On the Edge

Goodnight Kiss

Karli’s POV:

Brent picks me up the next day at 6.

“So, where do you want to go?” He asks me.

“I guess we could just walk around the beach for a while.” I say and he drives there. He takes my hand as we walk and it feels nice being with him. He’s not like my last few boyfriends; clingy and possessive.

“Karli, you are really special.” Brent says and I look at him.

“Thanks, Brent.” He looks at me then walks off. He comes back with cotton candy. “You got the blue one! That’s my favorite!”

“It’s mine, too!” He says. This guy is absolutely perfect.

“Could you be any better?” I ask him.

“I don’t know, try me.” He taunts me.

“What’s your favorite book?”

“Anything that isn’t Twilight.” He says and I laugh.

“No way, that’s my answer, too!” He pulls me close and feeds me a piece of cotton candy.

“Do you have any siblings?” He asks me. “That’s a pretty big house for just you.”

“Nope, it’s just me. My friends are over a lot though, so I’m usually not alone.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks and I nod.

“When I turned 18 my parents just left. No goodbyes, no see you later, nothing. I usually get a card on my birthday but that’s it. As you can see, they were filthy stinking rich so I inherited everything. They usually send me money for bills and what not so I can pretend to be them. Last I heard from them they were in the Bahamas’.”

“That’s terrible! How could they do that?”

“Those are my parents for you.” I explain to him.

“I am so sorry, Karli, you deserve better than that.” He hugs me and we talk a little more.

“Oh, my gosh, Brent, it’s almost midnight!” I yell when I check my phone and we both laugh.

“It’s amazing how time flies.” He says and I blush. He walks me back to his car and drives me home. I get out and go inside. I turn out the porch light and look out the window.

“How could this have all gone so wrong? I thought he liked me.”

“Oh, Kar, I’m sure he’s just being a stupid guy.” Dawn says.

“I just don’t want him to go.” I am waiting for a goodnight kiss but it won’t come.

“You’ll be okay. As long as he calls you half way through the week. I would say by the end of the weekend but that was 10 minutes ago.” She smiles at me.

“Dawn, is it supposed to hurt so bad? I’m so close to really falling for him.”

“Hey, just let it be. Maybe he’s taking his time.” I’m about to close the blinds and walk away when he turns his car off. I see him sprint to the door and I open it.

“I just can’t leave without doing this.” He pulls me in and kisses me.

“I’m glad you did that.” I say and bite my lip.

“So am I.”

“Goodnight, Brent.”

“Yes, Karli, it is a goodnight.” I go inside and scream.
