On the Edge

The Appointment

Karli’s POV:

“Oh, sweetie, it’s so good to see you again!” My mom hugs me and Brent looks at me. I beg him to leave and he does.

“You call me when you get a chance, okay?” He asks.

“Okay, Brent, I will.” He leaves. “Why are you back?" I ask my parents.

“We missed you.” My dad says it like they’ve only been gone a week.

“No, you don’t get to do that now!” I shriek. “You left when I was 18 and you never contacted me since!”

“That is not true! We send you cards on your birthday.” My mom smiles.

“Yeah and they were usually a month late! I’m 24 now so I can legally have you arrested. This is my place now and you are trespassing.” I put my hands on my hips.

“We know this is a shock for you. We’ll come back tomorrow when you’ve had a chance to cool off.” Dad is acting like this is nothing.

“I have an appointment tomorrow.” I say and my mom narrows her eyes.

“Then we’ll come back the next day.”

“If you’re even here still.” I roll my eyes and they walk off. “I hate you!”

“Don’t ever say that to me again!” My mom yells and slams the car door. I text the girls and they come over.

“Wait, they just came in like it was no big deal?” Kristle asks.

“That’s right, they pretended they had every right to be here.” I say.

“Dude, that’s not right.” Dawn says.

“We’re here for you if you need us.” Michelle says.

“Thanks, you guys.”

“Well, I hate to be this girl now, but I have to leave. I have a date with Cameron soon.” Emily says.

“No way! I have a date with Michael!” Kristle yells out.

“Dudes, I’ve got a date with Dillon.” Michelle grins.

“Dawn, do you have a date with Zach?” I ask her. I don’t want either of them to be left out. We’ve all become really close.

“Yeah, but it’s tomorrow night.” They all stand up to leave. “Call me after your appointment tomorrow.”

“Yeah, text all of us.” Kristle says.

“I promise I will.” I fall asleep around one in the morning. I stumble in to the doctor and wait for a while.

“Karli Levi?” A nurse asks and I stand up. “Come on back and we’ll run some tests."

“Okay, sounds good. I’m so over tests right now, though, to be completely honest.” I say and she laughs.

“I hear that a lot.” I put the gown on and get poked with a bunch of needles.

“Karli, is there someone we can talk to? We’ve found some interesting results and we don’t want you to be alone for this.”

“Is there a problem?” I ask and the doctor won’t look at me. He just keeps filling out my charts.

“Normally I would so no, but yes there is. Would you like to get your parents in here?”

“I don’t know where they are.” I don’t want to talk to them.

“Can you call someone else?” I text the girls and Brent saying they need to get over here now.

“Yeah, they’re on the way.”
