Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back


"Make a decision already. Either come with me and your friends and mutt will live. Or don't come at all and I will kill you and your friends. So what will it be?" Korse asked, tapping his gun against his chin as if he was thinking.

I had a strange feeling about this. One of us would get hurt no matter what. I know Korse like how I know the zones. He is a sick fuck and no matter what happens, someone will get hurt. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, but I had to choose... Either die with my friends... or go with this bastard and have my friends live.

I looked at Korse, then at my friends. They all looked frightened. I heard Spike whine, as if he knew what I would choose. "I'm sorry boy," I told the dog, hearing him let out a weak bark. I then looked at Korse again, and walked towards him slowly, stopping midway. I wanted to turn around and run to the people I can call family.

No. Stop thinking about turning back. Do what's right. Have them save themselves and you hold the bad guys back, I thought.

I sighed and continued to walk to Korse seeing him smirk. "Now that's a good girl." He looked at his pink haired assistant. "Nastasia, handcuff her and take her to the van," Korse said. My once best friend pushed her glasses up her nose and came to me, grabbing my arms and putting them behind my back, and putting a tight pair of handcuffs around my wrists. As she handcuffed me I looked down at the desert floor. Korse looked at the gang... my family. "Well, I guess we'll get going then. See you all in hell." He looked at Nastasia and signalled her to put me in the van.

I looked at my friends again, sadness on their faces. I then looked at one person in particular. Fun Ghoul. It pained me to look at him because of how I feel about him. How we can never be together. In fact, it pained be to look at anyone right now. I had a huge hole in my chest now, and it will never close. "Bye..." I whispered, looking at the ground again, trying my best not to cry.

As Nastasia took me to the white van, I heard Spike bark loudly and my friends calling for me. "You can't take her!" they would say. They weren't going to do anything though. They couldn't do anything. All they can do is stay away and be safe. And all I can do, is nothing. I'll become a mindless worker, but this was for the best. If they will be alright then, I'm fine.

Nastasia shoved me into the van, smiling at me. "Welcome to the family Jazzy," she said, getting in with me and closing the van door. "We can now be best friends forever." She then hugged me.

I shook her off and looked down at the van floor, sobbing. "I didn't want this at all."

Nastasia looked at me. "Don't cry Jazz. You made the right choice." I felt Nastasia pat my back, trying to comfort me.

"I'll miss you guys," I whispered.

"Now let's finish this," I heard Korse say outside the van. Gun shots were heard, causing me to look up. I wasn't in the van anymore. I was back outside, but I was where the gang was. Korse smiled at me. "You made a mistake. You're a little liar." He pointed his gun at me. "I don't appreciate liars."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, holding my hands up and backing up slowly, staring at the bald man. "I said I would join your stupid company!"

"Yes you did, but you lied. I know you. I know you well."

I continued to back away from the mad man before bumping my foot on something. I looked at what it was and saw it was Fun Ghoul, laying on the ground, dead. That's when I noticed all of my friends on the ground dead. Spike as well. Their insides were out, and they had gun shot wounds. It was disgusting that I almost vomited.

I looked at Korse, my eyes wide. "What the fuck did you do you fucking bastard!?" I yelled, feeling tears form in my eyes.

Korse laughed. "Awh. Is little Jasmine going to cry? How pathetic. And you call yourself a killjoy. You're a disgrace to all killjoys." He walked slowly towards me. "Maybe you shouldn't go around killing everyone. Even if it is fun." He pointed down and right below his feet was Nastasia, her neck slit, blood still coming out of it. Her eyes gauged out and her tongue cut out of her mouth, dried blood around her lips and on her cheeks. Multiple stab and gun shot wounds were on her. Her pink hair had blood on it. "I never thought a killjoy could do a lot of damage."

"What are you talking about?"

"You killed her."

"No I didn't!"

"Well who else could have done it? Of course I didn"t do it. Why would I kill my own assistant? Besides, you're the only one with her last time with a knife and look. You have the blood on your hands to prove you did kill her." He pointed at my hands.

I looked at my hands and saw he wasn't lying. There was dry blood smeared on my hands. I looked back at him. "I... that blood could be from anything!" I protested.

"Like what? My wife's blood?" he asked. "Remember how you killed her?"

"I didn't mean to!" I cried, having the images of her die in front of me flash in my head. That laser going straight through her head, her brains splattered across the wall. Seeing her fall to the ground hard, bones snapping. "I swear! It was an accident!"

"Keep saying that. Killing is no accident. Now... who else did you kill?" He paused. "Oh! My workers." He put his gun down.

I laughed. "I admit, THEY were fun to kill." I smirked, putting my hands down. "Those pussies couldn't put up a fight even if their life depended on it. And what did they loose? Oh yeah. Their life. Oops."

"Was killing your friends fun, dear?" he asked.

"What are you-"

"Oh! You think I killed them. Oh no! I'm not that cruel. I was bluffing." He gave me a stern look. "I didn't kill them Jasmine. YOU did." He laughed and pointed at me.

I shut my eyes tightly. "I would never!" I screamed.

"Get real," a feminine voice said. I opened my eyes and didn't see Korse, instead I saw a woman. She looked to be about my age.

"Woah. Where did Korse go and who the fuck are you?" I asked, waving at the girl who mirrored my move. All I got was a giggle. She finally responded.

"Look in a mirror. Oh wait... you practically are," she smirked.

That's when it hit me. What Korse said, how I killed all those people. How I'm looking at a girl right now. This was no ordinary girl. This was...


This was me. I was staring at myself without a mirror. But, this version of me was different. I was wearing a black mini dress and black boots with fishnets. My skin was paler than ever. My hair was black instead of the rainbow color it usually is. And my eyes... were red. "No!" I shouted. "That can't be me!"

"Oh but it is. I'm the real you," the clone said, pointing a white gun at me. "This is how you should be. A monster. Not some walking rainbow." The clone pulled the trigger and a white laser shot towards me. I was to shocked to move and before I knew it, the laser shot me in the head, making me fall to the ground.

The clone walked up to me, standing over me. "Pathetic." she said. "Luckily I'm here to show people the real you."

I heard myself laugh, but it was evil. My eyes closed. I didn't hear anything anymore and everything was just black.
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First time I've posted here! Yeah! This story is a My Chem fanfiction and you can also find this on FicWad, which has more chapters. I thought, try to get as many people as possible to read it! Hope you liked it :D