I'm Not a Hero, I Really Am Just a Mad Man in a Box

I'm Only Human

The TARDIS jerked violently to a halt throwing Amy forward. Absentmindedly, she slipped her hand into the Doctors in attempt to regain balance. The Doctor repeatedly glanced between Amy's apologetic eyes and their entwined fingers. He placed his other hand on her shoulder firmly to steady her. He raised his eyebrows as if to say 'You okay?'
She shrugged lazily and nodded proceeding to twist her mouth into that famous pout of hers. The Doctor, suddenly realizing they were still holding hands, pulled away quickly wiping his hands on his shirt and adjusting his bow tie nervously.
'Right!' He stuttered in his usual ohmanagirljusttouchedme way. He stalked off to the other side of the TARDIS and began pulling multiple levers.
'Come on, love!' The Doctor encouraged through gritted teeth. He hit the console with his palm only to squeal and pull away mouthing 'ouch' shaking his hand. Amy rolled his eyes and pushed down the red flashing button. The familiar buzzing sound indicating the Doctor had messed up again seized to chime. She turned to the Doctor who was still examining his hand and cocked her head to the side.
'Ta da!' Amy sang, waving her hands like a show girl.
The Doctor's head shot up. 'How'd you do that?' he questioned, eyes wide.
Amy plopped down onto the floor, legs crossed, twirling strands of her orange hair around her fingers. 'You should listen to River more often,' she replied, her Scottish accent standing out more than usual.
The Doctor stood defeated and made a small involuntary noise from the back of his throat.
'My TARDIS, my flashy red buttons. Do not touch.' He pointed a finger in Amy's face who then slapped it away playfully.
'Alright, Mr Grumpy.'
'I am not grumpy, I'm just-...' the Doctor trailed off. He let out a deep sigh and walked away. His eyebrows pulled together tightly forming multiple lines on his forehead.
Amy frowned and sat next to the Doctor who now had his head in his hands.
'What is it, Doctor?' Amy pondered, concern creeping into her voice.
He turned her body towards her so their knees were touching. The heat of her bare skin radiated through his clothes. It felt good. Amy's heart warmed at the sight of the Doctors green eyes peering up at her through his long boney fingers. Running his hands through his tousled hair he chewed on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully.
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Chapter title-Flowers For A Ghost by Thriving Ivory
I'm sorry, this really isn't that great, but your opinions would be appreciated:)
'Amy pondered' see what I did there? I giggled.