On the Edge

Meet The Girls

Karli’s POV:

“Kar, please turn your radio on.” My best friend, Dawn, calls me. Actually, she’s only one of my many best friends. Dawn Hobbs, Emily Yale, Kristle Harp, Michelle Grey, and I, Karli Levi, met in middle school. We’ve been inseparable since then.

“Dawn, do I have to?” I ask her. I think this is the hottest August in history and I don’t want to move.

“Yes, move your lazy bum out of the pool chair and turn your radio on.” Of course she knows I’m sitting in my back yard. I turn the radio on just as James by Allstar Weekend plays.

“I love this song!” I yell.

“I knew you would say that, that’s why I told you to tune in. The other girls are jamming out, too. Hey, can we come over tonight?” She asks. “We haven’t had our monthly sleepover yet.”

“No, Dawn, I start work tomorrow.”

“Oh, right, you do. I still have another week!” She laughs at me.

“If I could see you right now you would be slapped.”

“Ouch, Kar.” She says sarcastically. My parents left town a while ago leaving me alone. I had just turned 18 so I got the house. I’m now 24, the same age as my one true love, Brent Schneiders. Sure he'll be 25 in a month, but that’s just a small detail.

“Come on, you know you deserve it.”

“Yeah, I probably do.” She laughs. “I don’t care, I’m coming over tonight and helping you pick what you’re wearing.”

“No, Dawn, please don’t.” I get another call and see it’s from Emily.

“I’m coming over tonight so we can decide what you’re wearing for your first day of work.” She screams and I roll my head back in surrender.

“Fine, Em, I’ll call the others and we’ll just make tonight a sleepover.”

“Yes! We haven’t had one in a whole two weeks!” She screams.

“Wow, two weeks. Em, it’s like I don’t know even know you anymore.” I say sarcasm thick.

“You don’t have to be rude.” She laughs.

“It’s like you don’t know me!” I laugh and hang up to call the other girls. They’re over in two hours.

“I still can’t believe you have this place to yourself.” Kristle says as she throws her stuff down.

“That’s what happens when your parents fall off the face of the earth and leave you everything. Sometimes it’s nice to have had rich parents.”

“Do you even know if they’re still alive?” Michelle asks me.

“They are. I just got a birthday card in March. Surprisingly, it came on my birthday.”

“Hey, they’re making progress.” Dawn says hugging me.

“Yeah, 24 years too late. They were always deadbeat and used money to make up for it. I just wish they knew that doesn’t always make things better. I will be a better mom to my kids.”

“And Brent will be a great dad.” Emily teases me.

“I bet Cam will too.” All five of us love Allstar Weekend so we tease each other about marrying them. I turn the radio on and hear a contest. I call in and answer the trivia question.

“Well, Kar, what happened?” Dawn yells at me.

“We have five tickets for the Allstar Weekend concert tomorrow night!” We scream.
