Jersey's Voice

Chapter 29

"I can believe he passed out," I whispered harshly over a finger that I held up signaling for my partner in crime to be silent.

Though anyone nearby would have heard my whisper regardless, it wasn't exactly a whisper.

"I know, what a light weight," K.C. giggled loudly.

I shot her a look and shushed her with a loud shh which in turn only made her giggle louder. Though the both of us stopped our giggling and advancing when Gerard mumbled in his sleep and stirred softly on the couch. When he snorted and then passed back into sleep K.C. and I broke back into giggles though tried to tone them down after a second. Creeping closer I took my weapon of choice from K.C.'s hand and went about trying to accomplish my plan with the least consequences. Finding a plan of attack I crept beside Gerard's slumbering form and slowly lifted the hem of his t-shirt.

"I'm so jealous of his skin," I drunken whispered to K.C. at his feet where she was tying his shoe laces together in knots.

"I know right?" K.C. laughed back as she tied extra knots.

"Ooh you're evil," I laughed back as I finished lifting his shirt up the bare minimum I needed.

K.C. simply wiggled her eyebrows drunkenly at me in an evil manner.

I took my sharpie and drew large, overly dramatic pursed lips on the side of Gerard's stomach, near the area beside his belly button just above his jeans. I tried to not burst out laughing as I tried spelling how a loud smack of lips sounded in my head, it looked right to my drunk mind. So more than likely it would look all right to his when he saw it. I detailed the lips as much as possible, making them look shiny like covered in lip gloss. Then in a fit of genius I signed my name.

"Are you insane?" K.C. hissed from where she was still standing by Gerard's now basically immobile feet.

"Huh?" I asked confused as I looked up from my masterful piece of artwork.

"Did you just sign your name?" K.C. asked, sounding like it might be plausible that I hadn't.

"Yeah," I said as I looked down at the drawing on Gerard's flesh and then back up at K.C..

"Well then he's going to know it was you," K.C. explained like it should be obvious.

Which it probably would have been had I been sober. As it was it made sense to me in the state I was in as I had done it on purpose.

"I know," I answered as I put the cap back on my sharpie and put it in my back pocket.

K.C. simply raised a confused eyebrow at me in question.

"It's not going to matter if my name was on it or not because he's gonna know it was me in a second," I said evilly as I tried to rub my hands together evilly.

Which this intoxicated was a feat and a half.

K.C. raised both her eyebrows higher, up into her hairline at my vague statement.

"Watch," was all I said before tucking my hair behind me ears and holding it there in place as I bent over.

I lowered my face to his pale porcelain skin and placed my lips together like a kiss and heard K.C. intake air quickly, almost gasping. She didn't know me well enough yet to realize what I was doing and what I wasn't doing. Grinning I placed my lips on his soft flesh and then in took deeply through my nose and deposited it in my lungs and the remainder in my cheeks, puffing them out like a chipmunk. Counting to three silently in my head I then pushed the air out of my cheeks and lungs through my lips onto Gerard's unsuspecting stomach. Making the loudest biggest raspberry known to the history of man kind.

"Ahhh!" Gerard screamed as he literally almost levitated off the couch in a flurry of flailing limbs to a sitting position.

At his scream K.C. and I burst out laughing, so hard in fact I felt myself doubling over from the intensity, tears brimming in my eyes from it all. I caught sight of K.C. out of the corner of my eyes and she was laughing so hard it was silent and she was stomping one of her feet repeatedly from the intensity of it. That made me laugh even more. Though what Gerard was doing through all of this I had no idea.

"Oh god now I have to pee," K.C. laughed brokenly as tears streamed down her face and she ran for the bathroom, still bent over from laughing.

I continued to laugh but tried to pull myself together as I had realized that I had no idea what Gerard's reaction to all of it was after his initial shock and wanted to see his face. I stood up straight and slowed my hysterical laughter down to hiccups with broken giggles and turned looking for him. And found him. He was sitting with his fists on his hips, looking like Peter Pan, and tapping his foot with what looked like an expression that showed he was trying to be serious. And his neck and ears seemed to be red, but not from anger. Could he possibly be blushing?

I smiled sheepishly at him and shrugged my shoulders innocently.

"Are you insane?" Gerard asked, hands still on hips.

"Yup. And drunk," I answered truthfully with a smile.

"What am I going to do with you?" Gerard asked, still trying to pull off the serious concerned act.

Which failed as he shook his head and lost his balance slightly, causing him to teeter in his sitting position before steadying himself. I couldn't help but let a shit eating grin take over my face.

"Look at your tummy," I said as I wiggled my eyebrows mischeviously at him.

Gerard lifted one eyebrow in confusion and I motioned at his stomach with my eyes. I tried not to laugh as Gerard frantically went for his shirt, trying to get it up so fast that he only got himself into tangles. I giggled slightly at all of it. Finally he got it up and was then trying to get a good look at it, almost acting like a puppy chasing its tail in circles trying to bite at it.

"I can't believe you did this!" Gerard shouted as he threw his arms up into the air.

I grinned at him evilly, he still hadn't stood up yet and was too drunk to notice at the moment that his feet were slightly immobilized.

"What else did you do?" Gerard whined at my grin.

I simply shook my head no at him.

"Oh god," Gerard said before trying desperately to tear his shirt off to be able to check his upper body for more sharpie designs.

I started laughing again as he frantically twisted and turned trying to see all parts of his now bare upper body.

"You're so dead if there's more ink on me," Gerard said as he made to leap up to get a better look at his body.

"Uh oh," I said, my laughter pausing a moment.

Gerard's features sped raced through a million things at my statement, the two main being confusion and then shock as he leapt up and then went down.

"Ahhh!" Gerard screamed a second time, this time because he crashed to the ground, feet bound in a million knots.

I couldn't take it, I doubled over in laughed, my ribs hurt so much that I wrapped my arms around my waist to make the pain stop. But every time I thought myself better I would hear Gerard grunt and I would die all over again. I felt myself gasping for air as I laughed, the hysterical tinge to it all robbing me of oxygen.

"Oh. My," I gasped slightly, trying to get enough oxygen to my lungs so I could function properly and not retain any serious brain damage.

"Gah! You're so dead!" I heard shouted from behind me.

And right as I turned my head ever so slightly I saw Gerard on his two still tightly tied together feet, standing with a look of murder on his face. He took a jump near me and I nearly peed my pants. It wasn't till the second jump brought him flying at me with open arms did I realize what he intended.

"Ahh!" I screamed this time as Gerard's body connected with mine and brought me down.

"Oomph," rushed out of my mouth in nothing but air as I hit the ground, temporarily unaware that Gerard was laying on top of me.

"You're so cruel," Gerard said, a smile on his features as he looked down at me, his long dark black hair falling around us all over the place.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

He made the motion like he was going to bite it off and I quickly tucked it back in my mouth.

"Well that's what you get for passing out so early on us," I chided.

"Hey I was exhausted and hadn't eaten much earlier so the booze made me sleepy," Gerard defended.

"Loser," I mocked, rolling my eyes at him, I could still smell the mix of alcohol and cigarettes on his breath.

"You just wanted me to take my shirt off again," Gerard teased softly as he stared directly into my eyes.

I wanted my camera, I wanted my camera so badly it hurt. The alcohol made his features softer, less strained, there was sweat on his skin giving it a sheen and the laughter of everything made his eyes light up from the inside out. He was glowing even though his hair cast a shadow about his features at the same time. And it was then that I realized that not only was he laying directly on top of me, but that he had no shirt on as well. Consequently his flushed porcelain white skin was brushing, and pressed, against where mine was exposed, my arms and where my shirt had ridden up on my stomach.

"And to think a week ago you didn't want me to see you shirtless," I breathed out softly, a smirk on my lips.

I fought the urge to look down at his lips. This was Gerard. Gerard fucking Way of all people. I didn't have any feelings for him, no need to want to look at his lips and watch them move. Granted I had long ago admitted to being in love with his words and those in fact did come from his mouth and pass through his lips, but this urge was different. And so unlike what Mikey and I had going on.

"Hey Jay?" Gerard asked softly, making me realize that we had been silent for awhile, just staring into one another's eyes as we laid pressed together.

I raised both my eyebrows at him, signaling him that I had heard him and was curious for him to continue.

"Did you place your lips on your design? On my stomach?" Gerard asked softly and I watched his eyes momentarily dash to my lips before back up to my eyes.

"Why? Do I have marker on my lips?" I asked as I made to quickly rub it off.

"Don't worry. I got it," Gerard said softly, stilling my movements to wipe it away by stopping my hands.

I watched transfixed as he brought one of his hands up to his lips, lips which he licked before placing a kiss on his thumb. I watched as he slowly brought his thumb from his lips down to my own and I couldn't help but breathe in quickly when I felt him press his thumb into my bottom lip. I stared transfixed into his eyes as he stared back into mine, gently rubbing off the marker from my lip. My blood was racing so hard that it was hard for me to hear and I barely caught the words that came out of his mouth when he lowered his lips to my ear, his thumb resting on my lips. I could literally feel the temperature rising on my skin.

"Now it's your turn to blush," Gerard whispered huskily.

My breath caught in my throat and my heart stopped. And then I realized what was going on when I watched him lift his head, smirk his famous smirk down at me and give me the what now look. I burst out laughing and shoved his still slightly incapacitated ass off me. Gerard landed with a thud next to me on his back and joined in on the hearty all in good fun laughter with me, the big kind that comes from deep down within.

"Oh good grief you really were blushing earlier!" I laughed out loud as it struck me funny that my earlier assumption had been correct.

"Yeah you fucker and I had to get you back. Wench," Gerard teased, still laughing slightly.

"And got me you did. That was a good one," I laughed back, generally impressed with his maneuver.

"I know right? I mean," Gerard started to reply but was cut off.

"Whoa!" I heard K.C.'s voice say from above and behind Gerard and I's head, like she had come running in and came to a screeching halt above us.

"Where the, what the? Whoa. Gerard you're all like half naked and your shoes are tied up, and when did you get into bondage?" Mikey asked as he stood perplexed above us.

"I smell KINK!" Frankie announced loudly as he jumped into the room and nearly bowled K.C. over and onto us.

I started laughing again as Mikey put his hand down and helped me up to my feet in one swift motion. I grinned my thank you at him as I straightened up and brushed myself off. I moved to stand next to Mikey and give him a thankful side hug and looked down at Gerard on the floor, still half naked, covered in sharpie and unable to really move.

"Is anyone going to help me up?" Gerard asked as he sat up into a sitting position.

"Nah," all of us present chorused simultaneously.

Gerard simply just growled and scowled at us while we rolled our eyes at him.

"Well then will someone help me with these damn knots?" Gerard asked as he bent and went about trying to untie the impossible mess holding his two feet together.

"It's impossible. I fear we're going to have to amputate," K.C. said as she brought out the scissors she had been holding behind her back and made dramatic scissoring motions with them.

"Nooo!" Gerard wailed as he frantically waved his arms around in-between his shoe laces and K.C. with her scissors.

"I'm afraid so," K.C. said, trying to sound like a doctor getting ready for an unfortunate surgery.

"But they're my favorite laces. There has to be a way we can get this rat's nest untied and save them," Gerard pleaded, hands still waving back and forth as if to stall the inevitable.

"I'm sorry, but when I tie knots like that they stay knotted. No hope I'm afraid, I'm a genius of tying knots that are un-tieable," K.C. said very proudly.

It was then that Gerard stopped his pouting pleading face and ceased his frantic hand waving mid wave.

"Wait. You did the knots?" Gerard asked as he stared at K.C. dead on.

"Oops?" K.C. said apologetically, like it would help ease matters any.

"Rahhh-r!" Gerard roared as he hopped onto his hands and knees and made to hop after K.C..

K.C. seeing this turned tail and let out a shriek and made to run away from him, like any sane person would. Frankie was jumping up and down in place from laughter and Mikey was holding me up so I wouldn't collapse from laughter. Which wasn't doing all that much as he was slightly bent over from laughter as well.

"Gerard what the hell are you doing and what the hell is on your stomach?" Sharon's voice boomed through.

All our crazy antics stopped and the five of us stopped everything we were doing to whip our heads around to look the direction of Sharon's voice. Sharon, Bob and Ray were standing in the open doorway with more alcohol in their arms and in their possession.

Gerard immediately sat down and wrapped his arms around his bare chest and stomach, politely nodding his thanks as K.C. handed him the scissors she had been running with so he could cut his laces.

"We leave to walk to the store for more booze and when we come back you've all lost your ever lovin minds!" Sharon said loudly, her eyebrows looking like they were permanently stuck up in her hairline.

Gerard slipped off his now shoe laceless shoes and stood.

"You know you're more than likely next in line for the sharpie treatment since you're running on about as much sleep as I am," Gerard said, his smirk taking over his face.

"Oh hell NO. I totally plan on seeing Ray pass out first," Sharon added and then proceeded to walk into the kitchen with her supplies in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is this helping make up for my lack of presence here on Mibba lately?
Puh-lease tell me it is.

Next chapter up in a second!