On the Edge

The Day That Never Ends

Karli’s POV:

Brent and my friends come running in 20 minutes later.

“Karli, are you okay?” Michelle asks.

“I’m not sure. The doctor said they found something interesting and I should get moral support over here.”

“Oh, Kar, I’m so sorry. I hope everything’s okay with you.” Brent takes my hand.

“Karli, could you come into Dr. Seller’s office?” A nurse asks and I stand up. We all walk in there. Brent sits on one side of me and Dawn sits on the other. They both take my hands while Emily, Kristle, and Michelle put their hands on my shoulder.

“Karli, I’m glad you have all this support with you. I’m about to tell you something you may not like or be able to understand right now.”

“Well what is it?” I ask.

“Karli, you have cancer.” My heart sinks, I start crying, and I look at Brent.

“Excuse me? Cancer? As in, like, I’m going to die?” I can’t see or hear anything when he starts speaking.

“Are you okay?” He finally asks.

“I feel sick.” I say and run to the trash can. I puke my guts out while Kristle holds my hair back.

“That is a completely normal reaction to such troubling news.”

“I’m dying.” I say.

“No, Karli, you aren’t. This is a very minor case and we caught it early. We should be able to do some treatments and kill it off early.”

“Hey, we’ll be here with you the whole time.” Brent says as we walk out.

“Yeah, if you ever need anything we’ve got your back.”

“I can’t work. I’ll be in treatment so much.” Now I know why Ellie gave me the raise.

“You’re okay now that your parents are back. They can support you.” Kristle reminds me that they are here.

“Don’t even mention that again! I will not rely on the two people who deserted me!” I yell and then fall down and cry. My emotions are all over the place.

“Hey, Kar, you’ll be fine. I’ve only known you two months, but I know you’re strong.” Brent kneels down by me.

“You’re a fighter, Karli Levi.” Dawn says.

“You guys can go home, I’ll be fine.” I get up and start walking to my car.

“No, we’re going to your house and we’ll stay with you all night. Brent, you can stay or not.”

“I’ll stay with you. You’re my friends and I’m not leaving my girlfriend alone.” He holds me close and opens my door.

“Thanks, you guys, but Brent, I have a lot going on. Could you let me be with my friends?” I ask and he looks at me.

“Sure. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“No, Brent, don’t call me.” I say.

“Wait, are you serious, Karli?” He asks, his voice getting higher.

“Yes, Brent. I have cancer and my parents are back! I can’t exactly focus on us right now.” He walks off and I hear him slam his car door.

“What did I just do?” I ask when I get home.

“I was about to ask you that, too.” Dawn says.

“You know what, no, I can’t worry about this, too. I broke up with him and that’s all there is to it.”

“You aren’t going to beg for forgiveness?” Michelle asks me in shock.

“No, I’m not. I can’t focus on him and he needs to understand that?” I don’t want him to be around me when I die.
