Liquid Gold

Garrett Nickelsen (that's me): your typical high school sophomore, kind of on the shy side, a little nerdier than most, not super-popular, and not on any sports teams. Alright, so I used to be a band geek (read: I played trombone in marching band until freshman year) but I upgraded to the cool kinds of bands (read: shitty cover band with my best friend and a kid who can't sing but can play guitar) and can now at least play a "cool" instrument. Bisexual (read: more gay than bi, actually. probably.) and stuck between trying to figure shit out (basically like make a coming of age movie out of myself) and just letting the flow take me where it wants to.

Starting Line: Last week of school, sophomore year. June 2006.
Setting: Mostly in Tempe, Arizona - Santa Maria High School, Tim Kirch's Duplex, Circle Ends Park, Nickelsen household, Kirch household, etc. etc. etc. Lots of places in Tempe.

Our (Pat's and my) Purpose: find a decent singer to upgrade the shitty-cover-band to a not-shitty-cover-band and find a new guitarist since Lance moved to Florida and hopefully survive high school while we're at it.

And... Action!