

It had taken a while to get Isabell to calm down. Even still, Daryl couldn’t get her to stop thinking that everything that’s happened has been her fault. Isabell knew everything was her fault. She put herself in charge of Sophia and she got lost in the woods. When Carl wanted to go with Shane and Rick to continue looking for Sophia, Isabell’s irresponsibility continued to show when the young boy got shot under her watch. She wouldn’t ever forgive herself if Carl never made it off of that bed.

The group of the five of them had made it the rest of the way to camp safely. Isabell trudged along, keeping to the back of the group.

Every few minutes, Daryl, who led the group, looked behind him to make sure Isabell was still in his sights.

Dale noticed their lack of a full group and instantly questioned it. “Where are the others?” He called.

Glenn climbed over the guardrail first and answered the man’s question. “There was an accident. Carl was shot.” The young man said, out of breath from the hike.

“Shot?” Dale questioned. “What do you mean, shot?”

“I don’t know, Dale.” Glenn responded. “I wasn’t there.” He said, turning to eye Isabell.

The blonde ignored Dale’s questioning gaze and walked away from the group.

Glenn sighed. “All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse and took Lori.”

Dale’s eyes instantly shot to Daryl, who was trying to climb over the guardrail. “You let her?”

“Climb down outta my asshole, man. Iz came with her. Lori took her place.” Daryl said, ignoring any other questions and rushing after Isabell. “Iz!” He called after her.

Isabell didn’t stop walking away. She didn’t know where she was going, but she was angry and didn’t want to be around the group.


The blonde didn’t even slow her pace.

“Dammit! Talk to me!” Daryl insisted.

“I can’t, Daryl.” Isabell shouted. “I need to break something.”

“So do it.”

“I can’t without makin’ too much noise. There ain’t nothin’ on this goddamn highway that’s quiet!”

“Yeah, includin’ you.”

Isabell scoffed at him, continuing her trek away from the group.

Daryl looked around, noticing that what she was saying was the truth. He put his crossbow on the ground. “Punch me.” He said simply, holding his arms out to the side.

“What?” She paused, turning to look at him.

“You heard me.” Daryl contended. “Punch me. Let your anger out, ‘cause seein’ red ain’t gon help nothin’.”

“I’m not gonna hit you, Daryl.” Isabell promised, recalling the last time she’d attempted to hit him back at the CDC. She faced one of the cars nearby and decided she’d dig through what was inside it.

“Okay.” Daryl said, before he took a few steps towards her. He reached down by her side, grabbing all the arrows that she had in the small bag against her hip. Quickly, Daryl stepped away from her, holding them in his hand.

“Daryl, give those back.” Isabell ordered, letting go of the suitcase she’d pulled from the car’s trunk.

“Can’t do that.”

“You asshole. Give me back my arrows.”

“Hell, no.”

Isabell walked towards him, trying to reach for the bundle in his hand. Unfortunately for her, Daryl was taller than her and was able to hold the arrows above his head so she couldn’t reach them. “Daryl, give them back!” Isabell shouted. “You know I fuckin’ hate this game yer playin’.”

“I know.” He said with a smirk.

“Fuck you!” Isabell said, shoving Daryl back.

Daryl laughed quietly at her struggle.

“I fuckin’ hate you.” Isabell said, pushing Daryl again, this time with her fists.

Daryl stood his ground with his feet firmly planted on the road. His grip was also firm around the few arrows.

Isabell kept throwing punches at him. The more she had, the more Daryl laughed. Isabell was struggling to keep her breath even as her fists continued to fly at his chest.

“That’s right! Get mad!” Daryl encouraged.

Isabell stood closer to him, beating him on his chest with the side of her fists, trying to push him against a car.

Eventually, Daryl’s back hit the passenger door of a broken down Honda Civic, but Isabell kept hitting him. Daryl stood there, taking it, knowing that she needed this release.

After a while, Isabell’s hits had slowed down. She was tiring out. Isabell’s fists stopped heading in his direction. Instead, she hunched over, leaning on him.

Daryl lowered his arm and stuffed the arrows back in her bag.

“Asshole.” Isabell breathed, angling her bag away from him. She sighed, letting him go and turned back towards the group. “Thanks.” She said, quietly.

Daryl nodded and picked up his weapon, following her back to the group. The group that was on the highway gathered around discussing what they should do. Were they going to stay on the highway, or would they take the trip and back to the Greene farm.

“I won’t do it.” Carol cried. “We can’t just leave.”

“The group is split.” Dale explained. “We’re scattered and we’re weak.”

“What if she comes back and we’re not here?” Carol asked, looking around. “It could happen.”

“If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful.” Andrea agreed.

“We wouldn’t ‘just leave’.” Isabell insisted. “We’d leave things for her. A sign maybe.”

“We’ll make a plan then.” Daryl said, stepping forward. “I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies.”

“We’ll check back everyday for her, but it’s too dangerous bein’ out here on the highway. We’re like walkin’ targets.”

“I’ll hold here tonight.” Daryl reasoned. “Stay with the RV.”

“I’m not goin’ if you aren’t.” Isabell told him.

“And if the RV is staying, I am, too.” Dale said.

“Thank you.” Carol said, referring to each of them.

Daryl nods to her and looks to Andrea.

“I’m in.” Andrea said, raising her hand, not seeing another option.

Glenn spoke next. “Well, if you’re all staying then I’m - ”

“Not you, Glenn.” Dale insisted. “You’re going. Take Carol’s Cherokee.”

Glenn scoffed. “Me?” He asked, pointing to himself. “Why is it always me?”

“You have to find this farm, reconnect with our people, and see what’s going on. But most important, you have to get T-Dog there.” Dale warned, pointing in the direction that T-Dog sat. “This is not an option. That cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection.”

Isabell looked up at Daryl as Dale continued to talk.

Daryl looked down at her and then behind him at his bike, debating on what to do.

Isabell elbowed his arm, gaining his attention again. She nodded at him.

Daryl sighed and walked around Isabell going back towards Merle’s bike. The group had turned to watch Daryl’s movements. Daryl removed a dirty towel from his bike and began to dig through his bag. He pulled out a Ziploc bag, handing the bag to Isabell and throwing the rag at Dale. “Keep your oily rags of my brother’s motorcycle.” Daryl ordered.

Isabell put a hand on his lower arm, trying to calm him. She turned around to use the car behind her as a table. “You shouldn’t have waited so long to say something. We’ve had this bag since the beginnin’.” She started to dig through the bag. “Crystal. X. Yeah, that won’t help. We’ve got painkillers.” She picked out a pill bottle and tossed it to Glenn before turning towards Daryl. “What’s that stuff Merle used for his, uh...problem?”

Daryl shrugged. “Doxy-somethin’.”

“Oh, right.” Isabell dug around the bag a little bit more until she finds the bottle. “Doxycycline.” She said, handing the bottle to Dale. “It’s the good stuff.”

“How did you get this stuff?” Dale questioned.

Daryl scoffed a laugh, before taking the bag from Isabell’s hands.. “Merle got the clap on occasion.”

Isabell shot Daryl a look and turned back to Dale. “Hope that it helps until we can get T to the doc.”

Dale nodded. “Thanks.” He said before rushing to T-Dog’s side.

Isabell followed Daryl towards his bike as he packed the drug bag back into his saddle bag. “You couldn’t have left that part out?” She asked.

“Well, it’s the truth, ain’t it?” Daryl shrugged.

“These people spent weeks with Merle. Who knows who came in contact with him… Now they find out he’s got an STD. That’d freak anybody out.”

Daryl huffed. “Look, you can hit me again. You can yell at me cause you're frustrated ‘bout them kids. But don’t start up some fight because you don’t wanna talk ‘bout what’s really goin’ on with ya.”

Isabell stared at him for a moment. She didn’t want to talk to him. He wasn’t really ever sensitive when it came to emotional subjects. “I’m gonna climb up.” She said, pointing towards the RV’s ladder. “Keep watch. Make sure the coast is clear.”

Daryl nodded at her, wishing she would talk to him about what was going through her head. He didn’t like it much when Isabell got quiet. It always meant that something was wrong with her.

Isabell stayed up on top of the RV until it got dark and Dale decided to take over. She sat at the table inside the RV with her legs sprawled out on one bench and her eyes closed, trying to sleep.

Andrea had taken to the other side of the table, loading and unloading Daryl’s gun.

Daryl laid on the floor, trying to get some sleep, only he was having a hard time with Andrea being so active with the clip and Carol in the back, blubbering because she didn’t have her child with her. He sat up from the floor, looking at each of the women, staring at Carol and then Isabell the longest. Daryl wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. He pushed himself off of the floor and stood in front of the table, reaching for his crossbow and wrapping it around his body.

Isabell’s eyes fluttered open at the sound. “D, what’s going on?” she asked.

Daryl looked to Andrea. “Ima need my clip now.” He said.

Andrea looked to him and then handed the gun piece over.

“Daryl?” Isabell questioned, still waiting for his response.

“Ima walk the road.” He answered the blonde, finally. “Look for the girl.”

Isabell started to push herself out of the seat. “I’ll come with you.” She declared, looking around her her shoulder bag of arrows.

“No, you stay here.” Daryl put a hand over hers. “Get some more sleep. Maybe try an’ help her get there.” He looked back at Carol and nodded.

Isabell sighed and nodded. “I’ll try. Be careful.” She leaned back against the wall of the RV, watching Daryl tuck his gun in the waistband of his jeans and leave the RV. Isabell looked to Andrea. “You know, you should try sleepin’, too.”

“Not gonna happen.” Andrea said, boredly, wishing Daryl hadn’t left with his gun. It was giving her something to do.

Isabell sighed. “Alright.” She stood up as Andrea did, curious as to where the other blonde was going. Isabell shrugged it off when Andrea left the camper and walked towards the back to try and talk to Carol. She looked to the slightly older woman and announced her presence. “Hey, Carol.” She said softly. “Can I sit?” She gestured to the space still on the couch.

Carol nodded, moving her legs a little so that Isabell could sit in the space. She looked back out the window by her head and searched the line of trees in front of her.

Isabell sighed. “You know, I know you don’t know Daryl much.” She said, gaining Carol’s attention. “All you knew of him is when he was in Merle. And around Merle, he’s kind of a jackass.”

Carol laughed. “Can’t argue that.”

Isabell nods. “But Daryl’s always been a man of his word. As long as I’ve known him, anyway. When Merle ain’t ‘round, Daryl’s a good guy. An’ he’s sayin’ he’s gonna find Sophia, so he’s gon’ find her. He’d search all of Georgia if he had to.”

Carol hesitated, but nodded. She wasn’t sure what to say to her. Carol looked out the window. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

“Don’t be.” Isabell said instantly. “Yer a mom with a missin’ kid. I’d’ve done the same thing.” Isabell paused, thinking, taking her eyes from Carol. “Hell, I did do the same thing. Difference is, we’ll find your kid and she’s gonna be okay.” Isabell looked back at Carol expecting to see a surprised look, but what she saw instead was a look of understanding. Isabell smiled quickly. “You knew.”

Carol shrugged. “I didn’t, but I did. You always had this look on your face when you looked at Sophia. Somethin’ about you that looked like I look right now.”

Isabell’s eyes watered, but she took a deep breath to calm herself down. She put a hand on Carol’s knee. “You should try and get some sleep.”

Carol took that as a sign that Isabell did not want to talk about her personal situation anymore. “Thank you, but I might go outside for a bit. Wait for Daryl to come back.”

Isabell nodded. “Alright.” Isabell stood and returned to her spot at the table, watching as Carol walked by her. She leaned her head against the wall of the RV and listened to the crickets outside until she fell back to sleep.


Eleven Years Earlier

Isabell had been pacing their living room all day waiting for Daryl to return home. She knew that Daryl was out with Merle, but she didn’t know what they had been up to. Under normal circumstances, Isabell would probably be in bed, relaxing with a book. This time was different.

It had been dark for a few hours when Isabell heard the front door lock click, followed by the sound of it opening. The woman jumped from her spot on the couch and hurried to meet Daryl at the door. What she didn’t expect was for Merle to be slung over his shoulder. Instantly, Isabell’s mood sunk even more. “Daryl, I thought we were done with this.” Isabell chastised.

“We are.” Daryl responded, making his way towards Merle’s bedroom. “He ain’t. Can’t stop him from comin’ back piss drunk. He’s prob’ly a little high, too.”

Isabell groaned, following after him. “Where in hell were you today?”

“Calm down, Blondie!” Merle slurred. “Baby brother’s fine. Robby wan’t gonna shoot him.”

“What?!” Isabell exclaimed.

“Merle, shuddup.” Daryl pushed, throwing the older man onto his bed. “He don’t know what he’s talkin’ ‘bout.” Daryl lied, closing himself out of Merle’s room. “Drunk off his ass.”

“What the fuck is he talkin’ ‘bout, Daryl?”

Daryl sighed, “It was nothin’. Just a big misunderstandin’. It was handled.”

Isabell bit her lip, sighed, and looked up at the ceiling out of annoyance. “I’m not sure how much more of that I can take.” She said, gesturing to Merle’s closed door.

“What are ya talkin’ ‘bout?”

“I’m talkin’ about Merle and all of his shit. I’m talkin’ about the two of you just driftin’ around, lookin’ for trouble.”

“We weren’t lookin’ for no trouble, Iz. Jesus Christ, calm down.” He said, moving towards his room.

“Don’t fuckin’ tell me to calm down, Daryl Dixon.”

Daryl chuckled. “Look, if we’re goin’ all out and usin’ full names, I guess I should start over. Calm down, Isabell Isaacs.” He laughed.

Isabell pushed him against the wall of the small hallway. “Fuck you.” She moved passed him, going to her room.

Daryl chased after her. “Awh, Iz, c’mon! I was jokin.”

It’s not fuckin’ funny, Daryl!” Isabell said before she slammed and locked her bedroom door.

“Izzy, come on.” Daryl banged on the door with the side of his fist.

Isabell stood in the middle of her room, staring at the closed door.

“Look there ain’t much I can do. Merle’s Merle. Stupid sumbitch.” Daryl complained.

The blonde’s eyes moved to the object that sat on the edge of her nightstand. It haunted her, standing out like police lights on a dark night.

“Look, okay. I’m sorry.” Daryl dragged out.

“Sorry doesn’t fix everything.” She said, moving to her nightstand and grabbing the stick from it. Isabell slid the object through the crack under the door. “Certainly won’t fix that.”

“What the - ?” Daryl started, when it hit his boot. “The hell is this?” He asked, reaching down to pick it up. “Isabell, talk to me.” He banged on the door a few more times. “What is this?”

Isabell took a deep breath and opened her door just a little bit, enough to show her face. “You know what it is.” She said quietly.

Daryl looked up at her. “It’s yours?”

Isabell nodded.

Daryl looked down at the small screen that showed two small, pink lines. “What’s it mean?”

“Exactly what you think.”

Daryl looked back up at her, waiting for her to confirm it with her own words.

“I’m pregnant, Daryl.”

He stumbled to get a word out. “Yer…” Daryl fell backwards, hitting the opposite wall and falling to the ground.

“Shit, Daryl! Jesus, you okay?” Isabell asked, throwing open her door and crouching in front of him.

“Yeah, ‘m okay. Things just a little dizzy.”

Isabell nodded. “Okay, we’ll sit for a minute.” Isabell sat down in front of Daryl, her back leaning on her door frame. A minute turned into ten with them just sitting there, Daryl’s eyes glued to the test and Isabell’s glued to him.

“Are you sure?” Daryl said after what seemed like forever.

“Pretty sure.”

“Damn.” Daryl cursed.

Isabell sucked in her lip and bit it hard, fighting her tears. She spoke, her voice shaky. “If I knew you’d be so upset about it, I’d’ve not told you and taken care of it myself.” Isabell pushed herself off of the floor and went back into her room.

Daryl quickly recovered from his spot on the floor and caught the door before Isabell could slam it. “What do you mean, ‘take care of it’?”

“I’d’ve gotten rid of it. I’m sorry I burdened you with this. Forget about it. I’ll handle it.”

Daryl banged his fist hard on the door, making Isabell jump backwards away from it. “Nah, I don’t want you to handle it!”

Isabell looked up at him with hopeful, tear-filled eyes. “What?”

“It’s no burden, Iz. I’m just surprised is all.”

“Yeah, I am, too.” Isabell stood back and scratched her arm.

“I mean, I always thought about it. Bein’ a dad. I don’t know how good i’d be. Guess I getta find out.”

Isabell’s heart lifted in her chest. She smiled and threw her arms around Daryl’s neck, nearly knocking him over.

Daryl laughed and caught himself, grabbing Isabell tightly and lifting her off of the floor.

“Thank you.” Isabell said, not really knowing why she was saying it.

“Listen.” Daryl said, putting her firmly on the ground and grabbing her face between her hands. “You and me. We’re gonna have this baby. And we’re gonna raise her right. She’s not gonna have the childhood we did.”

Isabell laughed. “It could be a boy.”

“For all our sakes, let’s hope not.” Daryl joked. “Ain’t no reason for another pig-headed Dixon fella in this world.”

“Ya damn right.”

Daryl chuckled. “I love ya, Izzy.”

Isabell smiled up at him, looking away for just a second. “Me, too.”



Isabell was pulled out of her sleep by the slamming of the RV door. She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes, noticing Carol was the one causing all the commotion. “Is Daryl back?” Isabell asked her.

Carol didn’t answer. Instead, she retreated back to her spot in the back of the RV.

The door opened again a second later, Daryl trudging inside.

Isabell looked up at him, hopeful.

Daryl shook his head slightly.

Isabell swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

Daryl shed the crossbow from around his shoulder and took the gun from the waistband of his pants. “Hop out.” He said to Isabell.

Isabell got out of the bench and Daryl took her place.

“C’mere.” Daryl said, opening his arms to Isabell.

The blonde sat back down on the bench, leaning against Daryl, using him as a pillow. Isabell sighed, making herself comfortable against the man’s chest.

“I know you been thinkin’ a lot ‘bout Harley with everythin’ happened.” Daryl said, making Isabell’s throat feel like it was closing. “But these kids ain’t gon’ end up like her.”

“I know.” Isabell said, not sure if she believed it herself. “Get some sleep, huh?”

Daryl looked down at her empty expression. He sighed. “Yes, ma’am.”