The Perfect Fan

chapter 5

The next day, when he turned down the street that lead to her book store, he saw Paige sitting on the curb across from the store. She was staring straight ahead with her knees drawn up. Her elbows were resting on her knees and her hands were clasped together. Norman pulled the truck to the side of the road and shut it off with a frown. She didn't move and it didn't even seem like she was blinking. He got out of the truck and put his hands in his pockets as he started towards her.

" Paige?" He asked. " Are you okay?" She closed her eyes and shook her head. " What's wrong?" A tear started down her cheek as she pointed straight ahead of her. He turned towards the store and sucked in his breath hard. All the windows of the store were busted out and the inside of it was a mess. Books had been ripped down and thrown all over the room. The floor was littered with glass and books. "Holy shit. What happen?" He asked as he moved to her side. Paige opened her eyes and wiped her cheeks.

" I don't know. I got here about five minutes ago and found it this way." She said softly. He sank down beside her.

" Did you call the police?"

" Yeah. They told me not to go in."

" Yeah, that's a good idea. Are you okay?" Norman asked, his right side resting against her left.

" Who would do this?" She asked, finally looking at him. He shook his head.

" People are crazy." He said softly. She sighed and looked away from him. She shook her head and crossed her arms over her knees. She let her chin rest on top of them. " Look, I don't have anything to do today. I'll stay with you while the police come and then help you clean up, okay?"

" Okay." She said but he didn't really think she was listening to him. It seemed like she was in shock.

The police showed up a few minutes later. They quietly moved through the store while Norman and Paige continued to wait by the curb. It took fifteen minutes before a police officer came out to talk to them. The two stood up when the officer started making his way to her. Paige crossed her arms over her chest and held them there. Norman had his hands in his pockets still.

" There is no one inside. It looks like they were after money. The cash register was smashed and an office in the back was trashed. Do you keep money in the store?" The Officer asked.

" No." Paige said.

" I think that because they didn't find any money they decided to trash the place. I need you to try and do an inventory so we can figure out if anything was taken. I suggest you board up the windows quickly. I need to get some information from you." Paige sighed and nodded.

" Okay, I just need a second." She said.

" Sure. I'm going to get some paper work ready for you to fill out." The officer said before he walked away. Paige reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

" Can you do something for me?" She asked Norman.

" Sure." He said.

" Can you call or text Leo for me? Can you tell him what happen? If I talk to him, I'm going to start to cry." She said, handing over her phone.

" Yeah, no problem. Go talk to the police, I'll call him then come and find you." When he took her phone from her, he made sure his fingers overlapped hers but Paige didn't seem to notice. She dropped her hand and followed after the officer.

He looked through her phone, quickly finding her address book and pulling up Leo's number. The picture assigned to his number was of the two of them. Paige was lean against the railing of a porch with her head tilted towards her friend. His arm was draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a bikini top and shorts. He smiled as his eyes took in her tight stomach before he called Leo. It rang four times before her friend's sleepy voice picked up.

" Just because you have to get up early doesn't mean I have too." Leo grumbled into the phone.

" Ah, is this Leo?" Norman asked. He just wanted to be sure it was him.

" Yeah, who the hell is this and why do you have Paige's phone?" Leo's voice was more alert suddenly and there was an edge in his voice.

" This is Norman Reedus. There was an accident with Paige's store. Someone broke in." He said.

" Oh shit, is she okay?" Leo asked. He could hear the guy moving around.

" She's fine. She wasn't here when it happen. The police are talking with her but she asked me to call you. I think she would like you here." Norman said.

" No worries. I'm getting dressed. I'll be there in ten minutes." Leo said before he hung up.

Paige was leaning against the back of the police car when Norman walked up to her. The officer was standing in front of her, handing her a series of papers and his card. She was nodding as he spoke. Norman was worried about her because she was pale and her face was emotionless. He didn't know her so he wondered if this was how she handled stressful situations or if she was in shock. Once Leo arrived, he had decided he would go and get her some coffee.

" So a detective will call you as soon as one is assigned to you case. Anything you pay out of pocket, remember to keep your receits so you can turn them over to your insurance company." The Officer said.

" Yeah, okay." Paige said, standing up straight.

" Someone will be in touch." He held his hand out to her. Paige sighed but shook it. He turned to Norman and the two men shook hands.

" Thanks for getting here so fast." Norman said.

After the police left, the two of them started into the store, being careful of what they stepped on. Paige was looking around and shaking her head. He wasn't saying anything to her. He was just watching her reaction and her expressions. She was taking everything in slowly. Most of the books had been ripped down from the shelves and were laying all over the floor. The glass from the doors and windows was broken and crunching as they walked.

" I can not believe this happen." She finally said. She shook her head again and faced him. " I don't even know what to do now, where to start the clean up." He was flipping her phone around in his hands as he walked over to her. She was standing in the middle of the store by one of the couches.

" Leo is on his way. Did you have breakfast yet?" Norman asked, handing over her phone.

" I was going to eat when I got here." Paige said. She took her phone back and tucked it back into her pocket.

" When he gets here I'm going to run out and get us some coffee and you something to eat. You should call your insurance company. When I get back Leo and I will start cleaning up." He said.

" I don't need anything to eat." She said leaning against the couch.

" Yes you do. You look like you're going to collapse. You need something to eat and something hot to drink." He said.

" Why are you here?" She asked suddenly. He smiled and shrugged.

" I was coming to see you, to talk to you." Norman confessed.

" But why? If you need something, all I can do is call around to find it for you, I don't think I'm going to be doing business anytime soon." Paige said.

" I don't need anything." He said.

" Then what are you doing here?" She asked. Thinking it was not a good time to ask her for her number he said,

" Because you need help." He said, still smiling.

" Holy hell!" Leo's voice came over them as he stepped into the store. Norman moved to the side as Paige stood up completely. " Are you okay, Paigey?" he asked as he came forward. Paige went to her friend right away.

" I'm okay." She said as they wrapped their arms around each other. Leo's arms went around her neck while she took a hold of his sides. Paige turned her face away from Norman and closed her eyes.

" Was there anyone here when you got here?" Leo asked.

" No. I saw the glass was all broken and called the cops." She said. When they pulled away Leo tucked the hair behind her ears. Norman started to wonder if anything had ever happen between the two of them. They seemed to have an almost intimate connection.

" But you're okay?" He asked, making her nod.

" Just freaked I guess."

" Looks like we have a lot to do here." Leo said as he looked around. He tucked Paige back into him.

" Hey, I'm going to get us some coffee and breakfast." Norman said, bring their attention to him. " When I get back, we can eat then start cleaning up. Is there anyone else you can call to help?" Paige frowned as she shook her head while looking at him again.

" I only have two employees. I guess I could call them." She said quietly. Her head was still resting against Leo's chest.

" I have some friends in town, I'll call them and see if they can meet us here. I'll be right back." Norman reached out and patted her shoulder before he carefully made his way out of the store.

" You want to tell me why Norman Reedus is here?" Leo asked after he made sure his favorite actor was gone. He had pulled away enough to look down at her. Paige had her head tilted up so see him better.

" I'm not really sure. I was sitting on the curb and he pulled up." She said. Leo grinned and squeezed her.

" Maybe he likes you."

" Oh yeah, I'm sure he does." Paige said, rolling her eyes. She pulled completely away from Leo and started to look around. She sighed and shook her head. " Lee, you don't think...."

" Don't, Paige, okay? Just don't. This was a random act of violence, that's all it is." Leo said quickly. Paige took a deep breath and nodded.

" You're right. Things like this happen everyday here." She said.

" That's right, they do. It's nothing else. No one is targeting you or us. This was random." He said. Paige nodded as her chin quivered. Leo grabbed his friend and pulled her to him again. " Don't do it, Paigey, don't cry. You know I can't take it when you cry." She closed her eyes and nodded.

" I'm not going to cry." She said softly, taking the warmth, comfort, and strength Leo was giving her.

" Besides, Norman Reedus is coming here! We should be jumping for joy." Leo said, making her laugh.