On the Edge

Not Dead Yet

Karli’s POV:

I’ve had chemo once every two weeks for 5 months and I get out today, March 15.

“Happy birthday, Kar, we’re the same age again.” Brent says as he enters my room.

“Thanks, babe.” I say and try to sit up.

“Hey, don’t do that, you’re weak right now.” I smile and it feels like I just ran a marathon. I had no idea chemotherapy could take so much out of you.

“Brent.” I say and he bends down. I kiss him and we both smile. “That was nice.” I say.

“Come on, I’m carrying you out of here.” We have been together exactly 8 months. He picks me up and we leave.

“I love you.” I tell him.

“I know you do. I love you, too.”

“I know.” I say and he drives me home. Dawn, Emily, Kristle, Michelle, Zach, Cameron, Michael, Dillon, and my parents are all waiting out front.

“Welcome home!” They yell.

“Thanks, you guys.” I say when I finally get up there. “Sorry I’m moving like I’m 108 years old.”

“We totally understand, you’ve been through a lot.” Dillon says.

“If you guys don’t mind, I would really like to sleep.” I take a step towards the door and cough. “I am pathetic.” I laugh.

“No you aren’t.” Brent says and sets my bag on the couch. “Do you want me to stay in case you wake up?”

“That would be nice.” I say. I wake up a few hours later and see Dawn in my room. “I thought Brent was staying.”

“We made a schedule. We’re trading off every few hours.”

“Who is we?” I ask afraid of the answer.

“Everyone. Even the guys are taking shifts.” She says like it’s a job. There’s a reason I love my best friend.

“And what if I want a shower or something where we would both be put in an awkward situation?” I ask her hoping she has a plan.

“It’s not like you’re dead. It’s just for a week. The doctors said you’ll have more strength then. Can you go a week without showering?” She asks me.

“No, it’s like you don’t know me.” She smiles.

“Then you can wait for your mom or one your bestest friends to help you.” She says and I know the conversation is over.

“Will there be night shifts, too?” I ask.

“Only of course.” I shake my head when she says that. “How did that feel?”

“That took all the energy I just gained from sleeping.” I tell her. No point in lying.

“Would you like to eat something?” My stomach growls on command and she laughs at me. She comes back with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“Thank you.”

“Anything for my best friend. You aren’t dead yet and I don’t think you will be for a while.” She says and I know she’s trying to be strong.

“With you as my friend I may be dead soon.” I joke with her.

“There’s the Karli I know. When do you go back for more tests?” She asks.

“Sometime in the next few weeks. They’ll tell me if I’m clear or not.” I say.
