‹ Prequel: Feelings
Sequel: Friendship
Status: Finished/Completed


Life and Death


Death was always alone. His only company was the wind and the souls he took when someone died. No one wanted to accept him but everyone accepted him in the end, for we are all human beings and like we were born, one day we will die. For every start there is an ending.

No one had ever touched his cold hand or caressed his cold face. No one had ever said sweet words to him or even laughed with him, for no one had ever seen him. All alone in this cruel and filled of loneliness world, he watched people as they were falling in love and as they were falling out of it. He went wherever the dying souls were, only to take them to where they belonged.

His long black hair played with the cold wind of Winter as his almost black eyes studied the beautiful young woman. Her green eyes were shining, full of life and her light brown hair made him think of the sun. She always wore gentle smiles on her face as her bright red cheeks made her look like a shy little girl. Her sweet voice was like a forbidden melody to his ears and it was the only song he preferred to listen. Even though he had heard her name many times before, he knew that no matter how many times he called her, she would have never replied to him for she was a human being and he was Death.

One day though, he went to visit her once again, only to see her beautiful eyes and kind smile. A man was behind her, ready to take her life with the knife he held tightly in his hands and, at that very moment, Death materialized before the man as the young pure woman screamed, afraid for her life. The knife pierced his body and for the first time the young woman saw him. The attacker ran away from Death and even though Death was hurting, he was thanking his attacker for giving him the chance to be a man before the young woman’s eyes for he wasn’t able to take a human form whenever he wanted.

Hot tears ran down her cherry cheeks as she kneeled beside him mesmerized by his strong arms that saved her life. Death gave her a kind smile, his first smile, which was exactly like the ones he had seen her so many times giving to everyone around her. He lifted his hand and only one question left his cold lips, ‘’Life, why are you crying?’’

Life smiled kindly through her tear-stained face and she gently caressed his icy cold cheek. As he took the god’s form, she thought she saw him vanish from before her but the kind smile remained on her face.

Life knew Death saved her and Death had taken what he wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
You like???

This is an explanation about one of the comments I received.
1. The quality or state of being self-centered, selfishness.
2. Individuality, selfhood.

So, the word selfness being used is right.