Make Me Feel Glorious

Chapter 6

-Sophies POV-

I sat behind my desk, staring out of the window and chewing on the end of my pen thoughts of Chris danced through my mind, it was something I could get used to, being treated gently and I knew it was only fear keeping me incarcerated with Frankie, I knew if I left him he wouldn’t give up he would track me down, he would hurt Chris.

A little voice pulled me back down to earth, shattering my train of thoughts,

“Miss Liguori? Can you help me read this bit?”

I smiled and nodded making my way over to the back of the class and helping the small boy read his book, as he began to get in to the swing of things my thoughts began to trail off again,

“I would quit all of this to be with Chris, run away to a warm place and never look back kids of our own maybe even marriage?”


“Oh erm well done Ben! Maybe you and Bryony can go down to the library and change your books together?”

The child’s small round face lit up at the thought of a new challenge as he and the young girl wandered out of the class room clutching already conquered books proud of their achievements, this is why I took the job I loved to watch children embrace their skills and take pride in every accomplishment, but for Chris I’d give it up in a heartbeat.

Feeling tears prick in my eyes I swanned back to my desk hiding my face behind my laptop and pretending to be busy.

My shift ended and I turned before leaving the classroom having made my mind up, I stood for a second smiling to myself at the brightly coloured display boards I had spent hours perfecting and stapling to the high walls, I looked at the four tables named after colours “Green Pink Purple and blue” I flicked the light off and pulled the green door closed “Class room 4 Miss .S. Liguori” I gently ran my fingers over the name plate wiping the tears from my eyes. This was it I wasn’t coming back.
I stepped out of the school and looked to my left to see Chris standing smiling at me warmly, he pulled me in to him and I rested my head in the crook of his neck, before looking in to his eyes,

“Chris, I need to be with you, but I need to tell Frankie”

His face twisted in to a mix of worry and happiness

“I can tell Frankie”

“No I need to do this he can’t walk all over me anymore”

He nodded solemnly,

“I’ll walk you there”

We walked in silence to Frankies, as we approached the end of the road Chris stopped me

“I’ll be at our coffee shop at 8, if you aren’t there me and PJ will be back to get you”

I nodded unsure of whether to allow them to get hurt at my expense, but Chris was insistent.
After planting a small peck on his cheek he squeezed my hand and looked me in the eyes

“Stay safe angel”

I nodded and made my way down the road a feeling of determination stalking my every step I was not going to let him hurt me this time.

I walked towards the door and unlocked it heading straight in to the front room,

“Frankie, we need to talk” he looked at me there was a tension hanging in the air as he was poised to strike, “I’m leaving becau…”

I was cut off by a sharp blow to the jaw, I reeled back and hit the cold laminate flooring watching as he loomed over me a surge of adrenaline and I stood up rushing towards the stairs, near the top a clammy hand wrapped itself round my ankle dragging me back down, my head smashed against the wall as I reached the bottom of the stair case his hands clamped around my throat, the blood rushed to my head as my airways restricted under the pressure, he repeatedly banged my head against the floor time and time again shouting at me trying to force me in to confessing sleeping with another man. Again Chris flooded In to my mind, I tried to think sensibly and kicked out catching his stomach as I did he fell back in pain the anger boiling his blood, I ran in to the kitchen ramming the door closed and pushing what little weight I had against it,

“Sophie open the door…YOU SLUT!”

I whimpered as he continued to shout abuse through the door my heart racing my head still spinning from lack of oxygen within seconds he has shoved the door open sending me flying across the small room he marched towards me towering over me anger etched across his face, he moved his arm out quickly grabbing something from the work surface, my mind rushed with possibilities as I was unable to see what it was.

He laughed as his arm swing forward with forced as something collided with my head a sharp pain ripping through my skull, as shards of broken glass showered over me and my head leaked with warm sticky blood, it began to slip down on top my forehead. He grabbed me by my leg and dragged me through the house, I screamed


He crouched down over me punching and kicking me repeatedly, I begged him to stop, bleeding from every part of my body I began to drift in and out of consciousness, I was aware of him on top of my as I could feel his weight and his breath on my face his blows continued to come as did the dizziness, my body became numb as I welcomed unconsciousness.