Status: I'm back! Working on Chapter 32 :)

Safe & Sound

May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground.

''Gemma, dear, can you pass the potatoes this way, please?'' Anne encourages her daughter towards the dish across the table and Gemma obliges, allowing it to be passed down.

''Everything's delicious, Mum,'' Harry compliments, although half of the words are muffled. Beside him, Kennedy stifles a laugh. It’s obvious he’s certainly missed his mother’s cooking these past few months.

''I thought a nice dinner was necessary when you called saying you had big news,'' Anne chuckles, ''I was right, wasn't I? I'm ecstatic for all three of you, Addie included.''

Kennedy stares down at her lap to hide her blush. She's still not used to saying the words out loud---we're getting married---so every time she does, especially to his mother, it's as if her stomach ties into knots and she can barely think straight. It doesn't help either that Anne practically burst into tears the moment the announcement set in.

Harry's reaction to it all seems calmer on the surface, maybe because he's so focused on his meal at the moment, but she's the only one who's close enough to see how red his ears turn from underneath his waves of hair.

''We'll get ahold of lots of catalogues, right, Mum?'' Gemma grins from her seat, ''We'll find the perfect dress. The strapless gowns are in, but quite overdone, if you ask me.''

''Kennedy will choose whichever one speaks to her. The trick is not to over think it,'' Anne gushes, ''When you try it on, you'll just know.''

''Addie will probably pick the bright pink one with the train and the tiara.''

''She’ll probably want the tiara,'' Kennedy chimes in with a quiet, humble voice.

The others smile in her direction, especially Harry, but one person at this table doesn't seem even remotely happy to be here. Kennedy's eyes fall on him occasionally, noting how he strays little from his plate, having not even said two words to the group the entire evening. Harry's stepfather seemed quiet at Addison's party as well, but never this quiet, and it's beginning to make things uneasy.

''Robin, what do you think?'' Anne attempts to bring him into the conversation, ''Who should get the tiara?''

The room is silent for a while. So silent, that Kennedy dreads the sound of her fork scraping her plate. He takes his time to answer, chewing a bit of food and averting eye contact.

''Bit early for all that,'' he grunts.

''Well, an early start's the best for a wedding. We learned that lesson, didn't we?''

She grins to encourage him, but it's short-lived when she sees he's not going to respond. Her attention returns to her children, obviously given up and obviously quite apologetic about it, especially evident in her eyes.

They return to their conversations about potential wedding plans although Anne and Gemma do most of the talking, this time about the guest list, Harry's tuxedo, and catering. It makes Kennedy happy to know that, one, the event is making them both the most excited she's seen them since Addie left the hospital and two, she has them to help her plan. It's overwhelming to think that she has such a ceremony to organize now when she's never even had her head on straight enough to plan simple birthday parties for Addison over the years. Event planning has never been her forte.

Once the entrees are completed, Anne brings out a celebratory tiramisu cake, receiving a well-deserved share of ooh's and ahh's round the table. She waves off the exaggerated applause and dips a serving knife through the many layers. Unfortunately, however, the moment is interrupted by a soft cry from the living room where Addison is playing. Instinctively, Harry starts to rise from his chair to the rescue, but Kennedy insists on him staying.

''I got it,'' she assures him before turning to the group, ''So sorry, she's been a bit cranky today. Please, go on without me. I'll be right back.''

''She might be bored. Bring her in if she wants. We'll get her say on the tiara matter,'' Anne happily recommends as Kennedy walks around the table.

Once Addison comes into view, the source of her sudden outburst is unclear. She sits surrounded by stuffed animals and picture books that she loves, yet she looks quite troubled.

''What's wrong, love?'' Kennedy asks softly, kneeling down to the child's level.

''I want to go home,'' Addison whimpers in response.

''I thought you wanted to come and visit.''

''I did, but I want to go home now. I forgot Charlie and I miss him.''

Kennedy's look of deep concern morphs into a smile. She's thankful it wasn't something more serious.

''You know, we've been going lots of places lately,'' she sighs.

Addison nods but remains quiet.

''A lot's been going on, hasn't it? It's been changing.'' Kennedy sees that her words make sense to the child by how she's suddenly unresponsive. ''It was just me and you for a long time, and now things are so different.''

''I like it,'' Addison answers in a soft, almost inaudible voice. ''I like everybody.''

''But sometimes you miss home.''

She nods and Kennedy's smile grows.

''I understand. I'm sorry, sweetheart. We'll stay in more, okay? And if we do go out, we'll make sure we don't forget Charlie.''

Kennedy receives what she's been hoping for from the toddler for a while. Her smile is small but nevertheless there. Addison agrees to finish her visit and climbs into her mother's arms to be taken back into the dining room where she sits on Kennedy's lap quite well-behaved. Every so often, Kennedy feeds her a spoonful of cake, but most of the time, the child's enthralled at the sight of Harry's hand resting on her mother's underneath the table between their chairs. It's the first time that she's seen such a sight so up close that it's made her stir with happiness.

When the ladyfingers are gone, the dessert plates are practically licked clean, and the conversation turns to how late it's gone, Harry volunteers to do the washing up, much to his mother's pleasant surprise. Her son has always been especially responsible, but she's never seen him act so mature ever since he became a parent. Taking care of Addison has certainly taught him about what's most important in life.

Robin excuses himself early, departing into his study upstairs, even though his wife tries hard to keep him involved somehow. Gemma and Kennedy help to pack up the leftovers, and Addison fights the urge to fall asleep on Anne's shoulder and ultimately loses.

''I'll take her,'' Harry smiles to his mother with his hands outstretched once the dishes are cleaned, dried, and neatly put away into the cupboards, ''Better sit her in the car now so she'll still be dozed off when we get home.''

''Good idea,'' Anne graciously passes the child to him, placing a farewell kiss on his cheek. ''I'm proud of you, darling. I don't think I tell you enough.''

He blushes, placing a protective hand on Addison's back. ''Thanks, Mum.'' He then turns to his sister. ''See you later, Gemma.''

''Right, drive safely,'' she answers, watching him walk out onto the dark driveway. Beside her, Kennedy grabs hold of both her purse and the tote bag of toys.

''Pity that Des couldn't come,'' Anne sighs in regret.

Gemma prefers to look on the brighter side. ''He sounded happy to hear the news on the phone, though.''

''I can't imagine anyone not being happy over such news.''

With a subtle roll of her eyes, Gemma mutters, ''I can think of one person...''

Kennedy tries not to notice the stern glare that Anne sends Gemma's way in the hopes that she won't make Robin's indifference obvious, as if it wasn't already.

''Thank you for dinner,'' she smiles, settling on not bringing up the debate, ''It was lovely.''

As usual, Anne tells her it was her pleasure, but this time she throws in a remark for her ''future daughter-in-law'' and sends Kennedy into a tomato red spiral of embarrassment all over again.

''Whatever you do, don't set the date for May, alright?'' Gemma pleads, ''I would gladly ditch finals for the wedding, but the drive from campus would be hell.''

''You're going back on campus?''

Gemma nods. ''Starting next week.''

''That's wonderful,'' Kennedy smiles, ''Good for you.''

Suddenly, the thought dawns on her and she sees that now is the time to tell her before she changes her mind on the matter.

''Listen, I've been thinking about what you told me,'' Kennedy takes a deep breath in preparation, ''About seeing my mum.''

Gemma's eyes are sympathetic as she remembers the solemn news that the wedding seems to have overshadowed these past few days.

''But only if you're still up for it and if it fits in your schedule. I don't want to be a burden in any way. I would take Harry, but I feel like this is something I need to do myself and I needed to tell you before I talked myself out of it somehow.''

''Kenn,'' Gemma sighs to put a stop to her rambling, ''Of course, I'll take you. Don't even think twice about it.''

''You're sure?''

''Absolutely. I just have to double-check my week to see what day works best, alright?''

Kennedy nods gratefully and thanks her, pulling her into a hug and shortly after bidding her and Anne goodbye until next time.

As she walks down the driveway to the car, the nerves in the pit of her stomach are growing the more she thinks about setting foot in that cemetery and confronting her past, but she knows it's something she has to do. She has to make peace with her mother if she ever wants to move forward, and if that means going head-on with the memories she’s fought so hard to keep locked away, so be it.

“My offer still stands,” Harry whispers on their descent from the room, careful not to speak too loudly and wake the sleeping child they’ve just put down.

Kennedy shuts the door behind them softly and lets him take her hand. “I had a feeling it still would.”

“But you won’t take it.”

“I need to do this on my own.” His gentle tug on her arm leads her towards the living room couch. “Besides, having you there might…”

She trails off as he sinks down into the cushions and lets her take her spot against his side.

“Might what?” he urges.

In fear that her reasoning seems ridiculous, she bites down on her lip. “It might upset her.”

Much to her surprise, rather than poke fun at her for even considering that his presence may anger her mother like it used to, he sighs. His fingers brush against her bare arm in comfort.

“Aren’t you going to tease me?” Kennedy smirks, “I made that one too easy for you.”

“No, I understand,” he tells her, “She never did like me much. I can't imagine anything's changed.''

It’s quiet for a while as she glances up at his face. The disappointment is written all over it.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

“All I ever wanted was to show her---both of them---how much I care about you.” He takes a deep breath, mostly to catch himself from saying more. He feels uneasy speaking ill of those who’ve passed. “I guess one out of two isn’t bad.”

“It was her loss that she never gave you a chance.”

Harry looks down at her, taking in her smile despite the sadness that lingers on it. After a moment, he presses a kiss to her forehead and holds onto her tighter.

“Besides, I think it’s a curse that neither of us are liked by the parents,” Kennedy says, barely audible.

He creases his eyebrows together in confusion. “What are you talking about? My mum and dad love you.”

“I don’t think your stepdad does.” She remains hidden against his chest so he can’t see the embarrassment in her eyes.

His grip tightens. “Don’t mind him, alright? He just cares a bit too much sometimes.”

“I don’t understand.”

She feels Harry take a deep, shaky breath before speaking.

“He thinks we’re moving too fast,” he explains, “At the party, my mum told me he was happy we’d gotten back together, but he’s afraid it’s for the wrong reasons. Like we’re just doing it for Addie’s sake, not because of our own feelings. Neither of them told me what was going through his mind tonight, but I’m sure he’s angry about the news. He thinks…”

Like hers did just moments before, his words silence as if they've been written off the page.

“You can say it,” she tells him.

“He thinks you’ll leave again,” he admits quietly, “Or that there are more things I don’t know about. He thinks we all gave you our trust back too easily.”

Slowly, she straightens her back out so she can look him in the eye. She doesn’t blame Robin for doubting her this way. After all of the mistakes and everything she’s lied about, it’s a wonder that the rest of the Styles family didn’t banish her completely.

“I’m not going to leave again,” she tells him.

“Kenn, you don’t need to defend yourself. I already know you won’t.”

“I’ve always thought I didn’t deserve your forgiveness as easily as I got it and you know that, Harry,” she whimpers, “But honestly, I swear on my life, there are no more secrets.”

“Stop it. Don’t do this.” He reaches his hand up to the side of her face to strengthen his pleas. “He’ll realize what we’ve all realized soon enough. It’s just taking him a bit of time, that’s all.”

Her anxiety is obvious and it pains him that he’s caused it. He regrets telling her about his stepfather’s feelings. He wouldn’t have if he’d known it was going to worry her so deeply, and he should have known.

“Be honest with me. Would you still want this if we didn’t have Addie?” she asks, terrified of his answer already, “Would you still want me?”

“Are you mad?” He searches her eyes for a hint that she’s joking, but he sees she’s being absolutely honest. Swiftly, he turns his torso in her direction, taking her anxious face in his both of his hands. “Yes, you silly girl. Of course, I would still want you. How could you ask something like that?”

“Because maybe Robin’s right, Harry. Maybe we are only doing this because of her.”

“Are you?” he asks.

It takes a moment, but she’s sure of her response.


“Then, we have nothing to worry about because neither am I.” He loses his fingers between strands of her hair. “I wanted this before Addison. I wanted you. I still want you. In more ways than one, believe me…”

He chuckles, but it’s a breathless one. So breathless, it’s evident that this particular want is unlike most others.

“Listen. My mum and dad and Gemma never questioned it because they could see how we felt about each other long before Addie ever came along. All Robin has to base his feelings on are stories and what he’s been told. Trust me on this, Kenn. He's wrong.”

Kennedy’s eyes water against her will. “I just don’t want to think of what could happen if he’s right.”

As if he’s taken a look inside her head, he suddenly sees glimpses of what scares her. He sees them growing apart, fighting, separating and divorcing, living a life of child support and visitations for Addison and a failed marriage that was based on obligation rather than love. It’s easier for him than for her to shut out such horrifying images.

“That won’t be us, I promise you that,” he assures her.

“How can you be sure?”

“Because,” he smiles, “We wouldn’t have come this far if we didn’t have something. There’s no way this isn’t real and I know you know that, too.”

Slowly, she feels him beginning to win her over to his side of an optimistic future.

“Do you trust me?” he asks, leaning into her.

She nods, feeling his breath on her skin. “Yes.”

“And you love me.”

It warms her to hear that it wasn’t a question.

“Yes,” she confirms.

“Then, that’s all that matters.”

“What about how you feel?”

She can feel him lowering her down against the arm of the couch and she’s enthralled in his every move as if it’s hypnosis.

“I don’t need to tell you how I feel. You already know.”

She gulps, suddenly deaf to the words that escape her without her consent. “Can you show me?”

The request surprises him; she can feel it in how he stares. Little does she know that his heart has just sped up to phenomenal pace. He knows exactly what she means, as he always has when she's too shy to spell it all out. This time, however, it's a bit different. It's not just shyness that hinders her.

''I want you to,'' she tells him softly.

He gulps, feeling the sudden dryness of his throat. ''Are you sure you're ready after what---''

''I trust you. I know it won't be anywhere near that.''

''Of course not. God, thinking about it just...'' If his hands weren't busy hovering himself up above her, he'd hold onto her as hard as humanly possible just to make sure she's still here with him and not back at that party that makes both of them shudder at the mere thought.

''Please, Harry, I don't want to think about that anymore. I want to think about you.''

Gently, she tilts herself upward and kisses him. He can taste the longing on her skin, but he knows she's not overly forward in any way because he can also taste fear.

''I want you to tell me,'' he warns desperately, ''if I do anything that's not okay or if you're uncomfortable or if...'' The thought makes him tremble against her. ''Or if I hurt you.''

Each of them considers the parallels between this conversation and the one they had when they were much too young and vibrant and running on hormones up in Kennedy's bedroom. But these warnings against this kind of pain this time around are far graver. Rather than brush them off as the norm like she did last time, Kennedy nods in acceptance because she knows that it's a likely possibility that being touched in such a way may take her back to that night in an instant. There's a chance, but both of them know there will always be a chance. These scars can never heal. Harry can only try his best to show her she's still beautiful with them, and that's what he plans to do.

''I know it's something you're not used to feeling,'' he whispers with his forehead pressed to hers, ''But I promise you're safe here.''

It's a difficult level to reach, but if she concentrates hard enough, she can feel herself becoming convinced enough to let go. She can feel her hands slowly reaching for the hem of his shirt, and as the evening goes by, with each garment that gets peeled off, strangely her fingers begin to shake less.

She's self-conscious in front of him at first, despite them sharing memories of this already happening on many other occasions. It feels different this time around. She feels different because she's changed, and in her mind it's not for the better.

Moreover, Harry's certainly bettered. He's broader now. More toned in places that he was only boyishly lean before. He's stronger and the more he proves it to be true, the more she sees experience really has matured him.

That much has her feeling inadequate below him. She wonders why he would want her. What makes him want what she believes to be ''used goods?'' Spoiled. Recycled. Unpure. Others took advantage of this body, and yet he treats it as if it's brand new. He touches her like she's made of delicate glass, running his fingers along every inch of her that he's missed these long years. He makes her do something she has never, ever been able to do: forget what went on at that party.

''I love you,'' she tells him and he knows it's true, especially in this raw vulnerability she's allowed him to see her.

She realizes that after everything she's tried to put that night behind her---ignoring it, pretending it never happened, even confronting it until she's on the brink of tears---none of the strategies could have done what he's done.

She never could be convinced that someone could heal her in such a way until Harry came along and proved it.

''Well,'' Gemma smirks at Kennedy from the driver's seat, ''Are you going to share?''

''Share what?''

''Some of your drugs.''

Involuntarily, Kennedy erupts in laughter. ''What?''

''You're in a good mood. Every time I've glanced over at you, you've been smiling to yourself. Clearly, you must be high off something.''

''I'm not on drugs,'' Kennedy chuckles, ''And keep your eyes on the road.''

''If you're not, then why are you so happy? I don't think I've ever seen you like this.''

''I guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed this morning.''

Gemma guffaws in disbelief as she merges into the next lane over. ''Come on, Kenn. I'm dying to know here. Did Dr. Holmes call with good news? Did you talk to your dad? Did Addie do something painfully adorable that I missed?''

''No,'' Kennedy shakes her head at all of those guesses, ''Trust me, Gemma. I'm just happy, that's all.''

Gemma's not convinced in the slightest. How Kennedy could be anything less than her usual ball of nerves right now when they're en route to see her mother's gravesite is beyond her. This must be a piece of tremendous news.

Kennedy can see she hasn't yet dropped the subject.

''You don't want to know,'' she tells her, nearly blushing.

''I've been asking for ages, so obviously, I do.''

With an amused smirk, Kennedy obliges, knowing exactly what her best friend's reaction will be.

''Alright,'' Kennedy admits, ''Last night, after we put Addie to bed, Harry and I were alone on the couch and---''

''Okay, I get the picture...''

Kennedy laughs as Gemma's cheeks redden in embarrassment. Gemma's more than aware that the two have done this many times, and she knows they're both mature, responsible, and old enough to do it, but it doesn't change the fact that it puts an unwanted visual in her mind of her dearest friend and her baby brother.

''Hey, I warned you,'' Kennedy teases.

''Warn me harder next time, please.''

Once the laughter from both girls dies down and the car fills with the low sounds of music coming from the radio, it finally dawns on Kennedy that the closer they get to the cemetery across town, the harder it will be for the euphoria still lingering from last night to protect her. She's been the closest thing to worry-less that she's been in years, but she can feel that begin to change with every turn spoken by the GPS on Gemma's phone.

''Do you think I'm doing the right thing?'' she quietly asks, looking out the window at the lane markings flying by below her.

''Yes,'' Gemma nods.

''Do you think I should've brought Harry and Addie?''

''No,'' she answers after little deliberation, ''If it were me in your position, I'd clear the air before bringing either of them to see her.''

Kennedy nods, convinced of the logic. It makes sense to smooth things over with her mother before introducing them.

The rest of the ride is almost silent. Kennedy's mind races to think about what she'll say or how she'll act, but she knows no preparation can ready her for when the time finally comes to confront the woman who raised her and didn't raise her at the same time.

Before the GPS reads that they're nearing their destination, Kennedy already knows they're in the right place. She's never been to a cemetery before, but this is what she pictured it to look like. A large space of grass surrounded by a large, daunting fence designed certainly not to keep those who are inside it in.

When the car is parked, Kennedy reaches down to grasp the bouquet of flowers by her feet and exits through the passenger's side.

''I'll be right here,'' Gemma assures her sympathetically, taking her spot against the car door, ''It'll be okay.''

Kennedy nods in gratitude and then, shakily, she turns on her heel to follow the directions her father gave to her in order to find her mother. It's a hectic walk. Each step she takes is uneasy as she wonders what---or who---she may be stepping on. A few times, she even mutters a tiny ''sorry'' if her foot lands too close to someone's resting place.

Being in this cemetery makes her feel cold. It may just be the cool water on the flower wrappings she's gripping in her hand, but her fingertips are like ice. She seems to frost over even more when her eyes land on the tombstone just ahead, marked with the engraving she almost wished she didn't see.

Rosetta Arienne Ellis
August 21, 1963 - May 18, 2013
Loving wife & mother

Kennedy's throat suddenly stings and she glances back at Gemma, who merely smiles a smile worth gallons of sympathy.

After a deep breath, she walks forward.

It doesn't surprise her that her mother's tombstone is larger and grander in comparison to those of the men or women at either side of her. That's just like her, Kennedy thinks. She'd even want her death to be expensive.

''Um, hi, Mum,'' Kennedy clears her throat nervously, ''It's me. It's Kenn.''

She pauses as if she's having a conversation, but then she realizes she doesn't need to do that here. She'll get no response.

''I... Gemma's here. You remember Gemma, right? She used to come over sometimes. She came into your study once or twice to say hello.''

Her heart is pounding and it only quickens when she thinks that among the hundreds of bodies that are here, hers is only one of two that can still experience such a thing.

''Um, I didn't bring Addie. If you want to meet her, I can sometime. She's... Well, she's beautiful.''

Thinking of the child brings her a sliver of comfort, but only for a second.

''I don't know if you knew, but she was ill for a long time. She's okay now. Thankfully.'' She stares down at her shoes amidst the grass that looks so fresh that she wonders if anyone besides her or her father has come to visit. ''She's okay because of Harry.''

Maybe it's just her imagination, but the place gets even quieter at the sound of his name.

''He, um, he helped me to pick these out for you,'' she motions to the flowers, ''He remembered you ordered tulips for the school dance once. I'll just... I'll just leave them here for you.''

Careful so as to not step where somehow it might hurt her, she sets the bouquet against the stone and returns to her previous position, fidgeting with her now empty hands.

''He's wonderful,'' she says after some time, ''He really is, Mum. He saved Addie's life. He loves her so much. He loves me so much.''

She doesn't realize her eyes are getting blurrier with tears.

''He makes me happy and I wish you could have seen that.''

Aggressively, she wipes along her eyelids.

''I wish you could have seen Addison and I wish you could have believed what I told you,'' she whimpers, ''I wish you could have been there. I wanted us to have something.''

Slowly, her regret and her grief morphs into anger, and the emotions replace each other without her control.

''You should have cared enough to know that,'' she accuses, ''I've made a lot of mistakes, Mum. Believe me, I have. But one mistake I'll never make is making my daughter think that I don't love her.''

She sees that she's allowing her mother to rip her to pieces all over again, even in her aftermath. She sees she shouldn't have come. She should have left their relationship estranged and moved on without trying to fix what's unfixable.

Quickly, she turns on her heel and starts back for the car.

''It's useless,'' she mutters angrily to Gemma on her way to her side, ''I'm just talking to a patch of grass and a coffin full of bones.''

The key is inserted and turned inside the lock quicker than it's ever been before, and the moment the door swings open, Kennedy marches inside.

''How was it?'' Harry asks from the dining room. He's smiling, holding an empty juice box just taken from Addison, who sits at the end and grins when her mother comes into view.

''Not good,'' Gemma warns from the doorway.

Harry's smile fades. ''What's happened?''

He directs his question to them both, but he looks at Kennedy. She's oblivious to either of their concerns. Her purse is dropped onto the hardwood floor and instantly she reaches for the child.

''Mama, are you okay?'' Addison asks, wondering why her embrace is so much tighter than usual.

''Mama just needs a hug.''

Kennedy smooths down the child's hair and closes her eyes as she rocks her. The others in the room know little about how she's feeling, but Harry's beginning to get a clue.

''I'll handle it,'' he quietly assures Gemma by her side, ''You go. You have class soon.''

''Be careful. She kept going between not giving a bloody damn and being so angry she nearly pulled her hair out.''

''Right, don't worry. See you.''

He bids her goodbye and then turns back to the woman in the dining room who's still rocking Addison back and forth as if she hasn't seen her in years. He stays quiet for a while, letting her have this moment, and knows to keep his spot against the wall a proper distance away. This is a maternal moment.

Soon, Kennedy sits the child down on the rug to play with the toy set surrounding her. She stares down at her for too long and Harry wonders just what's going through her mind.

''Do you want to talk about it?'' he asks, softly so as to not tread where he shouldn't.

She approaches him but keeps her eyes on the top of Addison's head.

''Am I a good mother?''

Without a second guess, he throws an arm across her shoulders. ''No, you're a great mother.''

She sighs, looking up at him. ''Harry, if something ever happens to me, make sure---''

''Don't talk like that.'' The mere thought terrifies him.

''I don't want a huge tombstone. I want to be exactly like everybody else because how different are we really? When that happens.''

''Kenn, stop.''

''And I want you to get remarried if that's something you want to do.''

''Can we get married first, please?'' he almost chuckles, pulling her into a hug, ''Kennedy, stop thinking about this. It scares me.''

She sighs. ''Sorry.''

''I'm sorry seeing your mum didn't go as well as you thought.''

''I didn't think it'd go well at all, actually...''

He sets a finger under her chin to make her look up at him.

''I'm proud of you for going,'' he tells her honestly.

''She wasn't even listening...''

''Trust me,'' he smiles, ''I have a feeling she was.''
♠ ♠ ♠
:) Please comment if you'd like .xx

Title Credit: "Carry On" by Fun.