Status: I'm back! Working on Chapter 32 :)

Safe & Sound

I'm looking right at the other half of me.

Her eyes widen in surprise and, immediately, she thinks she's misheard him. He can't possibly be asking such a thing.

''What?'' she whispers.

''I-I was going to wait,'' he stammers, ''Gemma and my mum told me to wait and do something special. But, the more I think about it---and believe me, I think about it a lot---the more I can't wait any longer.''

No matter how hard she tries, she can't seem to look away from him, all the while the blood is rushing to her face.

''I...'' she takes an unsteady breath, ''You're in the heat of the moment. Just---''

''I'm not. I know it seems that way, but I'm not. I've been waiting for the right moment, and now is as right as it's ever going to be.''

She watches him sit up before her, reflecting a mixture of hope and nerves and fear all twisted together. He’s terrified. She can feel him trembling against her.

''I'm sorry, I don't have a ring yet,'' he admits apologetically, ''I haven't had the time, but you'll get one. I promise you can pick it out and everything.''

She doesn't realize she's not breathing until the lack of oxygen makes her lightheaded.

''Harry, I---''

''It doesn't have to be soon,'' he pleads, ''I can wait. Whatever you want, we'll do it. I just need to know.''

She watches him lower himself onto the floor, getting down on one knee, and her heart accelerates like she's suddenly caught fire, but it's a gorgeous fire. She never thought such a flame could feel so comforting.

''Kenn, I love you,'' he tells her in a surprisingly very steady voice, ''Will you marry me?''

She gulps, realizing she never misheard him at all. ''Th-this is really what you want?'' she asks, her voice trembling.

''I want nothing more than to be your husband,'' he tries to smile but she knows he's far too anxious to make it convincing.

The word he uses makes the butterflies in her stomach flutter almost violently.

''You're sure?'' she clarifies.

He nods. ''Without a doubt.''

Before she knows it, she’s nodding, throwing her hands into his hair.

''Of course,'' she officially answers him with a grin.

He brightens instantly. ''Really?''


He searches her eyes for any kind of doubt, any at all, but he finds none.

''Really?'' he repeats, even more surprised at her answer.

''Yes, Harry,'' she laughs, ''Did you think I'd say no?''

''Partly. I was just... I don't know, I was nervous you wouldn't want to.''

She sighs, ushering him back onto her. His spot on the floor before her is too far for her liking.

''I'm surprised, I'll admit it,'' she tells him, ''I didn't think you'd want to so soon. Or even at all. But I've known for years that if I was ever going to marry anyone, it would be you.''

He smiles. ''So, this is really happening, then.''

''I guess it is.'' She shakes her head in disbelief.

''I can't wait.''

The sparkle in his eyes is unlike anything she's ever seen before. A promise lies behind them. A promise that he truly will love her forever, till death do them part, and he truly can't wait for the day until he can make it official.


''You're joking! I swear, if I find out you two are joking, I will strangle both of you for getting my bloody hopes up.''

Kennedy laughs into the receiver. ''Gemma, I'm not joking.''

''I'm not lying, Kenn. I will go out, buy a rope, and tie both of you in Mum's basement. I'll throw Miranda in there as well just to torture you.''

''A bit conniving, don't you think? What would your niece say about all this?''

''I'll tell her I locked you away for breaking my heart.''

Kennedy shoots a distress glance over to Harry. ''Tell your crazy sister this isn't a joke.''

''Crazy's only what they call the passionate!'' Gemma defends herself.

With a smirk, Harry approaches the phone and brings it to his ear.

''It's true,'' he confirms, ''I swear. You're the first person who knows.''

It's silent for a few moments as Gemma lets the news set in, but once she does, Harry has to hold the phone a foot away from his face to save his ear from her screams.

''She believes us now, alright,'' he laughs to Kennedy.

''This is amazing! I can't even---I'm so happy for you both!'' Gemma yells. Kennedy doesn't even need Harry to put her on speaker now to be able to hear her. ''A wedding! Oh, my God, Mum and Dad are going to freak. Have you told Addie yet?''

''No, it just happened,'' says Harry, ''She's asleep now, but we'll tell her in a bit.''

''She's going to be so happy. Wait! Can I be there? Please, please, please.''

Harry looks over at Kennedy for an approval and she nods.

''Yeah, alright,'' he allows his sister with a chuckle.

''Yes! Okay, I'm on my way. Walking out the door right now.''

After they bid their excited goodbyes, Kennedy turns to start straightening the couch cushions and tidying up what their activities just a while ago messed up.

''You might want to put this back on,'' she tells Harry with a smirk, throwing him the t-shirt that had been tossed aside. He catches it, pulling it over his head with ease, and Kennedy can't deny that she misses the sight of the bird.

Once Gemma arrives, she comes bearing the biggest smile either of them has ever seen. She pulls them into equally tight hugs, holding on for ages as she lets her happiness explode and radiate onto them.

''I love you both,'' she says against her brother's shoulder, ''After everything you've been through, this is the perfect last page. This is your happy ending.''

Kennedy can see tears in Gemma's eyes and, before she realizes, starts to feel some in her own.

After she's invited inside and glasses full of celebratory drinks that Gemma insists on are made, Kennedy tells her the one piece of news that makes her even happier.

''We haven't sorted the details yet,'' she begins, ''We don't even know when it'll be, but we know one thing for sure.''

Gemma looks on curiously.

''Do you remember when we were kids and you reserved the right to something?'' Kennedy asks with a smile.

Instantly, Gemma's eyes widen. She remembers.

''You mean it?'' she asks.

''I can't think of anybody else who deserves it more than you.''

Gemma looks to her brother, who sends her a reassuring smile.

''Of course,'' she's quick to accept the job as maid of honor, ''It would... Well, it would be my honor.''

They toast to such an occasion and, although Harry's quiet during most of the girls' discussions about potential dresses and cakes and hairstyles, he stays put, keeping his arm draped softly around Kennedy waist. She's always been special to him, but now, as if it was even possible, she means more. He looks at her and sees his future, and he didn't ever think such a future would seem so bright.

When it comes time to wake up Addison, they do so as calmly as possible. She stirs slowly and Harry pulls her up into his arms, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

''Hi there, Sleeping Beauty,'' he smiles down at her peeking at him through her long eyelashes.

''Hi, Daddy.''

''Guess who came back to visit. Auntie Gemma. Don't worry, she didn't bring another itchy dress.''

She smiles softly and it's one of the sweetest things he's ever seen someone do.

''Want to come and say hi?'' he asks.

''I can't go back to sleep?''

''You're still tired?'' he laughs, ''Alright, I'll tell you what. You come say hi and then I'll come in here and we'll take a nap together. Does that sound good?''

''Sounds good,'' Addison agrees, tightening her grip on him.

After pressing a kiss to her forehead, he turns for the door and meets Gemma and Kennedy back in the living room. Addison greets them both, but stays quiet for a while as she's passed to her mother, who tells her she has something very important to say.

''Addie?'' Kennedy situates her onto her lap so that she can have Harry and Gemma still in her line of view. It's nearly impossible to hold back her smile. ''Addison, something lovely has happened.''

The child absentmindedly reaches for a lock of her mother's hair and starts twirling it around between her fingers.

''How would you like to be a flower girl?''

''What's that?'' Addison asks curiously, creasing her eyebrows together.

''Well, a flower girl is someone who walks down the aisle before the bride at a wedding and throws flower petals,'' Kennedy explains, already beaming at the idea, ''It's a very important and special job.''

''Flowers? Like daisies?''

Kennedy glances over at Harry and then nods. ''If you want daisies, we'll have daisies.''

''Okay,'' the child grins.

''Aren't you going to ask who the wedding is for?'' Kennedy laughs at Addison's quick excitement.

''Oh, who?''

Her hand goes to the child's chest as the words escape her.

''Daddy and I are getting married.''

It takes a moment for it to make sense. Addison looks to Harry first for confirmation and his smile, as well as Gemma's, seems to reassure her that soon, her parents will be just like the fairy tale characters she sees on television in their black tuxedos and white gowns and, in her imagination, carriages made of pumpkins. The concept is difficult to grasp at first; she knows that this is what people do when they're in love. But it takes a bit of thinking for her to realize that, in her fairy tales, such an event is always followed by the nice words ''and they lived happily ever after'' that her mother would read aloud to her with the biggest smile. Something like this, something that brought her mother so much happiness to read, has to be something good. So, the light brightens in the child's eyes as she settles on this news being a very, very good thing.

''So, you and Daddy will be here happily forever after.''

Harry laughs. ''That's the plan, love.''

''And I can do the daisies?''

''There's nobody better for such a job,'' Harry assures her.

Addison grins perhaps the largest grin any of them have ever seen on the child. She proceeds to ask questions, relating the upcoming wedding to the weddings she's seen, consistently bringing up things like glass slippers and midnight tolls and, in some strange imagination of hers, Anne being an infamous fairy godmother. The trio spend the afternoon happily answering all of her questions, although much hasn't been planned yet. Seeing her so excited and curious and genuinely happy is an experience that means the world to each of them because they know she has many more days of her life to feel this way.


''Alright,'' Harry sighs deeply as he sprawls out onto the mattress, his long limbs barely fitting over the edge, ''I don't think I've taken a nap in years.''

Addison crawls beside him and nestles her head against his chest without a second guess.

''I think I forgot how,'' he jokes.

''It's easy. You just relax,'' she explains, ''And close your eyes. And you go to another place that's happier than this one.''

He turns so that she's beside him, her big hazel eyes staring back at him, excited despite being ready for some sleep.

''I don't think it's possible for me to be happier anywhere else,'' he tells her honestly.


''Because I'm with you.''

She lets him take her hand, her tiny fingers disappearing against his palm. She's quiet for a while, not sure whether or not she understands how, for him, the real world can be better than the dream world.

''What do you dream about?'' he asks after some time.

''You and Mama most of the time. It's the same as normal, but it feels different.''

''Because it doesn't hurt in a dream,'' he makes sense of her logic in his head.

She nods.

''It won't hurt ever again,'' he promises, ''Not like that.''

''I hope not.''

''I won't let it, Addie. Don't worry.''

''Mama used to say it was a monster that did it,'' the child says quietly, ''When she would cry.''

Harry knows that such a remark wasn't something that Kennedy ever wanted Addison to hear.

''You think a monster is a match for me?'' He raises his eyebrows.

Instantly, Addison laughs. ''No.''

''You're safe with me,'' he tells her, ''Both of you are.''

''You'll get all the monsters?''

He runs the back of his hand against her cheek, urging her to succumb to her falling eyelids.

''Every last one.''


Kennedy watches with her hands twiddling with each other as Gemma gathers her things together, pulling on her coat for the sharp winter cold outside and stretching her fingers over her phone, keys, and wallet as she was too rushed to come over to grab a purse for it all. She turns to Kennedy in front of the door and smiles as if she can see the future.

''I knew this was going to happen,'' she whispers. Both of them are aware there are two sleeping souls not far from where they stand.

''That makes one of us,'' Kennedy laughs.

''What do you mean?''

''So many times, I wasn't sure. After everything that's happened these past few months, I didn't think he would forgive me enough to want this.''

''I'm going to be blunt with you, Kenn,'' Gemma answers, leaning into her to make sure she hangs on every word, ''My brother is crazy about you. You could disappoint him a million times and he'll still love you.''

Kennedy's eyes drop, ashamed that she's already hurt him enough to constitute at least half of that number.

''Hey,'' Gemma ushers her to look up again, ''You did what you thought was best. It's just water under the bridge now, yeah?''

''Yeah,'' Kennedy nods.

''Alright, I better go, then. See you tomorrow at Mum's?''

''Six thirty sharp, right?''

''Give or take a few minutes for Dad to arrive,'' Gemma laughs, ''They'll be ecstatic to hear about this, as I am. Honestly, Kenn, I'm so happy. I'm happy seeing him so happy for the first time in literally years. And knowing I'm finally getting a sister. Not that you weren't already, but now you'll be stuck with me by law.''

Kennedy grins at the thought that, after a life of what she's believed to be quite lonely, she's regained a family as full as can be.

''Kennedy Styles has a nice ring to it, don't you think?'' Gemma winks and laughs when Kennedy blushes a deep shade of scarlet. ''Get some rest, Kenn. I'll see you soon.''

Kennedy presses a kiss to the side of her face and watches as she branches out onto the landing and finally through the main door.

Her blush lingers because she realizes that yes, Harry giving her his name does have quite a beautiful ring to it after all.

The smile seemingly permanent to her face nowadays only widens when she enters the bedroom and lays eyes on the pair asleep on the duvet. They're each on their sides, facing each other as if they were deep in conversation moments before dozing off. Harry's dreaming now, but Kennedy can see that even in his sleep, he knows to reach for the child and keep his hand somewhere on her at all times. Now, it's wrapped snugly around one of Addison's situated between their chests.

Kennedy knows such a sight would be heartbreaking to break up. She glances at the clock; she till has an hour or so until she must transport the child back into her monitored crib, but until then she settles on reveling in the moment. Quietly, so as not to wake either of them, she lies herself across what little space is left beside Addison and rests her head against her hands.

She realizes this is her future, right here in this very room. She can see the time passing as clearly as ever inside her head. The child will grow. She and Harry will raise her, and the amount of love Addison will experience from everyone in this new family will be immeasurable.

Kennedy's eyes fall over Harry now, marveling over the serenity of him sleeping before her. Not before long, however, does he lazily awaken, smiling a tiny smile in her direction as if he knew all along that she's been here.

''Go back to sleep,'' Kennedy whispers to him.

His eyes trail down to land on Addison, making sure she's still asleep before answering.

''She looks so beautiful like this.''

Kennedy smiles. ''I know.''

''She's cured, isn't she?''

''I haven't been told officially,'' Kennedy replies, ''But I think so, yes.''

His hand flies up to stroke a piece of chestnut hair over the child's pillow. Some time passes until he speaks again, this time with a bit of a smirk.

''She's not dating until she's 25,'' he declares, ''And any boy who breaks her heart is going to have a broken neck.''

Kennedy stifles her laughter to save the child from waking up.

''She'll get that puppy she wants,'' he continues, ''And when we get a house, we'll paint her room pink and have a garden full of daisies.''

If Kennedy could see her eyes in this moment, she would be startled at how bright they are. The admiration towards him is astounding.

''We'll take her to the park every weekend,'' he goes on, imagining in all in his head as he stares down at the child, ''And we'll teach her how to ride a bike. And she'll never have to worry about anything because she'll have us. She'll never have to be afraid again. She'll grow up and she'll never have to wonder if she missed out on anything.''

''Harry, she was never afraid,'' Kennedy whispers.

He looks to her and knows what she means. Despite the pain, Addison never felt fear over it all soon ending her. Maybe it was because she didn't quite understand it, or maybe she understood it in such a way that no one else could, but she was never afraid of dying.

The mere thought threatens to destroy him, so he pushes it away, pressing his lips to Addison's forehead and simultaneously reaching for her mother's hand.

No more words are sounded throughout the evening. They need not be. Harry and Kennedy lie awake for a long while, holding onto each other, knowing that they aren't to speak about the horrific thoughts in their minds, reminders of the child's awful struggle back in that hospital. They aren't to talk about what could have happened, the life that the child could have had, or not had, if she had never gotten the transplant. They simply stay quiet and thank all of the powers of fate that they are where they are now. Together. With their daughter between them, free to go on, grow old, and live a happy life far from the one she so unfairly started in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorryyy for the delay. Been super busy with online summer classes. Next update will be in about a week but please comment! :) .xx

Title Credit: "Mirrors" by Justin Timberlake