Status: Complete <3

Steam Punk Goggles and Ink Stained Hands

Be Mine?



Every step I took out of the canteen and down the corridor was more and more daunting than the last. I may have had brief burst of confidence a minute ago, but it was disappearing fast and the anxiety was returning.

What if he says no?

I momentarily thought about changing my mind and just going back to the canteen, but it was too late for that by then; Drew had just spotted me from across the hall.

“Hey, Barrone!” he called, sounding a little relieved to see me.

“Hey, Drew” I greeted timidly, my natural shyness kicking in. “Where’s Laurence?” I asked as I looked around and failed to see him.

“Oh, he went off for a walk outside for a bit; he said he wanted some alone time” he explained, stepping away from the wall and towards me.

“Well, um…” I started to talk but the amount of students milling through the hallway was putting me off; I wanted this to be a little more private. “Um, Drew? Could I possibly talk to you outside for a minute?” I asked, hoping he wouldn’t question why while we were still in there.

“Yeah, sure” he smiled, before heading towards the double doors which lead out towards the PE field and the grassy lunch areas, which are usually crammed with kids during the warmer summer months.

The wind was a sharp change to the overly stuffy school class rooms, but not enough that it made me want to go back inside again. We made our way away from the PE field – where one of the track teams was practicing – and over towards the practically deserted lunch areas. A few of the younger students were braving the cold so they could muck around outside, as where some of the older ones, who only came out for a cigarette. Thankfully though, they only occupied a few of the many picnic tables and there were still empty ones away from the chatter and smoke. I didn’t know whether to actually sit at the table or stand next to it, so I just followed Drew’s lead and sat on top of the wooden table with my feet resting on the seat.

“So, what’s up?” Drew asked with a smile, angling his body so he was facing me rather than looking straight out ahead.

“Um, I wanted to ask you something, but, like, privately? I didn’t really want to ask in a busy hallway…”

“Ask away” he encouraged when my speech trailed off. I took a deep breath and threw caution to the wind. It was probably a bad idea to do this but I’d find a way to make it work. Trying not to let him get
close to me had clearly failed and I deserved to be happy for once. Providing our relationship wasn’t known about by certain people, we’d be fine.

I hope…

“Drew, willyoubemyboyfriend?” I asked in a rush, wanting to just get it over with.

He looked at me with a surprised expression for a second, like he wasn’t expecting that at all. Not wanting to look, I ducked my head slightly; at least that way – if I got a bad response – I wouldn’t have to look at
him at him.

“Barrone…” he mumbled, making my stomach sink a little.

Oh great, here come the rejection…

The he surprised me by reaching out and grasping my hand.

“Of course I will be, Barrone!” he grinned, before darting forward to kiss my cheek.

“I can’t wait to tell the guys!” he cheered, making me smile fondly – such a lot of energy in such a small boy.

I chuckled lightly as he jumped off the table before turning round, grabbing my hands in his and proceeding to pull me from the surface so I was standing next to him.

“Hey, I just thought of something! Do you want to meet my parents sometime this week? I know that meeting parents is meant to be some massive thing that you do once you’ve been in a relationship for a while, but I don’t think it’s that massive a deal – I just want them to meet you. Besides, they’ll probably hear about you so much that it’ll a) drive them crazy and then b) make them want to meet you so they can see who I’m going on about. So yeah, what do you say?”

I resisted the urge to tell him to slow down and just tried to take in as much of what he was saying as possible. The words that stood out most to me and made me feel a bit nauseous were ‘meet my parents’, unsurprisingly. Of course, I did want to meet Drew’s parents, which was exactly why I responded with a happy “Of course!”, the reason I suddenly felt a bit dizzy was because I realised what the result of meeting his parents would be.

Once I met his parents, he would in turn want to meet my mum.

And that right there, just the plain idea of my mum meeting my boyfriend, was enough to make me have to fake the smile on my face.