‹ Prequel: The Future is Now

Crazy Summer Time


-Fast forward to the weekend-

I woke up at about 9 and took a quick shower. Once i was out i got dressed, i put on my bikini and shorts. Its summer so this is how i dress when its almost 90 degress outside. I went downstairs and my parents were in the kitchen. My dad hugged my mom and started kissing her, i made a grossed out noise and got their attention.

"Oh hey" my mom said

"You two are gross" i said

"Calm down. And go put on more clothes, i dont want people thinking my daughters the easy type" my dad said

"Alex calm down. Shes not gonna be like that" my mom said

"Yeah. You two are already there, PDA while the kids are home. Nice" i said sarcastic

"Hey, were married and adults so its fine. Plus how do you think you got here?. Kissing which lead to-" my dad said and i cut him off

"Shut up!" i said covering my ears

"Fine. What are you doing today?" he asked

"Going to the beach with Nathan, Charlotte, Nathans brother Max, Maxs girlfriend Clhoe and Bella" i said, Bella is my best friend and she has been since like 1st grade

"Alright. Nothing inappropriate" he said

"Dad!" i said

"What?" he asked

"Forget it" i said

"Mhmm" he said eyeing me and left the room

Later Charlotte and Bella came over and Nathan and his brother picked us up to go to the beach. We got to the beach and found a spot, it was pretty close to the water which is my favorite spot. After we were all settled i went to put my phone in Charlottes bag, she had a All Time Low shirt in her bag

"Charlotte, really?" i asked pulling out the shirt

"What?" she asked

"Nice shirt" i said

"Hey my room is like stocked with them. Half of my shirts are All Time Low, my dads fault. He always just drops a bunch of shirts in my room" she said

"So does my dad. And i gave half of the ones he gave me, back to him. Its kinda annoying" i said

"Why do you hate your dad?" Nathan asked as i sat next to him

"I dont. I just feel like he uses his fame to act cool, hes really not in my opinion" i said

"Yeah well hes your dad, so of course you feel that way" he said

"Mhmm...who wants to go swimming?" i asked

"Me!" Bella said and we went out to the water

We went in the water and got on our tubes. Bella grabbed onto my tube and i pulled her, it was really funny especially since she was making random noises. After a while we just laid on the tubes and talked.

"Its so nice out!" i said, it really was. There was a slight breeze and it was like 85 degrees out

"Yeah it is" she said

"You know what we should do?, have a sleepover. You havnt spent a night at my house is like a year. And its weird considering we used to have sleepovers at my house all the time" i said

"True!. Yes i would love to sleepover" she said

"Yay!. Make a sweet setup in the livingroom and stay up late watching scary movies!" i said

"Yes!" she said excited

"This will be so much fun!" i said

"Yeah" she said

"Hopefully my brother doesnt bother us this time" i said, Micah has a crush on Bella

"Yeah i hope not. Its a little weird" she said

"Its totally weird" i said

Later when we got out of the water Bella texted her mom about the sleepover, of course her mom was totally fine with it. Later when we got to my house Micah and his friend Jacob were the only ones home. Later while we were in the pool Micah and Jacob came out to join us.

"Hey guys" Micah said

"Go away" i said

"No. I live here to" he said getting on a tube while Jacob just got in

"Well your annoying" i said

"I didnt do anything, god!. So Bella, long time no see. How are you?" he asked her

"Im fine Micah, how are you?" she asked

"Good. Still single?" he asked

"Yes i am. And im not interested" she said knowing he was gonna try and hit on her

"Oh come on!. Nobody can resist Micah Gaskarth" he said

"Apparently some can" i laughed

"Screw you" he said and i threw a water toy at him

"Hello kiddies" my dad said coming outside with uncle Rian

"Hey" we all said

"Bella!. Havnt seen you in like a month or two, how are you?" my dad said, Bella and me used to hangout a lot. No idea what happened

"Im good. You?" she said

"Fine" he said

"Dad. Micah is hitting on Bella. Make him leave us alone" i said

"Micah dont hit on your sisters friends, its to weird" my dad said

"Damnit!" Micah said

"Now i can see what traits Micah inherited from you as he gets older. You always hit on girls in high school" uncle Rian said

"I know i was awesome. And im so happy you inherited that from me, but dont put the moves on your sisters friends. Go find a different girl to hit on" my dad said

"No fair" Micah said

"Thats life kid" my dad said

"Dad Bella is sleeping over, okay?" i said

"Yep" he said

Later that night after everyone went to bed me and Bella went downstairs and set up our sleeping arrangements. We had piles of blankets and pillows, after it was put together it was really comfy. We sprawled out on the floor and watched the ring.

"This movie is scary" Bella said hiding behind a pillow

"Yeah" i said

"I really dont like freaky zombie, ghost girls in movies. Their terrifying" she said

"Oh man i know what you mean. This chick is scary" i said, Samara is the freakiest thing ive ever seen

"Oh god, oh god!. Dont watch-. Oh! shes such a moron!" she said

"Shes screwed" i said

"Yeah" she said and we heard a noise and saw someones shadow appear in the livingroom entrance

"Ahhhhhh!" we both screamed and jumped onto the couch

"Whats wrong!?!" my dad said turning the light on

"Dad!. You scared us!" i said

"Sorry" he said

"What do you need?" i asked as we laid back on the floor

"Well i couldnt sleep. Plus i needed to tell you two to be a little quieter. Your moms sleeping and she has work in the morning" he said

"Oh. Sorry" i said

"What are you guys watching?" he asked

"The Ring"i said

"Oh. Thats not scary, considering its based around a cursed video tape" he said

"We find it scary" i said

"Whatever. Keep it down" he said and shut the light off and went to bed
♠ ♠ ♠
AHH! im so hoped up on White chocolate carmel cookie chillers, i used to drink them all the time until they got rid of Gloria Jeans in my town. I looked up the recipe and made them at home and its soooo damn gooood! :D. Ive attempted to make them before but it didnt taste the same, this time they taste exactly like the ones from Gloria Jeans! :D
Comment! :)

Currently listening to: All Time Low- vegas
(First verse is pretty fitting for this situation, this is my 3rd cup of this coffee drink in 24 hours and i dont drink caffeine really so im all like WOOO and a little shaky! :P)

This drink is seriously recommended if you have a Gloria Jeans in your town! :D