On the Edge

The End

Karli’s POV:

Brent and I have been married for 5 years and we have three amazing children; Hannah age 4, Jackson age 2, and the newest addition, Scott. I work for my parents, which is kind of weird, but it makes really good money when Brent isn’t touring. Dawn and Zach have been married three years and have twins, Lucy and Mary. Dawn is a stay at home mom so she’s always over at my house, not that I mind always seeing my best friend. Emily and Cameron have also been married three years and only have one little boy, John. Emily is a first grade teacher. Kristle and Michael were married shortly after Brent and I; they have four kids, Alli, Spencer, Paige, and Josh. Kristle loves her job as a pediatrician and it really does fit her personality. Michelle and Dillon, as I mentioned earlier, were married just before Brent and I, but they don’t have any children right now. Neither one wants to give up their free time. Brittany married Ben and Brent really approves of him. He gave the brotherly threat and Ben accepted it. Ben and Brit are really cute together and she’s one of the best sisters I could ever imagine. My parents are trying to be better and they’re doing good. They’re involved with my children and it’s warm to see how nice they can be. My life is finally normal.