

Isabell ended up getting very little sleep that night. Even with Daryl within such a close range to her, she only managed to get a couple hours of sleep. Being up early to head back to the farm wasn’t easy on so little sleep. Isabell knew however that she needed to go. She needed to see how Carl was doing.

Isabell rode on the back of Daryl’s bike on the way to the farm. She held onto him tightly with her arms wrapped around his waist, wishing that Daryl could go faster.

When they arrived at the farm, Isabell didn’t even wait until Daryl came to a full stop before she pushed herself off of the motorcycle. As soon as she noticed Rick come out of the house, she moved to stand in front of him. “Carl? Is he okay?”

“How is he?” Dale asked.

Isabell looked at Rick, practically begging him to spit it out.

Lori answered instead. “He’ll pull through.”

Isabell smiled and hugged Rick, who either hugged her back or just used her for the support. “Oh thank god.” she said in one breath, before pulling away.

“Thanks to Hershel and his people.”

“And Shane.” Rick insisted, looking towards Shane. “We’d have lost Carl if not for him.”

Isabell looked to Shane. Besides his new haircut, something seemed different about him. To Isabell, Shane seemed to be more jumpy than when she’d last saw him. Before he left with Otis. “Where’s the other man?” Isabell asked. “Who went with Shane. Otis?”

Rick looked back at Hershel.

“He didn’t make it back.” Hershel said softly.

“Oh,” Isabell said, her eyes moving towards Patricia. “I’m sorry.”

Patricia nodded back, unable to speak.

Carol was the first to break the silence. She moved forward towards Lori, hugging her. “This is wonderful news. We were all so worried.”

Dale hugged Rick. “How’d it happen?”

Rick furrowed his brow. “Isabell didn’t tell you?” He looked to Isabell.

Isabell chuckled. “I wasn’t exactly in the mood for conversation last night.”

Rick nodded. “Hunting accident.” He said, looking at everyone in the group. “That’s all. Just a stupid accident.”

Hershel stepped forward. “We were just about to hold a service for Otis. If you all would like to join.”

“Yes.” Isabell said instantly, for the group. “We’d love to.” She looked around to the others who had just arrived with her. They all nodded.

Daryl was the only one to keep his head still. He looked to Isabell, who looked like she had a small weight lifted from her shoulders. Daryl showed a small smile, that could barely be considered a smile and followed everyone around the pile of rocks that had been set up under some trees. Obviously, they couldn’t have a body, so this was good enough.

The youngest blonde in the Greene family took a step forward to add a stone to the pile.

Hershel took this time to speak words from his bible.

Isabell looked around to the people they had met. What was left of the Greene family seemed nice enough. It was only Hershel, Maggie, and Beth. Then there was Beth’s boyfriend. And Patricia, who had looked as if she’d lost everything. She had, and it was understandable. The group looked as if they’d been on this farm since the beginning. They didn’t know what it was like out there. Rick’s people have lost enough people to be stronger.

“Shane, will you speak for otis?” Hershel asked, gaining Isabell’s attention.

Shane looked Hershel, seeming as if he had just been pulled out of whatever trance that he was in. “I’m not good at it.” Shane relented, shaking his head. “I’m sorry.”

“You were the last one with him.” Patricia insisted, eyes full of tears. “You shared his final moments. Please.” She begged. “I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning.”

Everyone in the group seemed to glance sideways at Shane, practically screaming at him with their eyes to say something. If only to calm Patricia.

Isabell had noticed that it wasn’t just that he was nervous about saying something. Almost as if he was even a little guilty about something. Isabell looked behind her to Daryl, wondering if he saw the same thing.

Daryl looked at her and nodded. He seemed to understand what she was trying to convey to him. Something was off about Shane.

“Okay.” Shane whispered, starting the story. “We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. It was bad. Ankle all swollen up.” Shane shook his head. “‘We’ve got to save the boy.’ See, that’s what he said. He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead. ‘Run,’ he said. He said, ‘I’ll take the rear. I’ll cover you.’ And when I looked back…” Shane limped forward towards the wheelbarrow, picking up a rock and limping towards Otis’ gravesite. “If not for Otis, I’d never made it out alive. And that goes for Carl, too. He saved us both.” He paused. “If any death ever had meaning, it was his.”

Isabell studied him as he placed the rock down. There was definitely something different. Almost as if that wasn’t what had happened on the run. Isabell sighed and looked to Daryl.

Daryl flicked his head for her to follow him to the other cars. Once they were out of the other’s earshot he spoke. “I hope you don’t believe one bit of that crack bit story.”

“‘Course I didn’t. I was watchin’ him, same as you. Somethin’ happened out there that he ain’t sayin’.”

“Got that right.” Daryl pushed.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he killed Otis himself.”

“Why’s that?”

“You never saw Otis, but he was a big man. Now, if they were surrounded like Shane said they were, even if Shane wasn’t hurt, they both wouldn’t have made it out. Shane probably shot him so he could get away with the goods.”

“That’s a strong accusation.”

“I know. Would you really put it past him?”

Daryl shook his head. “Just watch yerself around him, yeah?”

“I will.” She half smiled.

Daryl quickly kissed her forehead as he heard the others head towards their direction.

Hershel was talking to Rick with Shane and Andrea following behind them. “How long as this girl been lost?” Hershel asked.

“This’ll be day three.” Rick stated. The group of them gathered around the car that Daryl and Isabell were standing by.

“Day three, but we still have hopes.” Isabell said.

Maggie came out shortly after that with rolled up paper in her hands. “County survey map.” She unrolled the map on the hood and placed rocks on it to hold it down. “Shows terrain and elevations.”

“This is perfect.” Rick thanked. “We can finally get this thing organized. We’ll grid the whole area and start searching in teams.”

“Not you.” Hershel said, shaking his head. “Not today. You gave three units of blood. You won’t be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out.” He turned towards Shane. “And your ankle, if you push it now, you’ll be laid up a month. No good to anybody.”

“Guess it’s just me.” Daryl said, looking at the map.

“And me.” Isabell insisted. “Ya ain’t goin’ alone.”

“I can make it.”

I know ya can.” Isabell said, looking towards him. She just wanted to go with him, still not completely comfortable with the group as a whole yet.

Daryl nodded. “Alright. We’re gonna head back to the creek, work our way from there.” Daryl explained, pointing to the map.

“I can still be useful.” Shane put forth. “I’ll drive up to the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back.”

“Alright. Tomorrow then.” Rick assured. “We’ll start doing this right.”

“That means we can’t have our people out there with just knives. They need the gun training we’ve been promising them.”

There was an awkward pause in the conversation. Rick seemed to be thinking it over and so was Hershel. Isabell wasn’t all too happy about the guns. They were loud, attention drawing. Training them in hand to hand combat with knives would be more beneficial.

“I’d prefer you not carrying guns on my property.” Hershel said. “We’ve managed so far without turning this into an armed camp.”

“All due respect, you get a crowd of those things wanderin’ in here…” Shane trailed off, not wanting to admit what could happen.

“Shane, we can’t argue if it’s his land. He doesn’t have to let us stay here.” Isabell told him.

“Isabell’s right.” Rick said, earning a scoff from Shane. “Look, we’re guests here. This is your property,” he told Hershel, “and we will respect that.” Rick takes out his gun and sets it down on the hood of the car.

Shane follows suit, regretfully.

Rick nodded. “First things, first. we set up camp. We find Sophia.”

“I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody’s got to.” Shane started. “What happens if we find her and she’s bit? I think we should all be clear on how we handle that.’

Rick thought for a moment and then answered. “You do what has to be done.”

“And her mother?” Maggie asked. “What do you tell her?”

“The truth.” Isabell answered. “I’ll tell her. If anyone finds Sophia, you tell me first. I’ll take care of telling Carol. I’ve been there.” Isabell watched as Maggie and Hershel shared a look. Isabell waved it off, thinking Hershel was saying that Maggie had overstepped her boundaries. The groups problems were just that: their problems. They would deal with it however they would.

“I’ll gather and secure all the weapons. Make sure no one is carryin’ till we’re at a practice range off site.” Shane explained. “I do request one rifleman on lookout. On top of the RV. Dale’s got experience.”

Hershel seemed to hesitate.

“Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun.” Rick reasoned, earning a nod from Hershel after a moment. “Thank you.”

Daryl nudged Isabell’s arm with his elbow and told her to follow him. “Let’s set camp. We’ll head out in a bit.”

Isabell agreed and got their things out of the RV. They set up the tent in a heavy silence. The situation Daryl was in was a little confusing. Isabell still wasn’t sure how he completely felt about how things have been going. Between losing Merle and then losing Sophia, he was kind of a big mess. Thinking it over, Isabell wasn’t so sure that she should have let Daryl promise to find Sophia. She was even admitting it to herself that they might not find her alive or at all. Daryl had made that promise before to her and he hadn’t been able to deliver it. Since he hasn’t really been the same. Daryl had wanted Harley to be okay, just as much as Isabell did, and the same could be said about Sophia. Isabell had gotten close to her and Daryl saw that, which is why he promised to find her. Isabell had hoped that they wouldn’t get the same result as they had with Harley. Daryl might not come back from that.

The two were ready to leave after their their campsite had been put up. Isabell secured her bow around her body, preparing for their trip. She checked to make sure she had a knife in her boot and took machete that Daryl had. Isabell follows closely after Daryl as he walked around the house towards the forest.

“Daryl! Isabell!”

The two looked to their right, seeing Rick sitting on the steps up to the porch. They both stopped to look at him.

“I’m better on my own. With Iz.” Daryl insisted. “We’ll be back before dark.” They took steps to continue on.

“Hey!” Rick called, not done talking with them yet. “We got a base. We can get this search properly organized now.”

“You got a point or are we just chatting?”

“Daryl, c’mon, don’t be an ass.” Isabell begged quietly so Rick couldn’t hear.

“My point is it lets you off the hook. Both of you. You don’t owe us anything.” Rick told him.

Isabell furrowed her brow at him, not understanding still. Why would the two of them just take off and leave?

“My other plans fell through.” Daryl said, pushing off again towards the trees.

Isabell sighed. “I’m sorry ‘bout him. We’ll talk later?”

Rick nods.

Isabell jogs to catch up to Daryl. When the two become hidden by the trees, Isabell decides to talk to Daryl while they walk. “Look, I know you’re still bitter about Merle, but we need to stick around these people. We’re safe with them. It was hard when it was just the three of us. Now we have eight other people watching our asses.”

“I know, Iz. That’s my plan.”

“Okay, well you need to be less of an ass to them. Eventually they ain’t gon’ want you ‘round anymore.”

“So I’ll go. Ya can stay if ya want. Just like ya said, it’s safer.”

“Do ya really think I would stay here without ya?” Isabell asked.

Daryl stopped walking to turn and look at her. “Ya think ya could them with all the weight you got on your shoulders? With all you think you owe them?”

Isabell scoffed. “What’s wrong with you?”

Daryl paused for a second before he shook his head, continuing on. “Nothin’.”

Isabell groaned internally, rolling her eyes, and followed him. She decided to put space between them walking a few yards away to his right. It is quiet for awhile until Isabell hears some snarling coming from her left. “Walkers.” Isabell said out loud so Daryl could hear. She turned and saw two headed in her direction. Isabell quickly threw the machete at the ground to stand it up, freeing her hands. She pulled her bow off of her and shot an arrow at one of the two skillfully, hitting it right in his eye. The other had gotten too close to her for her to shoot it down, so Isabell grabbed the machete from the dirt and hit the walker over the head with it. The blade didn’t get the brain so she hit it again, over and over until the walker stopped moving.

“Ya okay?” Daryl asked coming up behind her. “You should sharpen that thing.”

Isabell stood up straight, blowing the hair out of her face. “Quit bein’ such an asshole to me.”


“Ya heard me, Daryl. I don’t need it. The group doesn’t either. I don’t need you pushin’ away our chances at being a part of somethin’. I’m kickin’ my own ass enough over what’s going on. I don’t need it from you, too.”

There was a silence and Daryl watched her. She had finally admitted to him that all that’s happened with the children of the group was really getting to her, weighing her down. “Mkay.” Daryl said, pushing along.

“That’s it?” Isabell asked, following him. “Just okay? Okay and you’re done pushing everyone around?”

“Yeah.” Daryl shrugged. “Guess.”


“What? What do ya want from me, Iz?”

“Take back your promise. The one about Sophia.” Isabell insisted. “Because at this point, finding her… It’ll probably be just as easy as findin’ the fuckin’ abominable snowman.”

“Izzy, just the other day you knew there was hope. This mornin’ you told Hershel we had hopes.”

“Maybe there’s not. Maybe I’m just as crazy as I was goin’ into the city, thinking Harley would be okay. I don’t want you to have to live with not finding Sophia. I don’t want to see you how you were after Harley.”

Daryl scoffed and continued on. “‘M keepin’ my promise. We’re gonna find that little girl.”

“But if we don’t - ” Isabell took a few steps towards him.

“We will!” Daryl shouted, turning back to her, making Isabell stumble backwards as his fierceness.

Again the two continued to walk in silence. Checking up on each other to make sure they were still there after a couple minutes of them walking. After a while, the two came to a clearing in the woods. Right in the middle, was an old wooden house. Daryl unraveled his crossbow, arming himself. Isabell held her machete in her hand, knowing that her bow wouldn’t do her much good within the closeness of the house. They walked up to the house, standing at the door.

“Ya ready?” Daryl asked.

Isabell nodded and tightened the hold on the machete.

Daryl kicked the door open and stepped into the house before Isabell. Cautiously, he clears the hallway, gesturing for Isabell to come into the house. Daryl checks the room to their left and Isabell takes the room on the right, making sure they were clear. They met again in the hallway and continued down the hall. Isabell waited for Daryl to check the next room before she entered another. Daryl walked first into the room across the hall from which he just cleared. There was another room in the back of this one and Daryl checks it quickly with Isabell right on his heel. There’s a can of food in the trash and Daryl sniffs it, wondering how long ago it was opened.

Isabell watched until she heard a sound. Isabell’s eyes shot to the other wall of the room where she heard the water splatter. She held up her machete, ready to use it.

Daryl slowly put the trash back down, noticing her alarm.

In front of Isabell was a door that was slightly ajar. She flicked her head towards the door.

Daryl nods and raises his crossbow. Both of them slowly walk towards the open door.

Isabell reached the door and grabbed the handle, ready to open it for Daryl, who had his crossbow poised to shook. She looked to Daryl.

Daryl nods, and Isabell pulls the door open quickly. His next actions are slow, realizing it was only an empty pantry. Daryl lowered his crossbow and moved a little to the side to show Isabell the space.

Isabell looked inside, seeing a makeshift bed laid out with a blanket and pillow. “Could this have been her?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

Isabell crouched down next to the pillow, hoping she would be able to catch some sort of sense that it had been Sophia’s place to lay her head. “It had to be.”

Daryl backed out of the room.

Isabell had stayed for a moment longer until she heard Daryl shouting outside.

“Sophia!” He shouted.

Isabell quickly pushed herself off of the floor and out of the house. “Are you crazy?” She hurried down the steps, grabbing his arm. “You tryin’ to draw out the dead?”

Daryl shrugged her off. “I’m tryin’ to see if she’s out here.” He went around the side of the house. “Maybe she heard us comin’. It spooked her. Sophia!” He called again, before looking at a nearby treeline. He approached it.

Isabell jogged up behind him. “What is it?”

Daryl crouched to to a couple of flowers he noticed had bloomed. “Cherokee Rose.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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