Status: Soo umm this is my frist fan fiction ive ever riten, and my friends said i should post them cuz they liked it so hera you go

Bulletproof Love

Chapter 1

I was walking down the street to my boyfriend's house. When I walk in I see him on the couch with blond hoe. He looks up at me and gets the hoe off of him. I run out the door with him chasing after me. I stopped and turned around looking at him, he starts to slow his pace to ketch his breath and try to explain but I just bust out crying. I was mad no furious, he tried to talk to me but I stopped him and said "WHAT THE HELL VIC I WALK IN ON YOU HAVING SEX WITH FUCKING SLUTTY BLOD HOE!!!!!!!, IF THATS WHAT YOU WANT THEN FUCK GO 4 IT". "I BET SHE WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WHO THE FUCK I AM BITCH". He tries to talk but I just don't want to fucking listen, I turn around not listing to him saying "come back Stella please let me explain", "NO FUCK FACE" I take out my phone and call Kellin crying and trying to tell him what happened. "Stella its ok where are you"
"around taco bell"
" ill be there in a few ok"
"O-okay thanks Kellin"
"its nothing that's what friends are for right"

5min later I see a tour buss with the words Sleeping With Sirens in big red and Wight letters next thing I know the buss pulls up next to me the door flies open and Kellin runs out of the bus tours me he pulls me close so my head is close to his chest, I bury my face in his chest and start to cry. He kisses my head and says "its ok im hear now" I hake my head in understand meant.

We clime up onto the sws buss, I see no ones on the bus except for the driver. He looks at me and smiles "are you ok Stella?" I nod and give a week smile, Kellin takes my hand in his and walks me to the bathroom and sits me on the sink counter still holding my hand in his. I look at him and admirer for a moment until he says "you should shower" I look at him and nod, ill be back with some of my cloths for you, "ok" next thin I know im all alone in the bathroom, still on the sink counter.

I start to strip of my cloths when the door suddenly opens, I give out a little scream thinking it was Vic but It turns out to being Kellin, he looks at me for a second and quickly raps a towel around me, I look down at my feet with tears in my eyes. He looks at me and pulls me towards him "its ok" I look up at him and stare into his blue/green eyes Io open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Next thing I know Kellins hands are on my waist and mine around his neck, We both lean I closer his lips brush on mine the again but longer and more efectonit, I can feel my face turning red but I like it all of it the way his hands touch me and how his lips feel so silky. I grip titer onto him letting my self enjoy his skin on mine.

I clime into the shower (with Kelli still in the bathroom) emidietly he starts to strip from his cloths and jumps into the shower with me, he takes me by the waist and pulls me closer kissing my neck and then my lips, I let him because I haven't felt this way in a long time not even when I was with Vic. But Kellin was something eales he was the guy. The one that made me feel loved, special, wanted.

When we got out of the shower he looked at me and smiled I put head down then looked up at him and smiled. I had to tell him how I really felt about him but how was my question? He showed to his bunk wear we both got dressed, I weas done first so I sat on his bunk looking at him "is something wrong"
"no just thinking"
"of what"
"never mind"
"no pleas tell me Stella"
I looked at him and smiled "I was thinking of how I really feel about you"
"ohhhh so how do you really feel about me"
I look down feeling my cheeks turn red "I love you"
"is that how you really feel"
"good because I feel the same way about you Stella"
I look up and smile at Kellin and let my self fall back onto his pillows, he looks at me and smiles and starts to crawl onto the bed, I look at him crawling twords me and and wraps his hands around my feet and pulls me to him I giggle a little and lean in for a kiss.
"I love you Stella"
"I love you two Kellin"
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I hope you people like the story :}