On the Edge


Brent’s POV:

“Yo, Brent, are you ready for the show tonight?” Dillon asks before we go to set up the stage.

“Sure, let’s go with that.” Another day back in Los Angeles.” I have lived here for a few years and I’m getting bored. Nothing new ever happens.

“Come on, Brent, suck it up. We’re almost done with tour.” Cameron reminds me.

“Then we get to go home.” I say with fake joy.

“It’s not that bad. Think of Connie.” He smiles and I have to laugh.

“She’s such an adorable old lady.”

“You guys are weird.” Zach walks up. I am so honored to be a part of this band, it’s crazy. I never imagined being more than back up but girls go crazy.

“Thank you, Zach, that’s so kind.” I walk off and Cameron follows me.

“What are we gonna do on the next Weekend Show?” He asks. We’ve been doing this show for a while now and it’s gotten so much attention.

“I think we should open with a picture of James McCartney.” I say knowing how much fans are expecting a picture at some point.

“You have an obsession.”

“Hey, I didn’t say Katy Perry.” I raise my eyebrows and Cameron chokes on his coffee.

“Just don’t drink from my mug.” He says.

“Oh, no, it was mine and you got your Cameron germs on it!” I yell after him and I see him laughing. I can’t believe he drank from my mug.

“Come on, Brent, it’s time to go set up.” Dillon tells me and we walk out.

“Brent!” I hear one girl yell. I turn and smile at her then do a double take. This girl is gorgeous.

“Hey, how are you?” I ask her and her eyes get big.

“I’m good. How are you?” She asks and I’m afraid she’ll pass out.

“Great, thanks.” I smile at her and her friends run up to stable her. “Are you okay? Do you need to come rest backstage?”

“She needs to rest backstage.” Her friends throw her onstage and I take her hand.

“I’m Karli Levi.” She says.

“I would introduce myself, but you already know me.”

“Yeah, I do. You’re pretty awesome, Brent.” She smiles at me and it makes me smile.

“Thank you, Karli.” I help her to a couch and she sits. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little starstruck is all.”

“Good, I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.” I smile at her.

“I think I should lay down a minute. I didn’t eat before I came here.” She passes out and I freak out.

“Zach! This girl just passed out. What am I supposed to do?” He runs in with the other guys.

“Just give her some space. I’m sure she’ll be awake in a few minutes.” I see panic in his eyes.

“So comforting.” I go back onstage and get her friends. “Can you come backstage a minute?” They follow me.

“Oh, my God, Karli! What did you do to her, Brent? Oh, hi, Zach.” One girl yells.

“I didn’t do anything!” I yell back but she’s talking to Zach. In fact, all the girls are talking to one of the guys. Even Dillon has one girl talking to him. I just want my Sleeping Beauty to wake.
