On the Edge

Times Square

Karli’s POV:

August 15, my one year anniversary with Brent. He’s been in my house for about 3 months now and I love having him with me.

“You leave for Times Square tomorrow, Kar.” Dawn and the others are helping me pack while Brent is doing something with the guys.

“I know we are and I can’t wait. It feels so good to finally be doing something. I feel really good again.” I say. Everything has been normal since I got the good news.

“That’s really amazing, Kar. Is there a reason you feel so good?” Emily asks with teasing in her voice.

“Oh, I get it.” Kristle says.

“Don’t you have a hospital to be studying at.” I nag at her.

“Nope, not until next week.” She grins at me.

“You’re avoiding the question. Is there a reason you feel so good?” Michelle teases me.

“No, there’s isn’t. Brent and I have not done anything like that.” I tell them.

“Alright girls, I think we should let Karli rest. She has a big trip ahead of her.” Dawn shoves them out and runs back to my room.

“Thanks, Dawn.”

“Anytime. You may only be gone for two days, but who knows what might happen.” She winks at me.

“Nothing will happen.” She leaves when Brent gets home and we fall asleep.

“Wake up, Kar, we have a helicopter to catch.” He smiles at me and we get ready. The ride takes 6 long hours, but Brent makes them entertaining.

“I am so glad you brought me here. I’ve always wanted to be here.”

“I know you have, that’s why I brought you here. This was my plan for our three month, but you broke up with me right before then got the news.” He says.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I say and hold him close. The lights are dimming around us and I hear music start in the background.

“May I have this dance?” Brent holds out his hand.

“Yes you may.” I say and he spins me around. The song ends and Brent kneels down on one knee.

“When you found out you had cancer my heart sank but I knew I wanted nothing other than to be with you. I realize now just how short life can be; it all changes in the blink of an eye. When you found out you were cured I knew this is where I wanted to bring you. You’ve always wanted to visit here and I wanted to make that dream possible for you. I don’t want to live another day, another second, without you in my life. Karli Levi, will you marry me?”

“Yes, Brent, I will marry you!” I say and fight tears. He puts the ring on my finger then kisses me and it’s like fireworks explode, but they don’t really. “I love you, Brent.”

“I love you, too, Karli.” He takes my hand and we walk around.

“Who knows where we would be if you hadn’t forgiven me for pushing you away.”

“That’s not important anymore.”

“I have to call the girls!” I pull out my phone and he pushes it away.

“They already knew I was planning this.” He says.

“Of course they did. That explains so many questions.”
