On the Edge

Death Bed

Karli’s POV:

I wake up late in the morning and all the girls are still asleep. I hear the doorbell and stumble down the stairs.

“Can I help you? Oh, guys, hey.” I see Zach, Cameron, Michael, and Dillon on my porch. “Uhm, maybe I should go change first.”

“No, we need to talk now.” Zach says.

“The girls are still asleep, I can go get them.” I say and Michael blocks me.

“No, we need to talk right now.” He says.

“Okay, let’s talk then. What’s this about?” I know exactly what it’s about; Brent.

“You should have seen Brent yesterday! He was torn to pieces!” Cameron yells at me.

“Why the hell would you do something like that?” Zach yells.

“I’m sorry I’m dying and don’t want him to see it! I want him to remember me as strong and in love with him, not as some weak, sick, dying, freak!” I start crying and oddly enough Dillon hugs me.

“Hey, you aren’t dying. He said it was early on and they could kill it off.”

“You don’t get it! I’m going through chemo which completely kills a person. And what if they don’t get it all and I end up stopping treatment? Do you want Brent to be upset when I die?” I ask them.

“No, but we don’t want him upset now.” Michael says.

“We heard yelling. What is going one here?” Kristle asks.

“Hey, baby gurl.” Michael kisses her.

“Nothing’s going on except the guys are being jerks.” I stand up then sit down fast.

“Are you okay?” Cameron asks me.

“Yeah, just a little light headed. I stood up too fast.” I say.

“Get a pillow under her now!” I hear Dawn yell right before I pass out again. I wake up in a hospital bed with my friends around me.

“You didn’t have to bring me here.”

“Yes, we did.” Michelle says. “We waited the normal fifteen minutes then called an ambulance. You’ve been out almost two hours.”

“What? That’s worse than normal.” Dawn is crying.

“Your cancer is getting worse. I don’t want my best friend to die.” I reach for her.

“Dawn, girls, I won’t die.” I say but I don’t believe it.

“Alright, Karli, I hope you’re comfortable here because we’re starting your treatment tomorrow. This is worse than we expected and we want to get rid of it now.”

“Dawn, if I die, tell Brent I loved him.” I say and she runs out crying.

“What was that, Kar? Please don’t die on us!” Michelle yells and starts crying. Kristle and Emily have red eyes but are trying to be strong.

“I’m so sorry. Could you please get my parents here? They should be at the house sometime today.”

“Okay, we will.” Kristle squeezes my hand and they leave.

“Am I going to die?” I ask the nurse.

“We sure hope not. We’re here to make sure you don’t.”

“You hope not! No, I can’t die, not yet!” I can’t cry, it’s not worth it.

“We’ll do what we can.” She says and walks out. Poor Dawn, Emily, Kristle, and Michelle. Poor Brent.
