seems like forever, they stay virgins until their wedding night, then they live their life happily having children whom they try to make perfect just like their parents did to them when in all reality there is no such thing as perfect. While on the other hand the ones that walk a curvy mountain like path are the ones who either in rebellion or just because they had a hard life, never do anything like they should, they miss lots of school, they are lucky to get a B on their report cards, they date whoever they want, and have sex with whoever they want, breaking hearts along the way, they sneak out of the house, stay out pass curfew, they go to parties, drink, and have maybe if they want to, they do drugs, they blare their music in their cars with their windows down not caring whose on the outside of the car, they don’t care if they go to college or not or maybe they just go to get it out the way, some of them find people to fall in love with and get married, they have children that they try to get to learn from their mistakes, but they live a perfectly imperfect life which makes it that much better, these are the people that experience life the way they should. So what happens with the bad guy walking a curvy path falls in love with the good girl walking a straight and steady path? Life gets really complicated.

Hayden Woods and Alex Lavon grew up living next door to each other they were best friends until Alex's father died then Alex became the typical bad boy while still hanging out with Hayden's brother John. It's now their Junior year of High School and all Alex has going for him is Football. Hayden is working hard in school to get far away from dearborn high school. Alex tries to make up to Hayden for pushing her away, but he never expects to fall in love with his used to be best friend.