Status: Active

Cat & Mouse

Chapter 2

"How'd you escape? What happened? Who are they?" David asked in full interest.

"I swam away and broke my bondages, since vampires don't need to breathe. It was pretty easy. They still think I drowned and haven't bothered me since. They are a governmental agency created to track all of us down and destroy us. They are absolutely merciless and formidable." Serenity replied, answering all of his questions.

"How did they catch you? Why didn't you just jump away?" He asked.

A regretful smile came on her face as she looked away from him and to the side.

"Ah, that's the whole problem, isn't it?" She said with an almost laugh.

"They have these electric cables that they use as bondages and when you try to jump away waves of electricity shoot through you to your brain and stop you from doing so. It's a nasty shock, isn't it?" She replied with a grim smile, while looking at him.

"Doesn't sound pretty at all." He replied, surprised she had escaped.

"It's not. They shocked me once and it was enough to make my adrenaline go through me. After it was done, I immediately broke my cables and escaped into a lake. They were not happy." Serenity replied.

"But I was underwater for so long that they thought I was just a goner after the first shock." She added.

"Jesus christ." He said running a hand through his hair and dropping his gaze to the island.

"We have enemies and they are lethal and brutal and very clever and intelligent. We must stay hidden, David. But now, you have discovered that I am alive. And I am no longer hidden. We have a problem, David. Because now they'll be here very soon." She added.

"They've been tracking you, David." She said, making David look up in shock.

"I've been watching you too and you've been making a lot of noise lately, new ones always do. But you especially are in a lot of trouble, so easily trackable with all the big heists you've made recently. Yes, we know all the crimes you've committed and all the jumps as well." Serenity replied.

"So what do we do?" He replied.

There was a knock on the door and David immediately looked to it in fear. Serenity lived in the middle of no where, so for someone to be knocking on her door was big deal.

"We jump." Serenity replied before jumping away from her home, David just barely reaching her in time.

For a second, David and Serenity saw the leader of their enemies. He had white hair with an eyepatch and almost hooked them with the cables, if they had been a second too late. But they weren't. And now they were in the Colosseum of Rome in the part that was off limits.

"Have you been here before?" He asked, looking around in shock.

"Yes. I often like to travel when I'm bored. The Italians are a very nice bunch to be around." Serenity replied, staring at him.

"Will you protect me? Will protect my girlfriend and me? We need help. I need help. We need your help." David replied frantically.

Serenity narrowed her eyes at him and replied, "I can help you, maybe, but your girlfriend is another story. She's probably the one who told them where we were."

"No, Millie, wouldn't do that." David replied.

"She would if she thought that they were police." Serenity replied knowingly.

David sucked in a breath then and said, "We have to go find her. We have to tell her the truth."

"Are you crazy?! Did I not just tell you that we can't trust her? She's weak and will only slow us down! We cannot bring a human into hiding with us. We cannot tell her the truth!" Serenity replied with anger.

"We can trust her, I've known her all of my life." David replied firmly.

Serenity sneered at him and replied, "God, you're going to get us all killed..."

"We can trust her, Serenity. I swear that we can trust her." David said.

Serenity narrowed her eyes, while accessing him. He stared back hard into her own eyes and she looked away.

"Fine. We'll go get her. But I swear to God the moment she slows us down, I'm leaving you both!" Serenity replied, pointing at him angrily.

"Fair enough." He replied with the same expression.

Serenity kept her stern expression before turning around and throwing her hands up in the air, while letting out a noise of frustration.

"Where is she anyways?" Serenity asked, while turning around.

But David was already behind her and they jumped together to somewhere unknown to her.

"Millie!" David yelled out in the house.

"Go away, David! I'm leaving you!" Serenity heard a high female voice reply from upstairs.

David jumped up there and Serenity just glared at where they were in frustration. Great, more problems.

"What are you talking about? What are you doing?!" David asked in shock.

"Do you want to know what happened while you were gone at that girl's place, David? A cop came and asked where you were. They said that you were in some kind of trouble?" Millie said with an accusatory tone.

"What did this cop look like?" He asked.

"I don't know, David! Why does it even matter?! Why didn't you tell me you were in trouble?!" Millie asked, Serenity could hear her throwing stuff in a suitcase.

"It matters, Millie! Now what did he look like?!" He yelled in frustration.

"I don't know! He had an eyepatch and white hair! And that's all I remember, David. Why does it even matter?" She asked.

David was silent for a second and he said, "Millie, come here for a second."

"What? David, I don't have time for this!" She said, putting more stuff in the suitcase.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" She said before she went silent.

All of a sudden, they were in the foyer and in front of Serenity.

"What just happened? David, how are we in the foyer? What did you do?!" She asked worriedly.

"I'm a jumper, Millie. I can transport anywhere I want to as long as I can picture it in my head. Serenity, here, is a jumper as well. Show her, Serenity." David replied calmly.

Serenity glared at Millie, who was giving her a "get real" look. They were wasting time here.

"Serenity, show her." David said imploringly.

Serenity scowled at him before jumping from the foyer to the stairs in a flash. Millie screamed and hung onto David.

"I told you we couldn't trust her." Serenity replied with her arms crossed.

"Millie, please don't be afraid. Please, this is how I came back home to you. This is how I found you." David said to her with pleading eyes and his hands on her arms.

"David, how can I not be afraid?" Millie replied.

David was at a loss of words then and hung his head in disappointment. Serenity felt bad for him, even though she was right about everything. It's not like she wanted to be right though.

"That's good. Be afraid, be aware, and keep running with us until we're hidden. We'll protect you, Millie, I promise." Serenity replied.

Millie and David both looked at her in shock.

"But who was the cop then?" Millie asked.

"He was a tracker, Millie. He's trying to kill us." David explained.

"But why? What did you do?" Millie asked.

"We exist, Millie." Serenity explained simply, since David didn't have the answer.

Serenity started walking down the stairs towards them then.

"This man believes that we are unearthly, aliens. He does not believe that God created us, so therefore we must be killed. He is merciless and will do anything to get rid of us. What creates us we do not know and they don't either. All they and we know is that we were given a special skill, whether unearthly or not that is not the point. They want us gone." Serenity replied.

David wasn't looking happy anymore and Serenity went on, "But I don't intend to be gone. I don't intend to go down quietly. I intend on fighting and keeping my life by doing whatever it takes. I will live on, whether without you or with you. Your David, here, has been tracked for quit some time. And if you're wondering why I'm here, it's because they have tracked him to me as well."

"They thought I was dead, but now that they know I'm alive they're even more intent on killing me and finding out why or how I lived. I had barely escaped when they kidnapped me and I can help you guys escape as well. But only if you let me help you." Serenity said.