On the Edge

The Amazing Brent

Karli’s POV:

“Karli, I was up all night thinking of a song for our first dance.” Brent says when I finally wake up.

“And what would that be?” I ask him.

“I was listening to our song, Kissed You by Gloriana, and a suggestion came up. She’s Everything by Brad Paisley.” He tells me.

“Oh, that song is so pretty.” I love everything country so naturally I love that song.

“I figured you would think that. How would you feel about having it performed live?” He asks me and my hands fly up to my mouth.

“You are freaking kidding me! Would he really do that?” Brad Paisley is one of my favorite artists.

“Yeah, if he’s not busy that night. If he can’t do it I’m sure Zach would fill in.” I don’t think Brent could be any more perfect if he tried.

“I love that idea, but you don’t have to do that. I’m fine with the typical music playing. We may both have a lot of money, but let’s save it for a rainy day.” I tell him.

“I haven’t heard that saying in a while, but okay, we can save it.” He agrees and kisses me.

“Sorry, my parents used to say it a lot.” My stomach growls. “We should probably get something to eat.”

“Yeah, food sounds pretty good.”

“Food always sounds good to you.” I laugh at him and Dawn calls me.

“I don’t care if you’re awake or not, the girls and I are here and we’re coming in. You and Brent better be decent.” She hangs up.

“But we’re going to be waiting. My group of crazies are here in 3,2,1.” On cue the door opens.

“We’re here!” Emily yells.

“Happy Saturday!” Kristle yells in.

“I wanna see the ring!” Michelle and Dawn yell as they run in.

“Here it is.” I say and hold my hand out. We all squeal and Brent walks over.

“Yeah, I’m going to get food. Do you want anything, Kar?”

“No, I’ll be there in a few.”

“How about I just go by donuts for all of us?”

“Chocolate!” The five of us yell. Brent rolls his eyes and leaves.

“So, how romantic was it?” Dawn asks me.

“It was amazing! We danced then he went in to this really long speech. The moment just felt amazing! The lights were dimming and everything. Then he said he has our first dance song picked out.”

“What is it?” Emily asks.

“She’s Everything by Brad Paisley. Brent said Brad or Zach could perform live, but I told him not to worry about it. I want him to save our money.”

“That is so sweet! And you know Zach would love to do it.” Dawn says.

“I can’t ask him to do that. You two will want to be together, I know.”

“You are so thoughtful.” We all sit around and gossip. Brent comes back soon after with donuts.

“Thank you, sweetie.” I kiss him and we all devour them.

“You four each owe me three bucks.” He says and they look at him, food hanging from their mouths.

“Excuse me?” Kristle asks with her mouth full.

“I bought them but you owe me.” He says and laughs. “I’m kidding. This time.”
