On the Edge

Backstage and After

Karli’s POV:

I wake up on the couch with all of Allstar Weekend talking to my friends except Brent. He is looking over me and he looks worried.

“I passed out, didn’t I?” I ask him and everyone looks at me.

“Yeah, you did.” Brent helps me sit up and sits by me.

“I’ve been doing that a lot lately and I don’t know why. I did it yesterday at work. I’m fine, I promise.” I assure him.

“Should I call someone? Maybe your parents?” I look away from him.

“My friends are here, that’s all I need. I don’t where my parents are because they’ve been gone since I was 18. They didn’t even let me finish high school.”

“I am so sorry.” He pulls me close.

“You’d think the pain would go away after 6 years.”

“You’re 24?” He asks me and I smile.

“Yup, just like you.” He smiles at me.

“Guys, get the girls back out there. Your show starts in five minutes.” Someone tells them. Dawn and Michelle pick me up while Emily and Kristle help steady me.

“I got it, I’m fine.” Brent opens the door and waves to me. I wave back and we head back out to fight the mosh pit.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Dawn asks me.

“You’ve been doing that a lot lately.” Emily says.

“Guys, I’m fine. I have a doctor’s appointment next week to check on it.”

“I don’t think that’s soon enough.” Kristle looks me over. “As a girl in medical school, I think there’s something more going on.”

“Just let her be. If she wants to pretend it’s nothing then let her.”

“Thank you, Michelle, sort of.” I say and the guys run out on stage. This is just what I need. A chance to forget about everything else in my life. They play their set and an encore then tell us to meet them by the bus.

“They say it like we haven’t been doing that for years now.” Dawn laughs and puts her arm around my shoulder. We walk out laughing.

“You’re the girls that went backstage! How was it?” Some short blonde asks us.

“It wasn’t good. Karli almost passed out so Brent took her backstage.” Emily starts in.

“Then she really did pass out so we had to go back there with her.” Michelle finishes.

“We didn’t even get to meet anyone except Brent. It would have been nice to see the others.” Kristle covers for us.

“Is he super nice?” The girl asks and I laugh.

“Yeah, he is.” Dawn and I say at the same time.

“Well, that’s cool. Bye!” She bounces off to her friend. I hear them scream later and see the guys coming out from backstage.

“Hey, Karli, are you feeling better?” Brent walks up to me and my knees go weak.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better, thanks. Note to self, eat before a concert.” I laugh and he does too.

“That’s good. Karli, would you like to go out sometime?” He asks me.

“I would love to.”
