Status: Active

I Told You to Just Leave Me Alone

Chapter 6

* A Few Minutes Later *

"Okay, I'm going to hold you by your hands, okay? Now what you need to do is just keep kicking until we get to the end of the pool." Samuel instructed.

Naomi stared at their hands before looking up at him and nodding.

"Alright. Now, kick." Samuel said, watching her closely.

Naomi started kicking, while holding onto Sam's hands until she made it to the end of the pool.

"There, see, you made it." Samuel said with a smile at the end.

"Now, all you need to do is move your arms like this while you're kicking." Samuel said, moving his arms in a swinging motion over his head.

"So when you're ready, try getting back to the other side." Samuel added, patiently.

Naomi nodded, staring at the water determinedly. She exhaled and then started to swim across the surface of the pool like Sam had said. When she reached the end, she gave Samuel a small smile and raced back to him to jump in his arms with a laugh.

"You did it!" Samuel said with a smile.

"Well, I did learn from the master." Naomi said with a giggle.

Samuel stared into Naomi's beautiful eyes with a smile and replied slowly, "Yeah..."

Then, all of sudden, he let her go and shook his head.

"Right, well, now let's try treading." He said then, swimming to the other side of the pool.

Naomi frowned, but Samuel motioned for her to come to him. She obliged and felt awkward by the time she got there.

"Right, well, now what you need to do is kick your legs and move your arms in a big circle." Samuel said, demonstrating with his arms, going on like nothing happened.

"When you're ready, try treading in the deep end." Samuel said, leaving her again to a part of the pool none of them had been in.

Naomi exhaled again before swimming over to an edge in the deep end. She was hesitant, but Samuel motioned for her to come to him again. Naomi exhaled again before pushing off from the wall. But she did it wrong. She started to panic and ended up sinking fast.
What was worse was the fact that Sam hadn't taught her how to swim up yet. But none than two seconds later was she up agains the wall with Samuel. She coughed the water out of her lungs and leaned against Samuel's shoulders.

"I think that's enough swimming for today." Samuel said then with a chuckle.

Naomi nodded with a slight smile on her face and Samuel kissed the top of her head. Naomi's eyes widened at the touch, but barely had time to think about what Samuel just did. He suddenly hopped out of the water and Naomi quickly grabbed the railing to keep from sinking again. Samuel walked over to the entrance where a towel was in the cabinet. Naomi swam over to the entrance before getting out of the water. Naomi watched Samuel dry himself off before going over to her own towel that she brought down herself.

Naomi started to dry herself off slowly and carefully to avoid angering her bruises. When she turned around, Samuel was staring at her with lust-filled eyes. Naomi blushed crimson and Samuel shook his head again.

"Right, let's go." He said with a move of his head to the door.

Naomi walked slowly over to him with her eyes on the ground in embarrassment. She was just about to pass him when she was suddenly pushed against the wall. Naomi looked up to see Samuel's eyes closed and she closed her own in anticipation. He opened his then and lifted her chin up to kiss her lightly on the mouth. Naomi kissed him back and opened her eyes slowly.

Someone cleared their throat though and Samuel ran away from her immediately. She looked through the doorway to see Seth standing there with a menacing stare.

"Well, what do we have here, brother?" He said, coming to lean against the doorway.

Samuel just looked at the ground in frustration.

"I think dad would really like to know that his youngest son has actual feelings for a human." Seth added then with narrowed eyes at Samuel.

Naomi suddenly felt very angry at Seth and she clenched her hands into fists.

"Don't." Naomi said forcefully.

"Don't, what?" Seth replied then, averting his gaze to her.

Naomi closed her eyes and clenched her fists tighter to keep her composure and replied, "Don't talk about me like I'm not here. And don't threaten, Sam."

She opened her eyes on his name and she could feel Samuel looking at her too.

"Aw, how sweet. It's a fucking love story for the ages. She even called you Sam, Samuel." He said in rough voice before backing away from the doorway.

"You better watch your step brother. You remember that she's only here to find her uncle and then she's gone." Seth added with a death stare at his younger brother.

"You watch yourself, brother." Samuel said then, looking into his eyes with fury.

Seth cracked a smile then and chuckled to himself.

"Oh, Dad is going to love this." He said before leaving.

Naomi relaxed once Seth was gone and looked over at Samuel. His head was dropped, but his fists were clenched into tight fists.

"Sam?" Naomi asked cautiously.

Samuel suddenly moved to the wall next to him and hit it with his fists as he let out a yell of frustration. Two dents where his fists landed were made. Naomi flinched and looked away from the scene.

"Matt! Kevin!" Samuel suddenly bellowed in the room and Naomi opened her eyes.

Matt and Kevin immediately appeared in front of them, like soldiers.

"Take her to her room." Samuel said then, not even looking at them with his head hung low.

"And lock her in." He added, making Naomi's eyes widen.

"Wait, what?" She asked in shock.

But Matt and Kevin were already carrying out there orders and in five seconds she was in her room without any clue of how to get back. She tried the door and when she found it was locked she hit it in vain. She had a feeling something horrible was about to happen and tears started to go down her face. A pain in her abdomen started to grow and it felt like someone had stabbed her. She slid down the door in with a cry and hung her head low.

All too soon, she heard a scream that shook her body to the core. She was frozen with fear. No, it couldn't be his. They wouldn't hurt one of their own, would they? They wouldn't do that...

Another scream erupted throughout the house and she jumped in a panic to her feet. Then came another one and she started banging on the door pleading.

"No, stop it! Cut it out! He didn't do anything!" Naomi yelled, banging on the door with her fists.

Another scream rang throughout the house and Naomi crumbled down to the floor again with her hands over her ears. The screams kept going and going until Naomi finally fell asleep from exhaustion.

* Night Time *

Naomi awoke to find herself in her bed with the handcuffs around her wrists again. She started to panic until she heard a familiar voice.

"Nice to see that you're finally awake." Seth's voice rang throughout the room.

Naomi froze with fear at his voice and she slowly turned to look at him across the room. He was sitting in a wooden chair and watching her. Naomi swallowed hard and Seth got up from the chair.

"I'm sorry, but it had to be done. I just couldn't let him go soft like that on you. It's not us, it's not a part of who we are." He said, coming towards her.

"Of course, you understand that, right?" Seth said, leaning over her then and smiling with his fangs.

Naomi shivered against the handcuffs and looked away from him.

"Aw, don't be like that, sweetheart. You're perfectly safe here." Seth said then, stroking her chin.

Naomi looked away from him and his hand landed on her thigh.

"Of course, that is according to how you act." He added then with a glare.

Naomi looked at him with a glare then and replied, "Why should I trust you?"

Seth stood up then and replied, "Because, sweetheart."

Then he leaned in again close to her face and replied, "I'm all you have left."

Naomi froze with fear again and watched as Seth left the room.

* A Couple Hours Later *

Naomi had calmed herself down and entertained herself by counting the things in her room when the door opened again.

"Hey, I have some food for you." Kevin said as he came in with a tray of food.

Naomi looked away from him in distrust.

"Hey, don't be like that. I'm sorry it has to be this way. I really am. Just don't do anything stupid, okay?" Kevin said as he put the tray on the table.

Naomi just looked at him and Kevin left the room.

"Oh, and some more advice, stay away from Sam. You'll only hurt him more." Kevin said as he threw the handcuff key at her and locked the door.

Naomi grabbed the key with a little effort and unlocked her cuffs. Then she went to a corner and sat down with her head on her knees until she fell asleep.