Status: Some chapters may be NC-17. In that case they will be labeled as such.

The Mirror of Erised

The Thing Most Desired.

Who knew the Battle of Hogwarts would strike this deep into the castle, way down in the dungeons. But it didn’t matter, it was a mess and I had to clean it. It was probably for the best, to help keep my mind off Mandy. I tried to take it back, but it was too late. My mind instantly flashed back to that fateful moment.
Her body flying through the air, slamming against the wall and falling limp at my feet, Connor pulling me out of the way, his brown eyes softening as he saw her figure lying prone and exposed, the curse, flying from my want and hitting the Death Eater square in the chest, and finally, the sobs, broken and mangles, escaping my throat like Sirius Black escaped Azkaban.
Thankfully the dungeon was empty so no one could see me be weak. I had always been the strong one, the one who kept calm and together. It was a rare sight to see me cry, even Connor hadn’t known what to do when I had lost it. But here I was safe, alone. Here I could lose it and not be weak.
But who was I fooling? Not even myself. I knew Mandy’s death was my fault. You could tell me a million times that it wasn’t my fault, as Connor had, but I knew. I should have made a decision, I should have pulled her in front of me. But I didn’t...I didn’t.
I stopped in front of a door that was half broken in. It looked like part of a wall, not a door, but the barely noticeable hinges gave it away and I quickly pulled myself through the gap, losing my grip and falling on my face. Instantly, the tears flooded my eyes as I rubbed my aching nose. The room was empty, except for a lone mirror, a spectacularly decorated mirror that looked out of place in the dark, dank, dirty dungeon. My nose was probably red and swollen, that I knew, but I had to check the damage.
I stood in front of the mirror, my mind totally blank as I examined my nose. It was red, with a faint purple bruise forming on the tip. My eye, the left one, was also bruised and aching.
It was there, examining my broken face, and then suddenly I wasn’t. Instead I was looking into blue eyes, identical to my own, set in an equally fair face with the same mousey brown hair. But the reflection was at least a foot smaller without a bruise in sight.
“Mandy?” her name left my lips before I could stop myself. It was her, but at the same time, it wasn’t. She was two dimensional, smiling but without that twinkle in her eyes. She didn’t react to me calling her name, instead she just stood there, her posture lax. What kind of black magic fuckey cursed this mirror?
This time, the tears came not from the pain in my nose but the pain in my chest. I tried to wipe them away but the tears were like a hydra, when I displaced one two more came in it’s place.
“It’s called the Mirror of Erised.” a voice echoed from behind me. I jumped, my hand flying to my throat. “Sorry,” a ginger haired boy who was missing an ear said. I studied the wound, which was too healed to be from the last night’s war.
“They were supposed to remove it from castle grounds after Harry - you know Harry?” I nodded. “He found it. So did Quirrell..and he sort of used it to kill Quirrell. Long story short, the mirror shows you want you desire most.” he said. “Oh, so sorry,” he snapped his fingers, and then held out his hand, “I’m George, George Weasley. And you are?”
“Melinda,” I said, turning around and ignoring his hand, “Also known as Mindy.” Mandy was still there, smiling.
“So..what do you see?” he asked casually, hands in his pockets as he came to stand beside me.
“My baby sister,” I didn’t know why I told him this. my voice was wavering, but answering his question gave me the strength to ask my own: “You?”
He swallowed. “Fred.”