‹ Prequel: The Future is Now

Crazy Summer Time

And They've Got A Million Excuses

Alexs POV:
The next day i went with Jack to Adams soccer game. I tryed to get Casey to come along but she didnt wanna, she said she was to busy with Nathan. We got to the game and we sat on the bleachers to watch the game.

"So hows everything going with you and Casey?" he asked

"Fine. She loves me again, stupid teenage hormones are messing with my kid" i said

"God. I love Casey, but im so glad we had a boy. Girls just seem like to much to handle" he said

"Yeah. But i love her, just wish she wasnt so boy crazy" i said

"Yeah, Melinda told me she wants a girl. She told me that ive got a really close bond with Adam and shes always wanted a little girl to have a bond with" he said

"Really?. Guess i can see how that makes sense. Good luck their tough" i said

"Mhmm" he said

We talked for a little while more and then watched the game, Adams team was doing really well. I loved watching his games, makes me kinda sad that my kids arnt into sports considering i love sports. After the game we went back to my house and Casey, Charlotte and Nathan were lying on a blanket in the front yard.

"Hey guys" i said

"Hey" they said

"Why are you out here?" i asked

"Uncle Rian and uncle Zack came over to drop off Charlotte and when they saw that you wernt here they decided to, as uncle Rian put it, babysit us. So they didnt leave" Casey said

"Oh. Well i dont see why you guys dont just hangout with them" i said

"Because its weird" she said

"Not really. You grew up with these guys, you shouldnt feel weird being around them" i said

"But i do. They always make their selves at home here, its kind weird. No offense to your dad Charlotte" she said and Charlotte shrugged

"Honey, you obviously dont understand our relationship. They've always been that way. Its not a big deal and it doesnt bother me" i said

"Good to know" she sighed and i rolled my eyes and me, Jack and Adam went inside

"Alex!" Zack said

"Hey" i said

"The kids are pissed at us" he said

"I know. Im cool with it" i said and he nodded

"I was not leaving these two girls alone with a boy" Rian said

"Thank you" i said and he nodded

Later that night everyone was over for dinner, we love to get together every chance we get. Me and Jack were trying to start a bon fire and while we were doing that Casey came out. She had this look on her face like i was about to yell at her.

"Daddy?" she said

"Yeah?" i said

"So Nathan and his family are going out of the state for a few days to Cape Cod and invited me. I asked mom if i could go and she said yes, but then she said i needed to ask you as well" she said

"Is your mother high!?. Of course not!" i said

"Why not?" she asked

"Because your to young to be spending vacations with your boyfriend" i said

"Thats not fair!" she said

"Life isnt fair kid, deal with it" i said

"But mom said i could go!" she said

"Well i dont want you to" i said

"But-" she started and i cut her off

"Im gonna go talk to your mother" i said and went inside and grabbed Sophie and pulled her into the kitchen with me

"Alex!, what the hells the deal?" she said

"Did you seriously tell our daughter she could go on vacation with Nathan?" i asked low

"Yes" she said

"Without consulting me?" i asked

"Its not a big deal" she said

"It is to!, i dont trust that boy. I barely no his family. No its not happening" i said

"Alex lighten up" she said

"Are you joking right now!?. Our daughter is to damn young!. Im not allowing this" i said raising my voice

"Alex be a little quieter, we have company" she said

"I dont give a damn if I'm loud!. You think these guys havnt heard me lose it before!?. How the hell could you be so damn stupid!" i yelled

"Alex dude, calm the hell down" Rian said walking in

"I trust her Alex!. I know she wont do anything bad!" Sophie yelled

"I dont care!. Its not okay!. And its extremely stupid of this kids parents to just ask our daughter and not consult us first, are they to busy smoking pot to think with their brains!?" i yelled

"Your really overreacting" she said

"Not really. When it comes to my daughter its not overreacting, its called protecting" i said

"Whatever" she said
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay. I dont know what to say, haha :P.
Comment! :)

Currently listening to: Cartel- First Things First
