Status: Working On it (:

2,000 Light Years Away


After the long hours of cleaning up the paint and putting things back the way it was, I went to take a long hot shower. Once I was finished I layed in my bed with lights off. I didn't want to be bothered and I didn't want to do anything else. I felt to bad to go out, it was never my intentions to drive Billie Joe away like that or make him feel like I was leading him on. Because I wasn't. At all. I was just too insecure and so unsure about everything. He was right, I was confusing him with my past demons. I assumed that he would to the same thing that Jermaine did and I wasn't ready for another heartbreak. How can I let things get this far? I've only been here in Rodeo for about 3 weeks and I already upset someone. The guilt washed over my body all over again. Times like this I wished daddy was here. He would make me feel better by his sweet words and his comfort. I would talk to my mom about everything. But she is never around anymore since that man came in the picture. She light-way changed; she acts different. It's like, Martin is all she see's. Rob is always out with his buddies so he's also rarely around. I felt like things were going to get better when we came back home. I felt like we, as a family, will get closer. But now were just grew apart. Mom fell in "love" so she follows Martin everywhere and Rob just grew up. Dad's gone and I'm just being teenage girl with a fucked up head just like every insane women would.

You know, if you really think about it, when you're like five years old and younger we don't really worry about a lot of things. Especially us females. We never cared about how we looked, we never cared what people thought about us and we sure as hell didn't care about boys. But now that we grew up. It all changed, and I can't speak for everyone else. But I really do wish I was five again.

A knock came from my door and Tre walked in.

"Rob let me in, and Billie told me what happened." He explained as he walked towards my bed and layed himself next to me sideways.

"I'm dumb I know, I tell myself that all the time." I said in pure remorse.

"He's just doesn't understand girly, don't beat yourself up over this. He's over exaggerating."

"Tre," I sat up. "He's right about what he said. I was confusing myself with Billie Joe and Jermaine. I let my past with Jermaine get the best of me. I really like Billie, I do. I'm just so scared and so insecure."

"Lyrics, if I had to tell you one thing about Billie Joe it would be he is very caring. He's not that kind of guy. He's been fucked over by so many girls multiple times, it's crazy. He's more torn up in the heart than you are. If that's possible. It also got us some great songs." He chuckled.

I smiled down at my best friend, he always knew what to say to me and always knew how to keep me sane besides Heather. I wouldn't know what I would do if I didn't have them around. It would be like having a conversation with no one to listen. Weird, I know.

"Thank you Tre." I hugged him.

"Anytime sugar foot. Now go to sleep I'm tired." He demanded as he tried getting himself comfortable.

"You're staying over tonight?" I giggled. Feeling excited that Tre is staying, he used to sleep over everyday when we were younger.

"Of course, you think my fat ass is going to walk back home?"

"True." I laughed.

It's been a few days since then. Today was the fourth of July; and I was ready to celebrate. I always get excited of this day not only because of the fireworks, but the time you spend with you're friends and family at BBQ's until dawn in the warm summer nights as Fireflies comes out. Today, everyone in town was going to be at East Bay park; and today was also a "No Bullshit" day for Lyrics. I just wanted to enjoy spending time with everyone and watch pretty explosions sparkle in the sky as everyone celebrates the day. It was already 3 PM; Heather, her girlfriend Coral, Tre, and I was walking around the grocery store with a cart full of mini flags, plastic plates, plastic cups, meat, and junk food.

"Tre! You fucking idiot look what you did..." Heather gawped at the broken flag Tre have broken in two.

"Just put it down and walk away very slowly..." He said as he placed the broken object down slowly and walked away while he whistled innocently and Heather followed along. I giggled at their actions and so did Coral.

"Hey guys!" Mike came from behind with Billie Joe at his side, looking down sheepishly.

My heart dropped down to my stomach and I tried setting a warm smile upon my face. I haven't seen Billie since that day and to cross roads with him unexpectedly was quite awkward.

"Hey Mike," I hugged him before turning my attention to Billie, he was still looking down at the ground like a little five year old who didn't get what he wanted from the toy store. "Hey Billie."

He nodded his head without looking at me, guilt washed over me all over again.

"So," Mike started, thankfully breaking the awkward silence. "I see you're all--Tre what the fuck man?!"

Tre had opened the bag of Doritos chips that was placed in Mikes basket. He continued to munch on them with no expression.

"Fucking dumbass you're going to pay for those." Billie Joe rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Well, I'm going to go pay for these stuff and we will see you guy's down at the park, yeah?" I smiled.

"Sure thing." Said Mike. Billie only stood there in silence as he rubbed the back f his neck.

I didn't understand why he was making things so awkward. I mean does he not want to talk to me anymore? Did I screw shit up that bad, that he practically ignores me now? I didn't understand and I'm sure I don't want to understand. He was acting completely childish. But I don't want to act like I didn't care either, you know? Because I did. It hurts when he ignored me the way he did. I guess I would have to talk things out with him at the park since he's going to be there as well.

We payed for the stuff and began driving back to my house. I parked my car in the driveway and Tre carried the bags inside, placing them in the kitchen. He wasn't hesitant to begin his search in my fridge for a snack. "You're such a fat-ass," Heather rolled her eyes as she sat down on top of the counter and Coral stood between Heather's legs.

"This fat-ass makes money every night at the street corner sweet cheeks." He winked as he shoved a Bologna sandwich in his mouth.


"Hey kids," Mom smiled, walking in the kitchen.

"Hey Mamma." Said Tre along with Coral and Heather.

"I bought some stuff mom," I said, taking out the objects I bought at the store.

"That's great sweetie, I hope you and Rob have a great time." She smiled at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean 'Rob and I'? Aren't you coming also?"

"Um, no. Martin and I will be out for dinner at olive garden."

Anger arose in my body at the mention of my own mother missing out on a holiday with us for the very first time for some bastard that didn't even matter to this family. This was some bullshit, "But mom you never missed out on a holiday. Why now?"


Just then she was cut off by Martin calling my name, "Lyrics, may I speak to you for a moment please?" He asked. I had a feeling this wasn't going to turn out very well with whatever it was.

I walked into the living room with him and I waited him to speak.

"Who are those lesbians?" He asked, hiding a expression that was obviously an expression of disgust.

"Those 'lesbians' are my close friends, is there a problem?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"I don't want them around here anymore."

"And why not?"

"Well, I'm not very comfortable with them around here. I should feel comfortable in my own home."

"Well excuse me Mr Homophobic but they are welcome here anytime. Just because they like the same sex doesn't give you the right to judge them nor send them off just because they like the same sex. You are no one to say otherwise. Also, you aren't the only one who lives here. I'm not going to send my own best friend and her girlfriend out of our home just because they're Bi-sexual, not lesbians. If you're not comfortable around them you are very welcome to get the fuck out." I smiled before turning back around and motioning Tre, Heather, and Coral to follow me upstairs.

"He's gay." Tre simply stated. "By the way I'm digging you're room darling."

I have finished telling them what Martin was telling me about, he surprises me a lot. I mean, he really has the audacity to tell me who I can and can't bring around? Let alone tell me what to do?! I was furious and I showed it by slamming each outfit on my bed.

"How can she date that ignorant son of a bitch?! I mean, he's nothing! Nothing to this family and sure as hell nothing to me." I said said I paced back and forth.

"It's okay girly, people are going t hate because were awesome." Heather said before kissing her lover on the lips.

"Yeah, I really appreciate what you did for us though." Coral smiled warmly my way.

"You know I have no problem with your sexuality gal's, you all know I'm no one to judge."

"So, like I said, he's gay. I mean who doesn't like lesbians?! I fucking love them!" Tre stated as he came out from my closet with a handful of my underwear.

I slid on my yellow sun dress that came up to my knees. It was strapless and it hugged my waist perfectly, showing off my hour glass curves. I slipped on my sandals that had a average sized sun flower on the strap between my toes. My hair was in curls and my make-up was the usual eyeliner and mascara. I felt pretty, I felt like a little girl in elementary and I was fine with that. Scooter looked up at me with my yellow hand bag in his mouth. I took it and kissed his fury golden head. "thank you baby, mommy will be right back." I said to him as I made sure I gave him enough food and left the balcony doors open for him.

"Rob, let's go everyone is in the car!" I screamed as I did a double check through the mirror in the living room. He ran downstairs in jeans and a white t-shirt with his black cap that sat backwards, covering his brown curls.

"You're beautiful, princess Lyrics." he bowed.

"Why, thank you kind sir." I giggled.

Heather and Coral was in the back making out, Tre was beside them drooling at the action, Rob was driving and I was at the passenger seat humming to The Sex Pistols that played through the radio.

I was thinking about what I was going to say to Billie Joe. I was scared if he would just walk away or ignore me again. I wanted to get things right with him, he's a good friend and I wouldn't want to loose him over my insecurities. I'm a girl, girls get really insecure! We can't help it. I just wish guys would understand that. It was 6 PM and the sky was a melon orange color from the sunset, the park was packed and we thankfully found a parking near an oak tree. Grills were everywhere, children ran around with those sparks on a stick, and people sitting on chairs. Chatting about whatever. Once we got out the car, it smelt like chicken from the grills, When found Mike chatting with Billie Joe and a few girls that surrounded them. A pinch of jealousy arose in my body as I looked around, anywhere but where they were.
We all walked towards an empty table that had an empty grill.

"Can we please start cooking rob?! I'm starving." Tre whined as he hit his head on the table.

"Dude, you ate at our house!" Rob exclaimed.

"I'm always hungry."

Rob shook his head and took the ribs we picked out and lit up the grill. He seasoned the meat and placed each one on the grill.

"Hiya!" Yelled Mike, Billie Joe was talking to a Blondie behind Mike and I was beginning to get really jealous. Heather seemed to notice because she rubbed my back.

"Let's start the part shall we?" Tre said as he placed the stereo on the wooden table and cranked the volume all the way up. It was so loud, that possibly the entire state of California can hear Billy Idol. Everyone began dancing and cheering as I sat here in a cranky mood.

Two hours passed by and I soon lightened up after two cans of beer, a plate of hamburgers, and a couple of puffs from the joint Tre had. It was pretty dark now, the only thing that gave light around here was the street lights. I think now was the time to talk to Billie Joe, I saw him leaning against the tree that was further away from the crowd, drinking a beer, which only gave us privacy thankfully. I walked towards him, ignoring the colorful stars that flew around my vision.

"Hey..." I stood beside him with both hands behind my back. He finally looked at me and smiled before looking back up at the moon. "Can we-"

"Yes, we can talk. Actually we need to talk." He cut me off, like he read my mind already.

"Billie, I'm sorry. But it's just that-"

"You've been hurt before by someone else." Bingo.

"Yeah, since then I've been really... scared." I looked down.

He stood up a bit straighter and lifted my face by my chin with his fingers.

"You honestly don't have a thing to be worried about Lyrics, if you give me the chance, I'll prove to you that I'm not like that douche that hurt you. I'm not that kind of a guy. I'm just a guy that really wants to make a girl happy." He said, sincerely. "Just give me a chance."

"Billie Joe, it's just..." He inched his way towards me, making me lose trance of thought of what I was going to say. I wanted to kiss him. I was forcing myself to keep my head in place but I also felt like I was going to turn him down once again. "Billie, I can't."
I closed my eyes slowly.

"Please," he whispered. "Don't stop me."

He closed the distance between us slowly. As I attempted to turn away, he grasped my my arm at the elbow, and gently pulled me towards him. I felt like tears was about to roll down my cheeks as my facade crumbled away, and I surrendered to his coaxing hand as he lifted my face by my chin and finally met his eyes. He studied me for a moment, trying to read my visage. Then with a look of determination, he drew himself back a bit and took a breath, like he was about to dive into a pool, then bent quickly and kissed me for the first time. The kiss started soft and slowly. But quickly became harder; more urgent. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tangled my hands in his curls. The fireworks became popping and exploding into pretty sparkles in the sky and the roar from the crowd was heard. After our tongue's had said their hello's and shaken hands, he pulled back a little and looked at me, awestruck.

"Wow." He whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there you have it ladies and gents! Haha, I hope you enjoyed and I hope you give me some feedback :D !
