On the Edge

Moment of Truth

Karli’s POV:

“Brent, where are you?” I call him at a quarter past 10. He’s late and it’s worrying me.

“I am so sorry! I left late and now I’m stuck in traffic.” He says and I let go of my breath. “I would have called but I didn’t know it was this late.”

“That’s fine as long as you’re alright. I’ll see you when you get here.”

“I should be there in 5.” He says. He’s right and shows up five minutes later.

“Hey, late boy.” I joke with him as I get in. I call Dawn. “I’ll call you when we’re leaving and you can get the others to my house.” I say.

“Okay, I will do that. I hope everything turns out okay.” She says.

“Yeah, so do I.” I say. I hang up and Brent takes my hand when we get to the hospital.

“Karli Levi?” The nurse smiles at me. “How are you feeling, Karli?”

“I’m feeling a lot better than I did a few weeks ago. I have more energy back and I’m not sleeping as much.”

“That’s a good sign.” She takes notes.

“She has too much energy.” Brent says and I hang my head. “She started running yesterday and needed her inhaler.”

“Yeah, that’s true.” I say embarrassed. The nurse scribbles it down.

“Okay, so you aren’t completely back to yourself, but that’s expected.” Not the words I wanted to hear. I want to be me again. “We’ll run tests and let you know.”

“Brent, I’m scared now.” I say and he sits next to me.

“You’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.” I lean in to him.

“I am so glad I have you right now. Thank you for not hating me when we broke up.”

“I could never hate you, baby.” He kisses me and the doctor comes in to take tests.

“Okay, we should have your results in about an hour.” He walks out and Brent takes me to the café across the street.

“Pick anything.” He says.

“I’ll just take a chocolate muffin.” I say and take a seat.

“Are you sure this is all?” He asks me and I nod.

“I can’t really eat right now.” I say.

“Okay.” We eat in silence and then head back for the hospital. It’s windy so I have to hold my wig on. Yes, I bought a wig until I get my hair back. I’m not loud and proud like some people.

“Karli, would you please take a seat so I can tell you the news.” Brent takes my hand and the doctor tells me everything.

“Okay, thank you.” I say and I call Dawn. “We’re leaving now.” I tell her.

“Well, what’s the big news?” Michelle asks when I get inside. Everyone is sitting on the couch; my parents, and all 8 of my friends. Yes, the Adub guys and I are good friends now. It’s amazing what a shift or two can do.

“I don’t know how to break it to you all.” I say and look up at Brent.

“Oh, Karli, please tell me it’s not true.” Dawn says.

“It’s not true! I am cancer-freakin-free!”
