Status: This is a mystery of a girl in hiding. But nothing can stay hidden forever...

A Ballerina's Secret


The storm was starting to pick up, the winds roared loudly. No one was awake and now was the time. She had been planning this night for many months now. If there was ever a night that she would escape, the night was tonight. The moment was now. She threw her small bag over her shoulder and looked around the room. It wasn't such a bad life, but it was no life for her.
Opening the window, she looked down at the drop. It was only a 2 flight drop, nothing too serious. The guards were told to watch from inside the building this night. A storm so rough could kill a man if he stayed out too long in the open air. Taking a deep breath she took the jump, the wild played in her hair as she fell. That was the moment she knew she couldn't go back, the freedom she felt. The rush of escaping, it was too thrilling to just turn back. She landed on her knees, a very painful landing. Her night gown that was white started to stain scarlet red from her blood. She looked around and started running. Heading towards the wall. It was a large stone wall to keep people out. Never once has anyone thought someone would try to break out of this place. It was made of over 10,000 stones and was 10 feet high. Over the years she had noticed that the wall's stones had eroded and some stood out more than others. Making a step-like appearance to the top of the wall.
She hoped she was right and she could climb fast enough. It would only take minutes until a guard would cheek on her room. To make sure there were no problem. Climbing, left hand, right hand. Right foot, left foot. It was hard to find the stones that her feet could squirm into. Her palms were getting scratched by the cold wet stone. It was getting harder to climb since the storm was getting worse. Maybe the worst she has ever seen. She had made it up 3/8th of the way, but her hand slipped and she lost her footing. Dangling with only one hand barely holding the stone she frantically struggled to find her footing again. As her right foot found a new placing her left hit the wall and made her whimper from the pain. her left foot had to stretch to get on a rock. It was an awkward position that she felt she might not be able to move from. Then her right foot was pushed by the wind to a different stone and she could climb again.
She had managed to climb 3/4th up the wall, but then a loud horn blew. A guard must have checked her room and found it empty. Soon a search party would be sent to find her. Lights from many rooms were turned on to make sure no one else was missing and then she heard the growls of the hunting dogs. It was worse than she imagined. Never in her nightmares had she thought the dogs would be sent loose on her. She scrambled up the wall and knew she could never climb down in time. She looked at the large open area which she payed in for many hours. Turning her head in shame she said a quick apology and prayed for a safe landing. She jumped from the top of the wall, opening her eyes she saw the rough rocks that would soon greet her body. She put her arms out in front of her to try to soft the landing. She landing on her hand and her knees. Her knees exploded into a white hot pain and her palms were cut open. She cried from the force of the landing, but her voice was lost in the wind...
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So this is my first day here. But I write on an other website and I absolutely love writing there. But I felt like I wasn't getting the best feed back on my stories because no one was commenting on my writing. They just wanted the story to be finished. I would really appreciate it if you all would tell me how my writing style is and maybe give me a few pointers on how to improve my writing? Thank you and I hope you enjoy my story.