Status: Active. Updates to come!



“Oliver, you haven't eaten a proper meal in days. Please just open the door?” Oli gave a feeble laugh and shook his head. This was the fourth time his mother had tried to convince him to leave his room today. It was starting to become endearing, but he had no plans of leaving his only solitary. Oli sighed and pulled his knees up to his chest, listening as he heard his mothers light footsteps retreat from his door and back down the stairs.

Believe it or not, up until this point Oli was never one for solitude. In fact, he was always the life of the party, the center of attention. His venture into utter isolation had only started earlier this month. It was a slow progression, really. It started with the sudden lack of emotion and sleeplessness, and then he began hearing the voices whispering to him from the dark corners of his mind.

Though Oli was frightened to a degree, he refused to tell his family. He kept it all a secret until his brother, Tom, had found Oliver convulsing in the corner of his bedroom, hiding in the shadows. As Tom came closer, he saw Oli’s hazel eyes glazed over, a distant look gracing his pointed features. Tom had to wrestle his big brother’s arms away from himself, because Oli had been scratching at his arms for so long that blood was seeping from his pores, building up under his nails.

His parents tried to talk to him countless times after that incident, even his beloved baby brother had tried to reason with Oli, suggesting therapy or a doctor’s visit at the least. But everyone knew how stubborn Oli Sykes was. What they didn’t know was Oli was just as scared as they were. However, what truly scared Oli was the reality that he had some form of a mental disorder. He was sure that he could sort it out himself and that's why he remained locked in his room. His parents and brother had no idea just how bad he had gotten since his isolation and Oliver wasn't about to tell them.

He was finding it increasingly harder to stay connected with reality for long, lapsing in and out of hallucinations. He couldn't seem to separate real life from his own made up images any longer. But even that wasn’t the worst part for Oli. In the last few days, he began blacking out and upon waking up; he found new cuts, bruises, and even carvings decorating his tattooed skin. He couldn’t seem to find an explanation for them apart for the obvious - he had done it to himself.

Regardless, Oli was still sure he could fix this himself. Who needs a therapist anyway, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this is my new baby. ♥ It's a really short first chapter, I know. The rest will be longer, but I wrote this on my phone before I fell asleep last night. So keep or kill? Also, give me your opinions and suggestions on a pairing? It's gonna be a slash, because that's what I typically write, but the pairing isn't going to be the main focus of the story. (I'm partial to Oli x Matt Nicholls and Sykecest, js.)

Leave me your feedback!