Status: Some chapters may be NC-17. In that case they will be labeled as such.

The Mirror of Erised

The Battle of Hogwarts.

The Death Eaters and werewolves were running rampant through the castle, striking down first years and seventh years alike. Mandy held my hand as we jumped over fallen stone and dodged the pieces of school plummeting towards the earth. Just as a chunk of brick broke off from the school, I grabbed her hand and yanked her out of the way, falling and smacking my head against the hard pavement as my little sister landed on top of me.
“I’m scared, Mindy,” she whispered as we sat up, brushing the rubble off our cloaks.
“Me too. But we have to go!” I said, pulling her to her feet before she could respond. We continued to make our way across the campus, falling in with a crowd of retreating students. As she began to lag behind, her breath coming in ragged heaves, I squeezed her hand. “Come on, Mandy. Keep moving.”
That was when the curse hit. At first I felt a slight tingling in my body before the unbearable pain broke out. My body crumpled and I dropped Mandy’s hand. I rolled onto my back and writhed, screaming out in pain as it rocked through me. I heard Mandy’s voice, distorted and distant, screaming my name. A crowd of students had formed around me, their faces pushed back and blurred, but one was clear. My little sister, crouched over me in concern as I screeched and writhed.
“Mindy? Mindy what’s going on?” she said, her voice shaking as another face appeared, only this one was hidden behind a mask and a pointed hat. A Death Eater.
“Die, insolent child!” he said as the crowd dispersed darting in different directions.
Mandy looked up, her eyes wide as she cried out, “NO!”
The pain faded away and, as the world became clearer. Before it all became clear, I saw why the curse had been listed. My little sister, only 13 years old, had put all 115 lbs of her into a force to knock the Death Eater to the ground.
“Mandy, no!” I said, reaching down and yanking her up by her arm. This time she didn’t need any encouraging and we were running across the grounds again as curses whizzed past us, left and right.
We came to a wall, with the option to turn left or right, not that either were exactly desirable. On the left, werewolves and on the right, Death Eaters. “Mindy?” Mandy panted, turning to me with her eyes widened. I looked into them, two pools of deep blue identical to my own. Her eyebrows were creased and she looked about to cry.
“I-I don’t know,” I said, my voice falling as I realized what was happening. My sister was looking to me for guidance, I was about to graduate Hogwarts and she looked up to me. But here I was, at a loss for anything to say besides, “I just don’t know.”
And then she screamed. She went flying, her small body slamming against the wall in front of us with such force it would have killed even Hagrid. But even if she didn’t die from that, the flash of green that was the curse that hit her told me she was dead before she hit the wall.
I didn’t react first. I just froze, my mouth agape as her body dropped to the ground, rolling over a few times before landing face up, her eyes still open, wide and pleading, and her mouth agape in a scream. And then I lost control.
“NO! NO, NO, NO!” it was my voice, but I didn’t exactly make out that I was the one screaming that word, over and over, like a broken record. “Mandy! Amanda! Amanda Nicole!” I said her name at least a dozen times. The tears spilled down my cheeks like a waterfall. The Death Eater who shot the curse could have been bearing down on me right that moment, I just didn’t care. All I knew was that my little sister had trusted me, relied on me, and I had failed her.
“Mindy? Mindy look out!” Connor said, yanking me out of the way right as a flash of green light whizzed past the spot I had previously been. He was panting and he looked at me, about to scold me, when he saw the limp body of my sister.
“Mindy...” he said, and just as he was about to comfort me, something inside took over.
The Death Eater was walking over to where we were. He chuckled, a deep throaty chuckle. He raised his wand to end me, end my misery, but instead of a curse flying from his wand, I was the one who spoke the words.
“Avada Kedavra!”