Skate on Over

Chapter 9: The Way We Are

I woke up around 7 am to go eat breakfast with the team. I was dressed in sweats and a t shirt, wearing slides and my softball socks. I barely slept, I stayed awake all last night thinking about running into Patrick some point this weekend. Where did we even stand? Are we still together?
"Morning bitch," Jordyn said as she rolled over in her bed in the room we shared.
"Let's go eat whore," I responded and threw my pillow at her. She grabbed her clothes and ran to bathroom to change.
"Hurry up, you know that Jackie is going to eat all of the eggs if we don't get there first."
"I'll be right out!" Jordyn bounced out of the bathroom wearing the exact same thing I was.
"Game day clothes!" we yelled at the same time. She grabbed our room key and we headed to the breakfast area by the lobby.
Some of our team is already sitting down, I saw Carmen and Alexis with two freshmen and waved to all four of them. We were a loud group that's for sure. Eventually the whole team filled the breakfast area. We smiled and laughed at each other.
"Looks like the hockey boys are here," I said as I saw the familiar faces of the players we met at the game almost two months ago walk to the front desk. Coach Perez recognized them as well and went over and shook hands with the Blackhawks coach, and soon after the young men started to move over to us.
"I can't believe they remember us," Lilly our catcher said.
Then I saw him. He was wearing his travel clothes: Blackhawks t shirt and workout shorts. God, he looked so good. He looked over at me, and gave me a small smile. I'm letting him off that easy, I rolled my eyes and finished my last bite of waffle.
"Wow Kaylynn," Jordyn said, "going to make him beg?" She smiled and laughed when I gave her a dirty look. I sipped my orange juice and waited for coach to dismiss us and let us nap before we had to leave for our game.
"It's Friday girl, smile!" A voice said. I looked up to see a Blackhawk player, Patrick Sharp, smiling at me.
"It's early." I responded with a fake smile.
"He really likes you, you know. Let him fix things."
"Why? So he can cheat on me with his ex?" I said. I felt my cheeks get red.
"Who? Mandy? The girl is psycho, he wouldn't touch her after what they went through as a couple." He said with a chuckle. "Just talk to him." He walked back to his teammates who weren't flirting with my teammates and headed to his room.
"God that man is attractive." Junior 3rd basemen Kassie said. I laughed and cleaned up my breakfast mess, and pulled out my phone. I had a text from Pat:

I want to talk to you after your game. Good luck.
I responded with an okay and he texted me his room number. I hope everything Patrick Sharp said was true.
"Nice game ladies! I'm really happy we won our season opener," Coach Perez said as we sat in the bus. Our first game went better then we expected, we ended up beating Texas by 4 runs. I had two singles and a triple with two RBIs. I was proud of myself and happy that my drama with Patrick didn't effect my game.
"God I can't wait to shower," I said pulling out my hair tie to redo my hair.
"Me too, and take a dip in the hot tub!" Carmen said.
The bus took us back to the hotel where we would stay for one more night. It was a beautiful afternoon and I was starving, I could really go for some Texas BBQ.
"Thinking about food or Patrick?" Carmen asked.
"Both I guess, he wants to meet with me later tonight."
"I think you should go, get things settled between the two of you."
"Yeah, you're right. I think I'm being a little harsh."
"He texts and calls you all the time, its obvious he is not giving up on you." She said with a smile
Carmen was right, I never really gave Patrick the chance to explain himself, maybe there is a reason he still talks to Mandy, or maybe he doesn't at all. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding this whole situation.
We reached the hotel around 4, I grabbed my warm-ups and water bottle and decided to toss them in my room before we went out to dinner. As I was walking down the hall to the elevator, I noticed a man waiting for it to come down. The just so happen to be Patrick Kane. I started to panic, but when he saw me, he smiled.
"Hey! How was your game?"
"We won, 6 to 2." I said with a smile. Before he could respond the elevator opened and two of Pats teammates stepped out.
"Keep it PG you two!" Andrew Shaw said as he walked passed us.
"Yeah, no sex in the hallway." Jonathan Toews said with a laugh. So much for being captain serious.
"Fuck off boys," Pat said with a grin. "Sorry about that. They're idiots."
"I can take a joke, it's fine." I said as I walked into the elevator. Pat followed and pressed the two button on the elevator and I pressed the three.
"Excited for your game tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yes, it should be a good one." He said. He kept looking at me and smiling.
"What?" I asked giggling. The elevator made a dinging noise, Pat looked up and then waited for the doors to open. He walked out of the elevator and turned around. Just as the doors were about to shut all the way I said: "See you tonight."