Status: Complete <3

Steam Punk Goggles and Ink Stained Hands

The Questions That Matter



I stood there shocked, my jaw dropped as I stared at the man Drew had told me was my father.

So many thoughts ran through my head as I tried to assess the situation and the emotions that it brought to the surface of my mind.

I don’t know how much time passed before I stopped staring and started moving towards the man, feeling Drew’s eyes on me as well as the man in the doorway’s.

“Dad?” I practically whispered, the shock still rippling through my body as I studied his features. He looked like me, that much was obvious and I’m sure Drew would have only brought him here if he was sure this was my dad…

Holy fuck, that’s my dad!

Stepping closer, I regarded him curiously, unsure of how to respond, in the end, I settled for moving away over to the bed and calling Drew and my dad over. I needed to talk to him before I could decide just how I felt about him.

Drew and I sat together on the edge of the double bed while my father went and sat in the chair by my desk, eyes flicking between Drew and I and obviously noticing just how close we were sitting. Well, if I was going to get to know this man, I may as well not hide things that are very important to me from the start, my relationship with Drew being a prime example.

I slid my hand into one of Drew’s and pulled it out of his lap, where he’d nervously placed both of them and entwined our fingers, leaving our hands to rest on the small space of bed between us.

“So, I’m assuming you two are together then?” the man – my dad – asked, smiling at the two of us.

“Yup” I confirmed, wrapping an arm around Drew – who nuzzled into my side, a smile on his face.

“Congrats” he shot us a smile before continuing on, changing the subject to more pressing matters “So, um, Shane, I guess I should really introduce myself. I’m James Sumner, yeah, I’m your dad and Drew here explained everything to me on the drive here. I just want to say how sorry I am, I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I left you with that abusive woman, I didn’t now she’d be like that with you! I’m sorry for not being there and leaving you without a dad, I’m so sorry I just…” the conversation continued between my dad and I with Drew occasionally adding something in for a good couple of hours. We talked everything out, made apologies, learnt about each other and in the end, I actually felt like I could forgive him. I knew what it was like to be gay and scared off the consequences and what people think. Turns out, Drew was right, he didn’t stay in contact for fear of rejection and that his son would share his mother’s views.

Luckily for him though, I’m one of those people who can put the past as the past and move on. I won’t forget but I can forgive.

With that thought in mind, I rose from the bed and crossed over to the chair, hugging my dad tight and trying to contain the tears that threatened to spill over onto my cheeks.

After a few moments, I leant back, only to see that my father was also crying, looking up at me with what I could only describe as delight and pride.

“So, Shane, I know this is kind of sudden considering we’ve only just been, I don’t know, re-united I guess, but, how would you feel about coming to live with me? You’ve been staying here with Drew, as he told me, but I can’t have you staying here forever, it’s not fair on Mr and Mrs Woolnough. Honestly, I’ve missed so many years of parenthood; I want to savour the last couple I can before you become an adult. What do you say? I only live about twenty minutes from here, you and Drew could still see each other all the time. He could stay over ours and, providing Drew’s parents don’t mind, you could come over here, whenever?”

I thought about it, I’ve always wanted to live with a parent who cared for me properly and he clearly cared about the fact I’d want to see Drew. He’d factored it in even though he’d only met Drew this morning.

This wasn’t just a decision I could make on the spot, though, it was turning my whole life upside down and that required serious thought.

“I, I need to think about this, if that’s okay?” My dad nodded, a smile on his face as Drew curled into my side and hugged me tight. I returned the hug; I loved him so much, he brought my father back to me.

“Thank you so much for this, Drew, I love you, so very much” I whispered into his ear, kissing him gently on the cheek considering my father was there. Tilting his head slightly, I felt his lips ghost along my ear, his warm breath making my skin tingle.

“You’re welcome”.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, there will only be one more chapter after this (which I guess is more of an epilogue but it'll be long!)

What do ya'll think Shane's going to decide? :)

xo KilljoyAndProudOfIt