Status: This is just a story I thought of in my spare time that I figured I'd be able to start off with. It's the first copy, roughly written, but I hope you enjoy it for what it is.


The slave girl considered herself lucky, the Refragatio got to her before the slave auctioneers did. Sadly, it was for nothing. The Refragatio members slaughtered and her world thrown into the world of the vampire prince, the newly dubbed Xyza tries her hardest to accept the conditions she would be forced to grow and learn in. A horrid master, tortured servants and an empty hole that the longing for her family left in her heart was what she had. However, the vampire prince was no fool. He and Xyza both came to learn that Xyza wasn't as simple a creature as she seemed. Discover who and what Xyza is, her path through the struggle of slavery and her role in the future of the world.