I Want You On My Team

They Said I Was Guilty

Then it was Monday. I had school and my friends had business to attend to else where. I was sad to see them go, but it also lifted a little tension from my chest. What you can't see won't bother you, right? So, I was off to have a farely normal day. Which was completely fine by me. I stepped foot into the halls with a smile on my face and per usual said hello to everyone I passed. It was funny how in a school with around one thousand students everyone seemed to know me. I tried my best to learn very one's name. I was a friendly girl. I didn't want to just be known as the captain of the cheerleaders. Most would expect that to entail me to be in the hottest fashion, go to wicked parties, and have the stud on the football team walking me to class. At first, some people had a bit of a culture shock. They didn't know what to think of a girl who had never had a boyfriend, wore sweaters quite often, and spent her weekends outside of cheer season away.
"Hey sexy lady." Holland, my closest friend at school and teammate, aproached. "I hear you finally got yourself a man."
"Now where'd you hear that from?" I replied spininng the combination into the lock.
"Sasha and Lauren, told me that they saw you in a dark hallway with a boy."
"And that could have been anyone. Like my cousin." I still wasn't in to the idea of telling anyone the real story. That my best friend was in a band. A really successful one. And on broadway. Okay, and movies and television. That would change how people viewed me. I wasn't ready for that. Holland was my closest friend outside of Nick, but if I told one person another would find its way and then another and so forth.
"Your mom is an only and your dad's siblings have young kids and girls around our age. You can't fool me." So what was I supposed to say? He was my long lost brother. My mother's pregnancy was highly publicized when it was me. People would have known. So I said as close to the truth as I could.
"Okay, you got me. He is a childhood friend." First bell rang and I hurried forward toward class.
"You can't get away with it that easy we are talking about this later, Lexi."
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I would like to thank Stay Beautiful for commenting. It made me smile and finish up this chapter. Which is short, but needed.
Comments :)
<3 Kelsey