Status: Hi

I Could Write It Better Than You Ever Felt It


I called out his name as soon as I had reached the opposite side of the street. But as soon as it had escaped my mouth I knew I was in trouble. I probably should have taken more time to think this one through.

Jack looked over at me, and he seemed a bit frightened first. By the look on his face I could tell that he had no idea who I was. No recollection of ever wanting to date me, or taking me out to dinner, or me living on his tour bus for weeks. To him I must have just looked like another fan, and I suppose a fan who is a complete stranger shouting your name is a lot scarier than someone you know. Ah, I'm screwed.

"Hey..." He started, but trailed off. We were standing about ten feet away from each other, and it was making this way more awkward than it already was. I was afraid if I took a step towards him, he would run.

"H-hey...uh... I'm not really a crazed fan. I mean...I like your music, but that's not why I stopped you." I was slightly shouting and I'm sure my face was beat red. Why me?

"Ok...why are you standing so far away? You look a little crazy." Jack laughed, and I'm sure my face got a darker red. I wanted to just run. This was not the Jack from my story. Sure he looked the same, but I could already tell the real Jack was completely different. Something that I wasn't used to. I didn't know what he was going to say next and I was freaking out. Hesitantly, I took a few steps forward. He did the same and met me halfway.

"Cool, now we don't have to yell!" He grinned. As nervous as I was I actually managed a smile. Oh God, it's my turn to respond...uh, words, words...?!

"Ok, uh...this is gonna sound really stupid but...I was a really good friend of Alex's, but we kinda lost touch. I'm sure you guys get this a lot, but I'm not kidding. But uh, could you just tell him I'll be at your show tonight?"

The expression on Jack's face gave away that he had heard this line a million times before. I knew it was pretty far fetched that he would believe me, but now I was losing hope at a faster rate.

"Sure," he smirked. "Just tell me your name and I'll let him know. You sure you don't want an autograph or something?"

"Geeze, you're sassy in real life-"
I covered my mouth with my hand. How could I let that slip out loud, what the hell, Alice!?
Jack continued smirking, looking amused at my outburst.

"Sassy!" He commented. I ignored it as I regained my composure.

"Erm, sorry. And no, I don't want an autograph. But I'd really appreciate if you could let Alex know about me...My name is Alice Loran."

With that I spun around and began to head back to the corner I had crossed the street at. The sooner I was out of there the sooner I could hide in my room from embarrassment.

"Holy shit! No kidding?!"

I had only gotten a few steps away when his exclamation made me turn around again.


"Alice Loran?! That's your name!?"

I nodded.

"Holy shit!!" Jack had lost his 'sassy' smirk and was not jumping up and down and running towards me.

"What the fuck, what the fuck..!?" I mumbled to myself before he was in earshot of me.

"I know you!" His eyes were wide and now mine were as well.

"You do?!" I asked incredulously. I'm not sure why I was so surprised. At this point aliens could jump down from the sky right in front of me and I don't think I would give it a second thought.

"Yeah! Well...not really. But Alex does! He definitely does. I don't even remember how but I know he was looking for you. This is crazy!" He was speaking fast due to his excitement, and I could barely understand him. I continued to nod and agree until he grabbed my arm.

"Screw waiting till the show tonight, Alex is gonna wanna see you now!"

"Woah, hold up. I missed Alex like crazy, but...I have other plans this afternoon that I have to take care of first...I'll see him at the show."

Jack let go of my arm. He looked a little put off by my statement, but his excitement never faded.

"Ok, ok. We'll surprise him. We can meet somewhere before the show to discuss...did you go to Lakeview? What's a good spot to meet that I can find easily. We're playing in the gym."

"Yes. There's this janitors closet just outside the gym..."

"Awesome! How about around 7 we meet there?"


We said our brief goodbyes and as I began to walk home I felt stranger than ever.

I know what you're thinking. I could be on my way to Alex right this second and I declined. I know it sounds ridicuouls. Honestly, I had no other plans. I just wanted to mentally prepare myself that anything could happen tonight. Just because Jack was so excited about me, doesn't necessarily mean Alex remembered me. This could be another result of the journal. Things were falling into place too perfectly for me to believe it was just fate. I began to feel anxious and nervous and sick to my stomach. I needed to talk to someone. I needed to spill my guts about this entire thing to someone, whether they'd believe me or not.

I needed to call Becki.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know no one cares about these chapters until Alex is in them, hahaha, but he'll be back soon! Also this might go over 30 chapters I'm not sure yet. Thanks for reading, Happy Halloween!