Status: I'm back! Working on Chapter 32 :)

Safe & Sound

I'm coming home to the place where I belong.

Time has always found its way to escape her, but she must admit that these past two weeks have gone by before her eyes.

Every time Gemma catches sight of Harry's hand in Kennedy's or protectively along the small of her back, she smiles. Every time Kennedy walks into the room and finds him with his head on Addison's lap, quietly singing to the child, she can't help but stop and stare for a while against the door frame. It's peaceful for everyone since the pair has gotten back together. It feels as if they've come full circle now and things can only look up from this point forward.

Gemma has gone home for the night. She excused herself as not wanting to be the awkward third wheel, but Kennedy knows it's more because she's overflowing with too much schoolwork and not enough time. Giving her the details of what exactly happened in Harry's flat put the stress on hold for a while, but it didn't take long for her to be back on her laptop, full of sleep deprivation.

On the other hand, explaining things to Anne took a bit of time, and surprisingly for Kennedy, talking about it this time around was easier because she knew the story now had a happy ending. She knew the last thing she would tell Anne is that after all of the drama and the uncertainty, it really is Harry and Anne really is the child's grandmother.

''I suddenly feel eighty years old,'' Anne had groaned into the phone receiver, although it was a happy complaint. She spent the rest of the conversation asking loads about Addison: how she was as an infant, how her first milestones in life were reached, all of the things that Harry had once asked as well. It brings Kennedy much joy to be able to share this all with her without the burden of any secrets; it's like Addison went to bed one night and woke up the next with an entire family: a father, an aunt, and a grandmother all her own.

''I wish I could come and see her,'' Anne had reluctantly said, ''But I've already set my work schedule in stone. I'll see you on her discharge date though, yes?''

''Absolutely,'' Kennedy assured, already looking forward to the day.

Now, as she walks back to the department where Addie's been for the past few too many months now, she holds her head high. This is the last night she'll spend within these walls. Tomorrow, the day comes. The next time she'll lay her daughter down for a good night's rest, it will be in her own bedroom in her own flat. Just thinking about it makes her smile.

She grips the tray in her hands tightly, for once not even slightly disgusted by the food on top of it. She walks past the restroom where she knows she spent the worst of her downfall not long ago and, although the one she made to Harry is more than enough, she makes a promise to herself that such an incident will never happen again.

After a quick greeting in Dr. Holmes direction, who's running the last round of tests for the child before her outpatient discharge come morning, Kennedy reaches the room and has to pause in her tracks in the doorway.

The sight before her is one she could spend forever looking at.

Harry's gotten into the bed, half of his body barely fitting and his long legs dangling off to the side. But Addison is nestled against his chest, reveling in his fingers gently smoothing down her hair. Both sets of eyes are closed in peace and, if Kennedy listens hard enough, she can hear him singing to her.

''And I never thought through love we'd be making one so lovely as she, but isn't she lovely made from love?''

Kennedy smiles. The last thing she wants is to break up such an angelic moment, so as gently as she can, she sets the tray of dinner on a table for them to eat later and approaches the opposite side of the bed.

She can hear him continue to hum, but he lazily opens his eyes to glance her way, smiling all the while. Neither of them say anything in an effort not to disturb the sleeping child below them, but Kennedy knows this moment needs no words anyway. She merely takes hold of Harry's hand and lies her head down near Addison, perfectly content listening to the sounds of his gentle voice and her gentle breaths.


''Mama.'' A tiny hand rests on her shoulder and tries to shake her as hard as she can with what little muscle it has left. ''Mama, wake up.''

Kennedy stirs gently. She's startled to see she's not in the same position she fell asleep in but rather a few feet back in a chair. Before her, Addison sits up in her bed and stretches out her arm with a smile.

''It's go home day,'' the child grins.

Kennedy's momentary scare is soothed by the feeling of Harry closeby. She can feel him in the room before she finally sees him, already dressed in a fresh outfit he brought over from his place. He smiles and it's a smile she's been waiting ages to see.

''Yes, it is,'' she tells Addison excitedly as the sleep wears off, ''Are you excited?''

Addison nods happily. It's comforting to see that the IV and other countless needles and tubes have been removed from her arm. Kennedy looks forward to also finally getting rid of the gown and putting her in some of her own clothes.

''Mum and Gemma are on their way,'' Harry explains, ''And Dr. Holmes was just here, but she said she'd be back in a bit.''

''And I've just been nodded off this entire time?''

Harry laughs. ''I wanted to wake you earlier, but Addie said no.''

Kennedy turns to Addison, pretending to be offended. ''Addie?''

''Sorry,'' the child coos, ''You look nice sleeping.''

She reaches for one of her mother's many spirals of chestnut hair and Kennedy reaches down to kiss her forehead in forgiveness.

Shortly after Kennedy has her shower and changes into her old pair of jeans and one of Harry's hoodies, she returns to the room to see that Gemma and Anne have both arrived. They seem to have brought miniature sized bouquets of flowers and teddy bears for the child, and Addison evidently couldn't be happier as she thanks them multiple times.

''We could start an army with how many stuffed animals we have in the family,'' Kennedy laughs.

''Kenn, darling, you look lovely.'' Anne rushes to pull her into her arms to give her the hug she's been waiting to give her since Gemma told her the awful story.

''She does, doesn't she?'' Gemma smiles from her spot by the bed. She has her arm draped around her brother's waist happily.

''My hair is up and I don't have a spot of makeup on,'' Kennedy laughs, ''If anyone's looking lovely, it's this cheeky girl.'' Her hand caresses the side of Addison's face despite the child being preoccupied with studying each one of the flowers and touching their delicate petals. She seems particularly enthralled in the daisies.

Gemma and Anne continue to ask various questions pertaining to the child's checkout from the hospital, like if she'll ever need to come back. Kennedy has little answers so far and she excuses herself to run to find out.

She doesn't realize Harry is close behind her as she walks out until they reach the door and he smiles as if he's telling her that he'll always be here. She responds by intertwining her fingers tightly with his and beckoning him to walk with her. They've always been in this together, but something about their union now seems stronger, ready for whatever obstacle they get thrown since they've practically been through each possible horrible scenario already. Nothing else they face now can be much worse.

''Oh, hello,'' Dr. Holmes greets them when they unexpectedly meet her out in the hall, ''I was just coming to see you all. I've got Addie's discharge papers right here.''

She smiles, pointing to her clipboard.

Kennedy and Harry exchange hopeful grins, but soon after they prepare to accept the fine print.

''She's on outpatient,'' the doctor explains, ''Which means she'll have to come back for tests, but your home unit sends enough information to us for her to not have to come in every day. You don't need to sterilize your entire house, but if you see any signs of fever or flulike symptoms, call me.''

She goes on to explain the finer details of Addison's improving condition, but most of it goes through Kennedy's ears like water because she can't get past the concept that this is all a green light for the rest of the child's life.

Once back in the room, Harry feeds a very excited Addison her breakfast while Kennedy packs up her things. All of her belongings are stuffed into tote bags, including her new supply of medications and the now very deflated balloons from Miranda that Addison doesn't seem to want to throw out. Kennedy's smile can't be wiped off by anything at this point. The room radiates with happiness from everyone, but especially from her as, sadly, she never thought this day would come.

Addison seems most happy to have her gown undone and get into one of her favorite lilac dresses. Everyone around her tries not to dwell on the fact that the garment fits so loosely now.

Harry gathers most of the bags, not wanting his sister or mother to carry them although they offer to.

''You're a beauty,'' Kennedy smiles down at her daughter as she scoops her out of the bed and sits her on her hip. She's much lighter compared to the last time she held her, but that's not what matters. Kennedy knows she won't be at this low weight for long.

Addison lays her head down on her mother's shoulder and it's as if all is right in the world when they begin their walk out of the room. Harry remains close to the pair, never once wanting to leave their side.

On their way out, Addison gives a well-deserved hug to Dr. Holmes and a handful of nurses. The gratitude that Kennedy and Harry particularly have for them is immeasurable, but although they're very nice people, they hope they never have to see them again.

''I've never been so happy getting to bring her home,'' Kennedy smiles on her way up in the elevator and then down the main hall.

''Me neither, love,'' Harry says as he holds the door open for them, finally allowing the sunlight to touch his daughter's face for the first time in months, ''Me neither.''


''Well, I think she's finally asleep.''

Anne returns to the living room full of three exceptionally tired people. Kennedy lies with her head on Harry's lap and neither of them ignore the last memory they have of themselves together on this couch.

''Had to read her two stories,'' Anne smiles, holding up two fingers.

Each person in the room had their hand at bidding the child goodnight, but finally getting her to fall asleep was a job Kennedy specially left to Anne, who is silently very thankful as it was her first intimate bonding experience with her first grandchild. It amazes her how much of her son she sees in the girl, even how much of Kennedy.

''Well, best be off, then,'' she sighs, reaching for her purse.

''Oh, don't go yet,'' Kennedy pleads.

''Yeah, Mum, stay a bit longer.'' Harry agrees, although the yawn at the end of his sentence doesn't strengthen his argument in the slightest.

''I wish I could, but I have work come morning. You lot need your rest as well. It's been quite a day. I'll see you soon though, alright?''

Kennedy rises and Harry is quick to follow, as is Gemma.

''I'll ride with you,'' Gemma says sleepily, ''I'm about to pass out any second, guys, sorry.''

With a smile, Kennedy pulls each of them into a hug and thanks them wholeheartedly for all they've done helping her and Addie get settled back in. Harry kisses them both on the cheek, holding onto his mother longer than he initially intended. He doesn't ignore the way she later cups Kennedy's face and gazes at her sympathetically. He can see that she's thinking of that god awful party the more she stares and he fears such pity will reignite Kennedy's memory of that night. But much to his surprise, Kennedy smiles and affectionately lays her hands over Anne's, silently assuring her that she's alright after all.

''Come over sometime,'' Anne tells them on her way out the door, ''Robin and especially Des are dying to meet Addie.''

''We will. Night, Mum.'' Harry waves her and Gemma out onto the landing and shuts the door, turning back to Kennedy.

''Tired?'' he asks.

She sighs, throwing her head back. ''Beyond belief.''

''Come here.''

He extends his hand out for her to take, escorting her back into the living room and onto the loveseat.

''Is it safe to assume you're staying over?'' she asks as he positions herself behind her, bringing his fingers along her shoulders.

''Unless you'd rather have me stay at my place.''

''No,'' she's quick to answer, ''I want you here.''

He smiles, applying pressure to her muscles and letting her ease into the movements.

''You're tense. Relax.''

''Relax? Hmm, I don't know the meaning of that word. Sounds familiar though.''

His hands press against her shoulders and along her back in such a way that her eyes seem to close against her will.

''Yes, relax,'' he tells her softly, moving close to the side of her head, ''Or I'll make you relax.''

''I thought that's what you're doing,'' she suggests slyly.

''I have other techniques.''

She laughs. ''I'm well aware.''

''No, it's been a while. I've...matured.''

She can practically hear the smirk in his voice.

''Matured?'' she repeats, amused, ''Okay, prove it.''

Harry ceases his movements, but keeps one hand low on her back. The other gently sways onto her face, tucking a stray wave of hair behind her ear. She turns more to her left and gazes back into green irises she didn't think were possible to be as bright as they are. He remains just inches from her face for a while, and the temptation to close the gap between them is strong.

When he finally kisses her, it feels as if time has stopped. He makes her forget the world outside of their tiny space of universe circled around them. She has no idea how long it lasts, three seconds or three minutes, as all concept of time has escaped her.

''Wow,'' she sighs when they separate, although not entirely.

He only smiles; he was hoping for such a response.


''Infinitely, yes.'' She reopens her eyes to see him looking at her. ''Harry, I'm...''

The words catch in the back of her throat and she shakes her head to get them out. They're not words she dreads to say aloud in the slightest. They're words so unknown to her voice these past few years that saying them now is like speaking a foreign language.

''I'm so happy,'' she tells him, ''I... I feel like I'm dreaming because being this happy just can't be real.''

He runs the back of his hand against her face.

''Bringing her home through that door made me think of when I brought her home the very first time,'' she goes on, ''I was scared then, too. All I could think about was how much I wished you were with me. I dreamt of it.''

It's difficult, but he tries not to let her see how much picturing this hurts him.

''This time, it feels different because you're actually here.''

He feels her tighten her grip and press herself against him more simply because she can and he welcomes it.

''You're here and it's not a dream,'' she says, ''And we're together.''

She grins up at him, but it's soon replaced with a dark tint of guilt.

''It...It kills me to admit it and I never have to anyone, but I thought she would die in that hospital.''

It's his cue to quickly press his lips to her forehead and then underneath her cheek to catch the fallen tears.

''Don't do this to yourself,'' he whispers, ''Don't think about that.''

''I know,'' she revels in his touch along her face, ''I can let go of that fear now, I know.''

''She's home now and she's not going anywhere. She's ours.''

Kennedy brings her hands up and lets them sit against either side of his head. His curls underneath them feel soft to the touch. She doesn't say a word for a while, but rather studies his face in all its brightness. She recognizes this face. She memorized it during those two years they spent in that flower field. This face has aged a bit; its eyes know more pain and darkness, but they also know more love, and that's exactly what's staring back at her in this bittersweet moment.

''I'm so happy it was you.'' She smiles, her eyes glassy. ''I don't know...I don't know what I would've done if it wasn't.''

He tries not to think of the darkness and have it ruin all of this, but it's nearly impossible to fight off even the flash of the idea. He remembers the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach the more he thought about Addison being made from such pain and anguish from that cruel night at that cruel party. He pushes that feeling away for good, knowing that she had already been made, from love instead. The love he has for her mother and the love he sees before his eyes right now. It never once faltered, even after all of these years.

''I love you,'' he tells Kennedy. Slowly, so she'll remember every syllable and repeat it to herself if she should ever doubt that he does with his entire heart.

She smiles in utter bliss.

''Right back at you.''


For the past hour, her view has been the closest thing to perfection she believes she's ever seen, with the only exception of the first time she laid eyes on her daughter.

He lies before her, still fast asleep, dreaming of something she wishes she could see. Never has she spent a more comforting night in this uncomfortable bed. Never has she felt more complete in a single room before with the two loves of her life within arm's length. She knows she can look off to the side and see Addison sleeping soundly, for once entirely at ease without the pain and the agonizing awakenings every half an hour. She knows she can keep staring over at Harry, gazing along the waves of hair falling over his eyes and over the pillow, and he won't disappear. She smiles knowing this; she's been awake most of the evening because of this, even after he kissed her goodnight and held her against his chest until her breaths deepened. Waking up to such a sight made waking up prematurely worth it, and she gratefully knows now that she'll have many more nights to spend like this.

When it comes time for her to check the home unit on Addison, Kennedy reluctantly untangles herself from Harry's warm embrace and pries herself from the bed. She attempts to be as quiet as possible while pressing the unit buttons and assuring the right information gets sent to the hospital. But her efforts fail, mostly because Harry's an exceptionally light sleeper.

She hears him stir against the sheets and sigh as he turns on the pillow to see her.

''Sorry,'' she cringes quietly, noting that Addison is thankfully still asleep, ''I just had to check. Go back to sleep.''

He doesn't respond immediately, but she sees he's smiling when she stands before the foot of the bed. He won't dare compare this feeling to waking up beside Miranda. But after all of these years, he feels warm inside to be able to wake up beside Kennedy. It's nearly like the morning he woke up with her on his chest on the couch, only the feeling has been multiplied exponentially.

''You look cute,'' he tells her smugly. Her hair is down and going in different directions, and he's always thought she's looked adorable in her worn out, oversized sleep shirt.

She blushes. ''Go back to sleep.''

Swiftly, he pats the spot beside him. She climbs onto the bed to sit on it, letting him begin to absentmindedly trace invisible lines onto her bare legs.

''I should tell you,'' he begins quietly, ''That we've planned you a party.''

''What? Who's we? When?''

''Me and Gemma,'' he answers, ''Although my mum and dad had a hand in it. It's today, actually.''

She pretends to be offended. ''And when were you planning on telling me?''

''Never,'' he smirks, ''But I figured now that I should probably give you a heads up in case I take you there and you end up running for the hills.''

''I would not end up running for the hills,'' she assures him.

''Then you'd go into cardiac arrest from the surprise. This way, all crises are averted.''

''What if I don't want to go?''

He fakes a conflicted sigh. ''Oh, I don't know. I have no problem with you staying home.'' He leans into her, cocking an eyebrow. ''With me.''

Kennedy rolls her eyes, amused.

''But Gemma, on the other hand, would have a fit, and we both know that her wrath is not endurable. There's, at most, a thirty percent chance we'd survive. Maybe. Likely not.''

She creases her eyebrows together at his peculiarity.

''Also, my mum would be devastated, as will my dad, my stepdad, and the other guests we've invited.''

''How many, exactly?'' she narrows her pupils.

''Ten. Maybe. Likely not.''

A brief moment is spent suspiciously eyeing his cheeky grin, but soon after Kennedy's icy shell thaws and she accepts the offer.

''Addie will probably love it,'' she admits.

''She will.'' He leans to kiss her forehead. ''We'll make sure of it.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter today. Fun fact: I wrote it out by the pool. It was originally longer but it got too long so I halved it. Anyway, please comment!

Title Credit: "Home" by Daughtry

PS: Did you notice the little shoutout to Harry's X-Factor audition? <3