Status: Modern Naruto

Konahagakure High School

Screw You, Uchiha

A tall man, decently attractive with silver hair a pale violet eyes stepped out in front of me. His muscular torso was bare under his leather jacket, and a necklace that supported a trigram hung around his neck. A handkerchief with an odd cloud-like symbol hung from a belt loop. It seemed so familiar. Where had I seen it? I was suddenly knocked out of my thoughts.

A hooded and half-masked man stepped out of the shadows of the alley way and spoke in a deep voice.

"Idiot, look at her uniform." He said, "She's from the high school."

"I don't have a preference, you know that." The man sported a wide smirk and I suddenly didn't like where this was going.

"Let's go," The man's golden eyes were barely visible underneath the shadow of his hood, "I don't feel like waiting around while you add pack another felony under your belt."

"Then go on, I haven't gotten any in weeks." Hidan waved him off and the predatory look in his eye made my stomach drop to my feet. My legs grew numb as the realization hit.

"Fine," My heart began to fill my ears with pounding and I suddenly didn't want this stranger to leave me alone with the silver-haired man. But he sunk back into the shadows, and we were alone. My jittery arms stuffed the doll into my messenger bag. I would fix it later.

"So how old are you?" He casually took a step forward.

"Don't you dare come near me," I snapped, forcing my voice not to show any sort of weakness.

"So you're a fighter, eh?" He began sauntering forward, "That's okay, I like it when they struggle."

"Apparently you also like them young." I sneered.

"Touche, girly." I began going over options in my head. I could run toward the school and hope that a teacher was still inside. Or I could try to run around him and chance leading him to my house—that is, if I could out run him. Or when he made his advance, I could try to debilitate him. Though, part of me started to think that he had done this before.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and took in another deep breath. I needed clarity to think, but my head was pounding and no matter what I did, I couldn't clear it. All I knew was that he was coming closer, and inching backwards wasn't going to do me any good. So, in a spur of the moment decision, I turned around and ran as fast as my wobbly legs could carry me. It was around five or six...hell, I didn't know. There should be at least one teacher inside...I hoped.

"Running only makes this funner for me, sweetheart." He chuckled. My heart stuttered, but I couldn't admit the feeling that made my stomach churn.

The school came into sight within minutes, and I'd already had to trip him up a few times. Granted, I almost stumbled myself a few times, but I ran like hell. The parking lot was practically barren, but most of the lights in the school were still on. A small rush of hope began to build inside of me. I jumped over a few bushes, around a few trees and toward the side of the building. There was only one door that was never locked. It was the door that entered the narrow hall that separated the University and the High School.

A rush of elation filled me when I turned the knob successfully. I paused in the hallway after slamming the door shut, my lungs convulsing and my chest heaving. He was sure to have heard the door slam, so I couldn't stop here. I glanced toward the University side. That wasn't a viable option. I would most definitely get lost, and I couldn't chance running into the Dean or a college student taking night classes. My head then whipped around to face the High School side. I knew that side of the school. I had been going here for more than two years, so getting lost wasn't an issue. I had no choice, and as I glanced out the window, I could see that he was approaching. I was out of choices and out of time. I just hoped that I hadn't backed myself into a corner.

So I rushed through the doors that lead into the east wing of Konaha High just as the door opened. I glanced around and ran in a random direction. I barely noticed where I turned, allowing muscle memory to lead my feet. By the time I realized where I had gone, I was in the main junior hall.

I could hear a pair of boots clomping through the halls, teasing me, "Where, oh where could the little bitch be...Where, oh where..." He chimed.

I swallowed another lump. He had to know exactly where I was. I wasn't exactly trying to make my footsteps quiet. I couldn't exactly scream for help, most of these doors were sound proof—or so the teachers led us to believe.

My eyes instantly darted to room 107. Somehow I doubted Kakashi-sensei would still be here. My feet moved before I could stop them and I threw myself at the door as he rounded the corner.

"There you are..." I could feel the smirk on his face. Even from this distance it cut into me, "You know, the sight of you running in that mini skirt kind of turned me on a little." I gripped the door handle, "Oh no, don't do that."

Before he could take another step, I threw the door open and shut the door hastily behind me. Pressing my back to the door, I tried to calm the frantic beating of my heart as I attempted to clear my mind. I had to think. Had to push past the stomach turning feeling. Had to get out. Had to...had to breathe!

"Hana?" His voice made my head snap up. A single dark brown eye held mine as he stood from his desk, "Why are you still here? Detention was over an hour ago—and why are you out of breath?" I couldn't even stutter out the words necessary to relay what was happening. His voice was making my head pound even harder, forcing my world out of focus.

"Hana, breathe." He said in a calm soothing tone. His hands were gently placed on my shoulders.

"Shh!" I whispered, "He'll hear us!"

"What!?" His voice sent a wave of dizziness through me. I yanked away from him as the pounding began to turn into a tension headache, "Hana?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for the door, "No!" Panic rolled over my body and the fear I had been suppressing hit me full force. My breathing skyrocketed. I gasped for the breath my aching lungs needed, and my world spun back out of focus.

"Breathe." I hadn't even realized that I was on the ground until Kakashi was suddenly over me. My hands were tangled in my hair and my knees were tucked into my chest. Waves of an emotion I had to suppress crept over me and buried me beneath their weight. I didn't notice much else around me. It was like my body completely shut down. The flashing red and blue police sirens outside the windows didn't phase me. The sounds of Kakashi-sensei speaking with others didn't reach me. The deep voice of the University's dean didn't register. Nor did Lady Tsunade crouching in front of me.

I was vaguely aware of her fingers snapping near me, but I couldn't react if I wanted to. Her voice was muted and far away. A little closer, but I didn't quite recognize what she was saying. A little clearer. The way she said it, it sounded as though she was calling someone's name.

"Hana." I blinked and cleared my mind as I wrenched back the control of my body.

"Is she still not responding?" A gravelly voice asked.

"Danzo, why don't you mind your own business?" Tsunade snapped, "If I wanted you to take over in her questioning, she would already be in your custody. Now, If you would be so kind as to refrain from talking while I am trying to assess her mental stability to handle questioning, and try to take into consideration that she is not the enemy. She is a victim." A curt grunt was her only response.

My heavy eyes drifted upward to meet hers, "Hana?" I didn't answer. I didn't think I could trust my voice at the moment, so I focused on untangling my shaking fingers from my hair.

"Hana," A male voice—Master Jiraiya—spoke next to me. I looked up at him in acknowledgement, "We need you to tell us what happened here." I had to squelch the urge to ignore his request. To tell them that it was none of their damn business. That it was my problem to deal with, but the symbol on that bolt of cloth stuck in the back of my mind.

"I-" My voice broke so I had to clear it, "I panicked and ran into the school." I wanted to smack myself mentally for editing the story so much. They needed to know it, but it was taking everything I had not to tell them, fuck off.

"Hana, you don't panic." Tsunade said.

"I was being chased, so I ran to the nearest hiding place." I muttered.

"By who?" Jiraiya promted softly.

"I didn't know him."

"Well...what did he look like?" Danzo grumbled from behind Tsunade.

"I haven't given her to the police, have I?" Tsunade stood and faced him.

"Let us take her in and we'll get answers." He said.

"She. Is. A. Victim." Tsunade growled, "We will get your damned information, so go comb the grounds with your men. If not, keep your mouth shut and listen." A tall, wrinkly old man with an eye patch glared her down and turned on his heel to leave.

"What did he look like?" Jiraiya asked a little more gently.

"Tall. Shirtless. Silver hair. Purple eyes. Trigram necklace-"

"Damn Jashinist..."Jiraiya muttered, "Sorry, continue."

"And there was some sort of handkerchief hanging from his belt that had a red and white cloud looking thing on it. Is that good enough? If it is, I want to go home." A look of deep worry crossed Master Jiraiya's face.

He reached in his pocket, "Did the cloud look like this?" He held out an exact replica of the symbol on the cloth. I nodded, "Damn it. Tell Danzo he's looking for an Akatsuki memeber, and I'm pretty sure I know who it is." The realization hit like another wrecking ball. I met two members of a gang. A notorious gang that killed, burned, pillaged...and...raped...

He looked back to me, "Thank you for your cooperation, Hana. We appreciate it." He moved to stand but he looked at me, "Why was he chasing you?"

"I dunno," I wanted to mentally smack myself again. My voice cracked, letting weakness pour into the cracks.

"Did he want to hurt you?" Kakashi-sensei crouched in front of me, "Did he hurt you?"

"Hurt? I think he wanted more than that." I wasn't saying any more.

"Was he going to kill you?" I didn't answer verbally. I shook my head, "Something else?" I didn't answer, I just forced myself to stand.

"Can I go home now?"

Jiraiya stood beside me, "I'll go talk to Danzo. Can you take care of the rest of the report, Kakashi?"

"Yes," Kakashi then looked at Tsunade and said something low in her ear.

Her intense caramel eyes shifted to me then back to him, narrowing dangerously, "Did he?" It was almost so low that I didn't hear it, so I wasn't entirely sure that she had said it.

"I don't-" I couldn't hear the rest. My curiosity didn't even peak. I just wanted to go home and curl up in my bed. My legs were still wobbly from the adrenaline spike, my head was still softly pounding, and I was sure that I would have nightmares tonight.

"Can I go home now?" I asked again a little more forcefully.

Tsunade glanced at me, "I need to speak to you alone first." I groaned, but I followed her any way. We were in her office and I plopped down in a chair, "Why were you really running from him? You don't scare easy, so I expected you to fight if anything. Something had you running. What was it?" I shook my head. I wasn't answering. I wasn't going to think about it. I wouldn't think about it.

"Was he going to r-"

"Can I please go home?" I groaned.

"Hana, this is serious."

"Yes! He was. Thats why I ran." I threw my hands in the air, "Can. I. Go. Home. Now!"

"Do I need to do a-"

"No. He didn't catch me, I got into the school first. Please..." I wanted to crawl into a corner and lie there.

"Alright, fine." She said, "I will have you escorted home." She lead me back through the halls, back into room 107, "Kakashi, could you drive her home. She isn't walking."

"No problem." Kakashi walked over, "I just finished my report." His gloved hand held out the messenger bag that I had almost forgotten about. As I took it from him, he led me to his car in the teacher's lot. I sat in the warm passenger seat as he started the car. I clicked the belt into place and he pulled out.

It was practically silent. The only sounds were the smooth acceleration of the car and the town around us. People were on the sides of the streets trying to oggle the flashing red and blue lights issuing from the school. Most of them were curious people who happened to live nearby, the rest were younger children that were too curious for their own good.

"What path do you take home?" Kakashi-sensei asked.

"The abandoned district," I answered bluntly.

He sighed, "Hana, that district is dangerous."

"Well, it's the fastest way to get to my place." I muttered.

"Well, try not to go that way if you can help it." I only nodded. The nearly forty minute walk was cut down to a fifteen minute drive through traffic. When he pulled up to my tiny two bedroom, I was shocked to see Lauren not sitting on the steps. Maybe there was an off chance that her parents weren't drunk. Or maybe she was at Naruto's.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Hana." He said, "and take the bus. I would feel better knowing you got there safely."

"Fine," I muttered, "Thank you for the ride, sensei." He gave me a gentle look as I shut the door. He didn't drive away until I unlocked my door and waved. He gave me a brief nod and drove back in the direction of the school.

I stepped inside and glanced around my tiny living room. I dropped my messenger bag on the table and stumbled toward my room. I threw off my uniform and walked to the bathroom in my underwear. At this moment, I didn't care. I started the warm water, grabbed pajamas from my room, and slipped under the warm stream after removing the rest of my clothes. I didn't have time to soak it in. I still didn't know where Lauren was, and until I did, I wasn't going to sit down and twiddle my thumbs.

After I dried off, I slipped on my pajama pants and a matching tank-top. I pulled on my thin, dark robe and slid on my flats. I shoved out my door and ambled down the street to Naruto's apartment. After carefully climbing the steps, I knocked on his door.

He threw the door open, "Hana!? Where the hell were you? Lauren was practically flipping shit when you didn't show."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I muttered, "Where is she?"

"She's here," He turned around as a voice called out.

"Who is it?"

"Hana," Naruto moved out of the way to let me in. The second my foot crossed his threshold, her body slammed into mine and nearly knocked me over.

"Oh my god, Hana!!!" She squealed, "I heard the sirens going toward the school and I was so worried. What happened!?"

I glanced into her pale azure eyes, "Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." She and Naruto exchanged looks, but I ignored it.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked. She bit her lip and shook her head, "What about you blondie?"

"No, we were worried about you." Naruto said.

"Were they drunk?" Lauren nodded, "Then you're staying at my house. Naruto, you're welcome to stay too if you want." I turned toward the door, "I'll be cooking dinner in ten, so if you want something other than Ramen for once, make it quick." I walked out the door, Lauren following after me. Her baby doll was supported in her arms properly—the way I showed her how. Naruto shouted something about how he'd be over soon, so I let the door shut.

Lauren's long legs could easily keep up with my brisk stride, so I didn't bother keeping a slow pace. When I opened my door, she stepped in and placed her bag on my couch.

"Your house always smells better than mine." Lauren sighed wistfully, "It smells like good, like food and flowers. It always makes me hungry."

"Do you have a clean uniform with you?" Lauren shook her head, "Clothes?" She nodded. "Hand your uniform over, I'll wash it for you." She gave me a smile and a thousand thank you's. I grabbed it from her, ambled down the hall to my bedroom, grabbed my clothes and threw them in the washer and dryer in the bathroom that sat between my room and the second bedroom.

When I walked back out, Lauren was cooing to the doll. I rolled my eyes and walked across the living room and into the kitchen. I combed through the cabinets freezer to go over the options for dinner. I was feeding two other people, so a small one portion dinner wasn't going to be enough. I set myself to work, taking my robe off, wrapping an apron around me and pulling my hair back.

Naruto wandered over when I was dicing the vegetables. He poked his head into the kitchen and I pointed to the living room. He smirked and left, joining Lauren in watching the t.v. I bustled around the eyes of the stove, stirring the sauce and rice a few times. By the time I was done, I had a decent meal. I made two plates of rice and poured the vegetable stew over them.

"Hey, food's ready." I said. I placed them in front of two of the three intricately carved, wooden chairs.

Naruto's brows scrunched, "Aren't you gunna eat with us?"

"Yes," I muttered, "I'm just not hungry right now." Naruto nodded and tucked in hesitantly, "There's enough for each of you to have another full plate if you want."

"I don't wanna eat without you," Lauren gave her plate a guilty look.

"Look, I'm eating." I didn't get a large plate, just a tiny helping, but that made her shut up and eat her food. I was done before either of them were half done, so I began to wash all of the things I cooked in that I wasn't using to hold the finished dish.

When I didn't hear the sound of utensils on a plate, I looked at them, "What's wrong?"

Naruto was giving me an odd look, one that gave me the urge to tell him to shut up, "Nothing..." I glanced at his plate and he was nearly done.

"Do you want more?" I asked.

"Not yet."

"Then stop staring." I turned back to the dishes.

Later that night, Lauren was curled up on my couch. Naruto sat beside her, his eyes glued to the t.v. screen. I draped a blanket over Lauren as she began to coo at her doll again. I rolled my eyes, but the feeling that I was forgetting something settled into my stomach. Despite my better judgement, I ignored it. As I tidied up my house, Naruto glanced at Lauren—who was already asleep. I told him that he could stay the night, and he accepted. He kicked his feet up, sat back and made himself at home. It wasn't long before he was out too. I draped an extra blanket over Naruto and finished the laundry.

The house was quiet. Almost as quiet as it was when I was alone. Naruto's snoring wasn't nearly as loud as it normally was, and Lauren was completely silent. I was shocked that the baby hadn't woken her up crying yet, but the first night was always the quietest. It was only a matter of time before it started acting like a real baby.

While I was up, I made Lauren a healthy lunch. Naruto would prefer his ramen, so I didn't bother. I made me a lunch of finger sandwiches—that I was probably going to give to Lauren any way. When I finished, I placed them in the fridge.

I slipped to the floor in the kitchen after glancing at my father's favorite grandfather clock. He made it himself—carved it, stained it, created the inside, salvaged the clock face, and everything...It was one of the last memories I had of them. Other than their stuff that I kept in boxes in their old room...

I was very sure that what had happened today was going to be on the news by morning. It was too late to be on the evening news, but I knew rumors of what had happened had to have spread around Konaha. Something like that doesn't stay quiet in a place like this. Part of me wondered how they were going to present it. If they did it wrong, parents would flip out about their child's safety. Riots would start. Protesting. Hate mail. Maybe more. If they did it right, I heads would be turning every time I walked by. A part of me knew that they were going to release my name. The police haven't really cared about privacy since most of the Uchiha clan was murdered.

If my mother was still here, I could just imagine the horror on her face when she would watch the news program in the morning. She would wrap me in a hug and promise me that everything was going to be okay and that it would never happen again. My father would threaten to beat the hell out of someone, and I would just roll my eyes.

I blinked away tears. I stopped crying over them years ago and I wasn't going to start now.

I needed some comfort, so I let my body move itself as I crept across the living room. My hand turned the knob and pushed their door open. Their bed was empty, but it was made just how they left it. Most of their possessions were in boxes, but some of them were still out. Only the ones that I couldn't bare to put away. All of the family photos were left on the walls around the house, but the only ones in here were of me. My mom's robe still hung on their closed closet door, and her make up still lay out on her vanity. My father's slippers were still at the end of the bed. The room still held the lingering smell of my mother's perfume.

My throat tightened by no tears came as I crawled under their covers and imagined each of their bodies beside mine.

I woke to the sound of the news down the hall, "Last night, a high school student was chased back to Konaha academy by a member of the notorious Akatsuki gang. The Akatsuki has been reported to participate in drive-by shootings, murders, and even the occasional charge of rape." A clear female voice reported.

"What!?" Naruto said in a half-whisper.

"Shhh!" Lauren hissed.

"Yes, we received a report last night that high school student, Hana Tsuchihara, was chased back to Konaha academy by a member of the Akatsuki. His name has not yet been disclosed, and police are still searching for him. When he is found, he will be charged with attempted rape and aggravated assault."

"Why didn't she tell us!?" Naruto whispered.

"She must've had a really good reason." Lauren answered. I swung my legs over their bed and smoothed out what I messed up so that it was perfect.

"What's a good enough reason to keep something like that from us?"

"Do you think that's why she didn't want to stay alone?"

I ambled out into the living room as I spoke, "Why don't you stop talking amonst yourselves and ask me..." I turned the t.v. off.

"Why didn't you-" Lauren squeaked.

"Because I didn't feel the need." I said, "Your lunch is in the fridge and your uniform is folded in the bathroom. If you want to take a shower, feel free."

"Hana..." Naruto started.

"Just do me a favor," I cut him off. Both of them acknowledged me with a what, "Don't bother giving me your pity over what happened. I'm already going to get stares from everyone else."

"Fine..." Lauren muttered.

Naruto didn't reply. He stood, "Oh crap! I've gotta get my stuff ready for school. I'll meet you outside and we can catch the bus together, kay?"

I waved him off, "Whatever." I dressed and let Lauren stumble off to shower quickly and dress for school.

"It feels so good to have a warm uniform." She hugged her top into her, "The dryers at the laundr-o-mat near my house suck."

She pulled on her sweater as I pulled on my thigh-high socks. I finished adjusting my uniform before I grabbed my messenger bag. It felt heavier than normal, and when I stuck my hand into the bag, I pulled out the doll.

"Oh shit..." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What's up?" Lauren said.

"I forgot to turn the damn thing on last night." I groaned. I took a small amount of time to fix the doll's hair and adjust the thin blanket around it.

"Oh..." Lauren bit her lip, "Don't you have to pass it off to your partner today." I nodded, "Well...maybe she won't check."

"The logs are checked everyday." I muttered, holding the doll properly. Lauren grabbed both of our lunches, and we met Naruto at the bus stop.

The bus ride was agitating. I was being stared at by some of the students on the bus, and the driver gave me his sympathy. I didn't bother talking the entire time, even though Naruto and Lauren tried several times to pull me into conversation. There was no point.

Walking into the school was worse. At this point, I was absolutely sure that they had included a picture of me in the news program. If they weren't staring, they were whispering. When they whispered, they pointed. It was beginning to rub the edges of my temper raw. I had to remind myself several times that I was expecting this. This is nothing. They just don't know how to be discreet. Their parents watch the news. Nothing I did softened the anger.

Before I even realized my feet moved, I was leaning on a sink in the girls' bathroom. It wasn't until a voice spoke that I realized I wasn't alone.

"Was it true what they said, or did you just want attention?" I shot a glare at the barbie doll wannabe.

"Why don't you go bother someone who cares about your bullshit, Ino." Her pale teal-blue eyes narrowed at me.

"That man didn't really try to rape you did he?" She sneered.

"What do you want from me?" I barked.

"An answer."

"I don't have to answer you." I snapped. I shoved through the door and stormed to my first class.

I didn't know what was worse, Ino asking me in the bathroom or the room full of stares waiting for me. Damn them. Damn the news station. Damn the Akatsuki. Damn it all!

I sat in my seat, placing the doll on the desk in front of me and crossing my arms over my chest. I glared forward, barely answering Lauren when she came in, and ignored the world. By the time class had started, several people around me had exchanged whispers and rumors. I sank into my seat until Kakashi-sensei started class.

He continued his lecture over The Great Ninja Wars. Class didn't seem to drag on, but it sure wasn't fast. Ino's invasive question still left a nagging echo in the back of my mind. From her question, it was clear that people didn't believe what they were told. There must have been plenty of other people that thought I staged all of this to get attention. If I wasn't careful, I was going to sock one of them in the nose.

The bell rang, "Hana, could I see you for a moment." I walked up to his desk, "I'm assuming you saw the news this morning." I didn't answer, "I'm sorry, we tried to get them to omit your name, but they wouldn't listen."

"I don't care." I muttered.

"Well...Alright." He said, "Try to have a decent day."

"Ha." I muttered curtly. I ignored every look in the hall, even Lauren's jabbering beside me. She didn't seem to notice. She always had a lot to say after Kakashi's class, and I never really listened. I was good at pretending though, but not today. I didn't even act.

When we reached Asuma's class, we went our separate ways. She sat by Maruka, and I was off to sit at my partner. Uchiha. I ambled over, my gloom refusing to leave. It manifested itself as though it were a looming cloud that would rain on my parade every time I thought I was successfully ignoring the piercing eyes of my prying classmates. It was like every metaphorical rain drop that soaked into my skin was every unheard accusation or question. I didn't seem to be the only one that realized that the attention wasn't on them.

Maruka was running his mouth, "She's lying; I know she is. She just wanted some attention. Too bad even a member of a gang that's known for raping women won't touch that. Stupid-" I was able to finally block out his annoying, practically painfully whiny voice.

"So, is it true?"

I was so taken off guard at the voice speaking to me, that my ingenious reply was a whopping, "What...?"

"Is it true?" I turned to catch a pair of onyx eyes stabbing into me. They didn't hold the accusations or the pity, but it still managed to piss me off.

"What the does it matter to you if it's true or not?" I barked.

"It's just a question," He shrugged, "You don't have to answer it."

"Screw you, Uchiha." I barked. I could have sworn a smirk lifted up the corners of his lips, but I chalked it up to my imagination and moved on.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took me a little bit, but I finally figured out how to end this chapter. At first, I didn't know where I was going to go with this chapter and chapter four, but I liked this and kept going with it.