On the Edge

Sisterly Advice

Brent’s POV:

“Cameron, are you home?” I yell and get no answer.

“Hey, Brent, what’s up with you?” I turn and see Brittany.

“Thank God you’re here!” I say and hug her.

“Okay, I know we don’t hate each other, but what is up with that?” She asks knowing something’s wrong here.

“Karli just broke up with me.”

“What, no, that’s terrible!” She says and her eyes get big. “Why did she do that?”

“She has cancer and her parents are back in town.”

“That poor thing. Oh, Brent, you must both feel terrible right now. I am so sorry.” She closes the door. “Do you need anything?”

“Yeah, I need Karli. I feel alive with her but now she’s gone.” Brittany looks at me with sympathy in her eyes. I hear Cameron’s motorcycle.

“Hey, Brent, why’s your sister here?” He asks and I try to explain it.

“Karli found out she has cancer and broke up with him.”

“She didn’t!” He yells. I lower my eyes.

“She did.”

“That’s terrible! Are you going to be okay?”

“I really don’t know. I love her, Cam, and that’s about all I really ever knew. She was the one sure thing in my life and now she’s leaving me.”

“I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Damned if I do.” I say. All Time Low has some pretty good songs.

“If you don’t want to leave her alone then don’t.” Brittany says. “Go back and tell her you will never leave her side no matter what.”

“It isn’t that easy!” I yell.

“Fine, then lose her forever.” She slams the door.

“Your sister is right, Brent. I’ll get the guys and we’ll try to talk some sense into her and find out what’s really going on.”

“Thanks, Cameron, but I’m not sure that will help.”

“We still are, Brent, we’ll get you the answers you need. Are you sure there’s no other reason she would have broken up with you?”

“I can’t think of anything. She seemed so happy when we were together.” I remember the past few months. “We would have had our three month tomorrow.”

“And you were planning something big, weren’t you?” Cameron sits next to me.

“Yeah, I was. I was going to take her on a helicopter ride and just happen to end up in New York. She told me she’s always wanted to see Times Square.”

“Brent, I don’t know what to tell you. I mean, I guess I could go on such short notice.” I start to smile.

“Would you really, Cam?” He laughs.

“Oh, my gosh, I have to call my friends and figure what I’m wearing.” He laughs and I know he’s trying to be a good friend.

“You don’t have to go, Cameron.”

“Okay, Brent.” He walks off and I know he’s calling the guys so they can talk to Karli. I kind of just wish they would leave it alone.

“You know what, Cam, I’m going to get over her. If she doesn’t like me anymore than I don’t need her.” I say walking in his room.

“Now if only I believed that.”

“Yeah, I’m waiting to believe it, too.” *******************************************