On the Edge


Karli’s POV:

Brent and I have been together for two months now. I met his family after our third date. His parents are amazing and his sister, Brittany, is hilarious. She may be 19, but she acts our age. For Brent’s birthday last month I took him skydiving.

“You really need to stop stalking me at work.” I say and he turns around.

“I completely forgot you work here!” He says sarcastically.

“No you didn’t.” I smile. He makes me feel really good inside.

“No, I didn’t, but I wanted to see you anyways.” I start to walk closer to him and fall. Everything goes black and I wake up in his arms.

“Karli, I think you’re falling for me.” He tries to joke but I can see he’s scared. There are a few people around me including my manager, Ellie.

“How long was I out?”

“Only about 15 minutes. When’s the last time you ate something?” He asks me.

“Just about an hour ago. I have an appointment tomorrow so there’s nothing to worry about." I assure him.

“Didn’t you have one a while ago?”

“Yeah, but they didn’t see anything so they want to do more tests.”

“Should I come with you?” He asks me and I shake my head. Everyone but my manager walks off; she stays to where she can see us.

“No, I would like to do this alone, Brent. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and it scares me.” He helps me stand up and Ellie comes over.

“I think you should go home, Karli. You still have a few hours of your shift, but we’ll pretend you didn’t leave.” She winks at me.

“Thanks, but I’m okay to keep working.”

“No, you should go home and rest a while. I’ll be right back with this week’s paycheck for you.” She comes back a few minutes later and I see an extra hundred.

“Do you know what this is for? You never said anything about a raise.”

“To help you pay doctors’ bills.” She says and walks off. I look at Brent and he shrugs. I drive home and he follows me the whole way.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Kar?” He asks me.

“Brent, I’m fine! Please just believe me when I say that.”

“Okay, I believe you, Kar.” I hug him and rest my head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t want people treating me weird. My friends are going insane on me and it’s like I’m dying. We don’t even know what’s wrong.”

“Let’s just hope it’s nothing then. You can’t die yet, Karli, we have a huge life to live.” I smile and look at him.

“What are you hinting at?”

“Maybe something.” He says.

“Are we really doing this again?” I ask him and he laughs.

“No, I guess we don’t have to.” He starts to leave and I see a car pull in.

“No, this cannot be happening to me right now.”

“What is it, Kar? Do you know who those people are?” He asks me. They step out and run up to me.

“Oh, baby, we’ve missed you.”

“Mom, dad, why are you back?”
